Lots of Grogs

Grog 8 : Lord/Lady von Rothbart

Age: 30
Lord/Lady von Rothbart are the last living scion of a cadet branch of the local noble family. The family castle is near to the Covenant and through the occasional contact Castle-Covenant, they have become very interested in the Covenant as a mean to their end. They are very far down the succession line, but dream of ruling the castle anyway, and this ambitious eats at them constantly.
A few years ago, they encountered an Owl-fae and accidentally made a deal with them.

Von Rothbart: Oh how lucky you are Owl, to see at night and see from the sky. I wish I could see through your eyes.
Owl fae: It would only be fair that I could see through your eye.
Von Rothbart: Oh but you already can.

And so the deal was made. They had traded an eye for the ability to skin change into an owl.
And now von Rothbart schemes and plots how they might claim the family's ancient seat for themselves. They have little interest in weapons and hope to plot their way to power rather than fight (unless someone else does all the fighting). Von Rothbart will act courteously towards the magi, despite the Gift, as they seek to ingratiate themselves among their clearly power neighbours.

Note: If they fail to take the throne after a time but get promoted to companion tier character, they might have a child (with the virtue skinchanger (swan) ) and gain them the dependent flaw and bump Ambitious to major level to unlock a few more virtues (such as arcane lore).


Slim and dressed in the fine clothes of their status, Lord/Lady von Rothbart cut a striking figure. While not particularly graceful, they have a good turn of phrase

Why are they in the covenant?

They seek to use the Covenant as a springboard to inherit the Castle. They are obviously interested in the power and the magic that lies within, although they have no real understanding of it. They are wary of the fae and will seek to avoid making an actual bargain with the magi unless they get ironclad guarantees in return.
They are an excellent face, who could represent the Covenant's interest to local nobility.

They might already be married or if single/widowed, they might be interested in marrying a Noble born Covenant member to increase their ties to the Covenant (magi included) and seek to leverage this to bring the Covenant to their help in case of a succession opportunity.




Virtues: Skinchanger (Owl), Gentle(wo)man
Flaws: Ambitious, MIssing Eye

Area Lore (Covenant area) (Nobility) 2
Athletics (Flight) 3
Awareness (Searching) 2
Bargain (Bribes) 4
Charm (Wittiness) 5
Etiquette (Nobility) 3
Folk Ken (Nobility) 4
German (High or Low, whichever is local) (Prose) 5
Guile (Elaborate lies) 5
Intrigue (Plotting) 4
Ride (Speed) 3