Thadeus' lab is located on the fourth floor of the new tower at Ungulus (irt occupies the whole floor), with his living quarters on the third floor (occupying half that floor). There is a dedicated set of stairs between the living quarters and the lab, and doors bearing his sanctum marker on both floors.
At the end of Summer 1013, the built-in fireplace serving as a major focus for the lab will come into play. The lab should have the following stats:
- Characteristics: Size +1, Occupied Size +1, Refinement 0, General Quality -2, Upkeep 0, Safety +2, Warping 0, Health 0, Aesthetics +5
- Specializations: Perdo +7, Auram +1
- Virtues and Flaws:
- Superior Construction (Structure, Free Virtue): The lab is located inside a tower raised by magic.+1 Safety, +1 Aesthetics
- Elevated (Structure, Free Virtue): Since it is on the fourth floor, it affords a commanding view of the surroundings. +1 Aesthetics; +1 Au
- Greater Feature - Fireplace (Structure, Major Virtue): On the north side of the lab, a very large and massive fireplace is built into the tower itself.+2 Aesthetics, +3 Perdo
- Greater Focus - Fireplace (Structure, Major Flaw): The fireplace occupies a central place in the lab. -2 General Quality; +4 Perdo
- Spacious (Structure, Minor Virtue): For now, the extra space in the lab is used to spread out the outfittings and equipment. +2 Safety, +1 Aesthetics
Plans for the future
Here I takes notes about future lab improvements Thadeus would like to make to his lab.
- Increase Refinement to maximum possible.
- Add the Lesser Expansion virtue (+1 General Quality, +2 Upkeep; 1 point on any Specialization)
- Add a summoning circle as a Lesser Feature (+1 Aesthetics, 1 point amongst the following Specializations: Experimentation, Spells, Cr, Re, An, Vi)
- Add an astrological device as a Lesser Feature (+1 Aesthetics, 1 point amongst the following Specializations: In, Vi)
The first minor virtue added would replace Spacious, which essentially uses the available Size of the lab.
The minor flaw Missing Equipment could be accepted (-1 Upkeep) at some point, precluding the activities Longevity Rituals and Vis Extraction, since those are activities that Thadeus is unlikely to perform in his lab, due to poor capabilities with Creo magic.