Well, it seems to me that skills are too complex to fit in a memory palace but anyway.
Assuming you can find a way to get a master es art of memory transfering the content of his palace :
In a 'basic' locus, a realy good Art of Memory practicer can memorise up to 1 full day debate (and it's on a 18! ease factor)
For low level skills (1 maybee 2) it's may still be quite not too highly technical subject, but higher skills level or tricky ones car have a +3/6/more modifier on the ease factor.
So mainly it will be about memorizing a teaching course... which is usualy about 80days for a season, so 80 basic Locus per season of teaching.
I think we can also assume that having a vivid memory of the teaching course is way more efficient than just having the average memories resulting of a "basic lesson". So i'd probably double the 'virtual skill source'.
So, let say : vivid memory of a one season-long teaching course done by a realy good teacher (com 3, good teacher, teaching+mod 7, +3, +6one to one) 24, time 2 : 48 ! So quite close to a lvl 4 skill.
But 80 locus mean... 16 in art of memory... it doesn't seems to be reachable... let say 5 in art of memory dedicated to this for approx 1/3rd of the memorised training course and you're on 15xp, enough for a lvl 2 skill. At the expense of 20! locus that have to be untouched as long as you want to be able to implant it.
Then with 20 cast of a variant of Enhance the Memory Palace, you can implant it in somebody's mind for 1 moon. (but i'd suggest strong warping for 20 moon duration strong spells on the poor lab rat :p)
You can probably do way more using the 'Super Locus' created by the rituals linked to art of memory, but gods... such a huge amount of Vis for this.
So.. i'd say it's possible ! Somebody working hard as hell during maybee ages, to memorise a whole teaching course, can probably implant it in warped-to-be grogs for one moon. And have to keep it in memory as long has he want to enjoy the use of this 'power'.
Or you can pay a teacher who, in one season, will teach a handfull of your grogs how to speak latin 
But you can probably do it ! 
That's realy closer to the Diskworld (Pratchett) magic than the usual ArsMagica one, but that sound so fancy ! I have to speak about this with my SG