March 1218. New beginnings

We can provide some stats for that interesting book later, I suppose. :nerd_face:

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As she finishes her ditty, Sophie turns toward the man with a smile. "Hello, she says in Walloon. "I'm Sophie. What's your name? Are you new here, too?"

(Assuming this still happens.)

Toward the songbird on her shoulder Sophie says, Are you OK staying here, Siffleur? I'll be back for you soon. Don't worry."

She turns back toward the man and says (in whatever language he spoke), "That sounds reasonable. You seem to know what's what around here. I'll follow your lead." Sophie stands up and brushes her garments to make them a little more presentable after sitting down, despite the bottom end of everything still being soaked from fording the river.

EDIT: Woops! I deleted this message by mistake. truing to rebuild it from memory...

After a while a man comes from the woods dressed in fine forester clothes and sits by your side. You have never met him, but you know from hearsay who he might be. he is certainly not Thurold. Remi of Mouseau, one of the members of Triamore the coven at Lucien's Folly. Unless you say something he stays there for a minute or so, looking at the men building the wooden palisade and generally looking relaxed. After a while he looks up to the sky, gets up and says

we'd better get inside. It seems it will rain. I am sure your friend can stay here and be OK. if all goes well we will get him an invite from Daria later. You coming? Without further ado he starts walking towards the open barbican.

Remi smiles. he will be well for sure. I have been around for a while. 2 score years more or less. it seems a lot when you spell it out, but I still feel that I am new around here! .

When you enter you see a few covenfolk that bow slightly or salute him. He returns the salutes with a smile. He seems to be well liked by the staff.

"Yes, 'new,' 'young,' and others are certainly quite relative." There seems to be something suggestive to this that Sophie's not really hiding, just vaguely implying. "I would like to meet these others..."


Remi and Sophie enter the outer bailey.

Sulpice and Yannis see a woman and a man moving toiwards them. The man is dressed in good quality forester clothes. Sulpice recognizes him as Remi of Mouseau. The small woman .... (@callen you will have to help me here). They come towards you.

Ah, it seems that you have already meet each other. Fantastic! Sophie, these are Yannis and Friar Sulpice. gentlemen, this is Sophie. She has also been invited to the meeting with Daria LaGris today. I will leave you here and go put myself in more appropriate clothes before the meeting. I am glad you all could come. Meeting is scheduled for noon, so you have some time if you want to do anything. if not, you are invited to check with Isabel if you want anything from the library or Alma if you want a refreshment. feel free to ask! He smiles at you all and with these words Remi of Mouseau leaves you and heads for the entrance of the great hall.

In the outer bailey, a group of 6 men in armor train under the eye of an older man with an olive branch in his hand that he uses to smack them from time to time and correct postures or punish mistakes. if you have any experience he seems to be doing a good job even if the warriors might not agree given the bruises on their ears from branch strikes.

Other covenfolk go about their chores. You see the stablehand cleaning a stall, and a early tennage girl tending to the chickens. She seems to be gesturing to them as in conversation, even if she is not talking. Some goats move around the bailey as well. A pair of them are on top of the walls, observing the men repairing thew palisade. A pair of young women pass by your side and look at you curiously while carrying clothes that rhey proceed to hang between 2 poles as you watch around.

Yannis looks at Sulpice quizically and then at Sophie. "Bonjour Mademoiselle Sophie. Come, and sit with us."

Sulpice looks after departing Remi. He collects himself, nods towards Sophie and Yannis, and speaks lightly but clearly in Latin: Perhaps we all are 'Nór will Í intérfer wíth the áffairs óf mundánes' ... the last words spoken as if a Latin verse.

Then he watches and waits a moment.

Yannis shakes his head, smiles and replies. " per id sodales pessum." then looks at Sophie.

Sophie is a brunette, slight but not short. She has a sort of unearthly beauty about her. Her light boots and the bottom portions of her gown and traveling cloak are soaked from her recent crossing of the river.

"Merci, messieurs." Sophie takes the offered seat. "How long have you two been here? And do you know much about our invitation yet?"

Frère Sulpice looks quickly into Yannis' Eyes and closes his as a sign of tacit understanding.

Then he addresses Sophie in French: Bonjour, Mademoiselle Sophie! Remi has not informed me yet about the purpose of our meeting. Triamore went through some pains to set it up, I reckon.
Didn't Remi tell us, that he wanted to change? So I assume, that servants at Triamore will help you change out of your wet clothes too, if you so desire.

It is still cold here at the start of March despite the sunny day. After a few minutes you also get inside After a while, you get inside and go to the kitchen to have something to eat. The kitchen is quite busy, with 3 scullery maids, including a girl of about 12, moving around under the supervision of Alma, the chief cook. While you eat you see Alma and one of the maids take some cold items from one of the rooms. Cold rooms are common in castles, that take advantage of their own thick walls and dark interiors, but these items are really chilled.

You are finishing your trenches (or waiting patiently if you do not want to eat) when a well-dressed and groomed man of about 40 years enters the room and saludes the kitchen staff. After that he moves to your table and greets you. Monsieurs, madam, sorry for the wait. My name is Morris, and I am the steward of Triamore. Lady Daria LaGris, baroness of Triamore and Monsieur Remi du Mouseau are ready to attend you now in the great hall.

You follow Morris up from the stairs from the cellar and up to the solar of triamore. This big room is almost deserted at this time of day, but a fire burns happily in the chimney. After that you cross the foyer and go in to the library. The foyer is impressive, with a heavy iron chandelier hanging up from the ceiling. Even at this hour of day the candles seem to be burning intensely, an extravagance that you find curious since the light of day enters through the open front doors. SThe light of the candles reflect on the polished ceiling, walls and tiles of the floor. Sulpice informs you sotto voce that they are always burning, but that he has never seen anyone tending to them. Looking up you see a pair of consecutive rings painted in the ceiling, with some arcane symbology and sentences of what seems to be Latin, but walking and at this distance you cannot determine what they say.

After that you take to a side passage and enter the famous library of Triamore.

(If anyone wants to intervene or taking up the narration, you are welcome)

Yannis speaks in sotto voce once the group enters the library "Sulpice, if I join this Coven I suppose I'll have to learn to read, eh? Would be a waste not to considering all these books."

Sulpice answers Yannis very sotto voce, and in French: We will need to talk a lot! You made me pity you when you talked about working for Philipp II - but now I just begin to figure out your place in life! What may Sophie's be?

Middle of March is typically Lent: if so, Sulpice will be on bread and water.

It helps for playing my character, if I know also the Hermetic / astronomical calendar. Have we entered Spring season, and if so, when? I don't expect to have to make an Int + Artes Liberales (Astronomy) roll for that, or do I? But if I understood correctly, we are still a few days before the equinox.

that actually came out in another saga I play in via WhatsApp, one I play with 2 actual medievalists in the group. While amazing for immersion I tend not to be that precise myself, so I am giving the dates in 2020 terms. If you want to calculate the astronomical/correct date go ahead. The spring equinox is still 2 weeks away or so, yes.

Thanks! When will be Easter? As 2020?

Sophie asks where she might change and excuses herself for a moment to switch to one of her drier gowns in the same style. She then returns as quick as she can to get a bite to eat.

As they walk along Sophie marvels at the design of the place. (OOC - I figure she didn't catch Sulpice's question as it was so low to Yannis.)

As he notices Sophie's puzzled look, he says: Never mind. I arrived here weeks ago and had breakfast. You might have forded the Meuse an hour ago.

Yannis nods to Sophie when she comes back. Mademoiselle Sophie, forgive my impertinence if I am intruding, but I am curious as to what your vocation is

The room where you pass through is a gallery of sorts, the wing of a larger room divided by arched columns. The light here is less brilliant than in the foyer, illuminated by the chandelier and the sun spilling from the bailey through the open doors, and the stonework, though still trimmed, simpler. However, Sophie and Yannis find their jabs dropping. Sulpice not so much, but only because he has been here before like a good bookworm craving for knowledge before. There are dozens of tables and cabinets lining every wall here, and upon them books by the score — by the hundred. This is the celebrated library of Triamore.

The columns create a cloistered effect, almost as if the area is in fact three rooms, or a room with broad galleries to either side. It is in more than one way the heart of the covenant, and though it is not as fine a chamber as the foyer or the great hall, it reflects its importance with fine carpets and tapestries, well-crafted tables, and large chairs and benches comfortably padded. You hear the muffled sound of a pair of men in alcoves reading their books aloud, as is customary. Looking up you see a large pentagram in the ceiling of the room, one that must have mystical significance, even if right now you are unaware of its meaning. You want to step into the room and check the contents (or ask how to learn Latin to the scribe you see perusing the books), but Morris leads you straight through into another large room, the great hall.

If the previous rooms were magnificent, the great hall shows that Lucien of Namur really thought in grand terms. You enter through a door under the side balcony overhead, with arches supporting it. Beyond this gallery, stone pillars reach toward a roof the height, perhaps, of six men. The morning light casts beams of brightness through narrow windows onto a floor of polished stone inlaid with marbles of many colors. At the head of the hall there is a hearth larger than a peasant’s hut, with a great mantle resting on the heads of stone lions snarl in anger. This is a hall befitting the Holy roman Emperor during a Diet, well above what a Duke would need for his major meetings, let alone a count.
It is broad and grand, With the tall pillars supporting the open rafters of the high roof. You feel the vastness of the room. In a sense it seems to be too grand. It is austere and shows a massive power to anyone that would enter it through the main bailey doors. But as you approach the centre table it looks empty and echoing to you. Morris motions towards it, so you moved that way to await the Magi of Triamore, the wizards that have summoned you.

You want for a while in the vast room. After a while the door that connects to the library opens again and you see Remi of Mouseau (now well-groomed and dressed in red fabrics and furs) step out of it along with a servant girl and a regal and old woman sitting on a chair. The chair has articulated legs, and it is moving on its own volition. That would call your attention for sure, but the woman sitting on it in a dignified way attracts your attention. That must be the woman that signed the letters: Lady Daria La Gris, Princeps of Triamore and ruler of Bois de Haillot. Frere Sulpice has already seen her (even if the walking chair might be a new feature for him) but for Yannis and Sophie she makes a confusing look. She is regal and has a sharpness in her eyes that makes you stand up like a spring immediately if you were sitting, but she also looks frail and about to collapse. Time has been rough with this woman, that you know to be a powerful maga and have a reputation for stern but fair rule. She is dressed in a long grey gown, stern and elegant. Her hair is drawn back in a long plait braided through with chains of silver, that fall almost to the hem of her dress. Behind her, a scribe also enters the room.

Her hands are decorated with rings studded with gems and jewels, and she carries a cane of dark beech wood (identifiable to Yannis at first sight). Without a word she crosses the room in her walking chair and stands up her full height before walking the last paces to the table slowly and with purpose, looking at you all directly in the process. The girl stands ready nearby but does not intervene. You all feel her sight delve into your very souls and calibrate you for what you show to the world and (you feel) for what you truly are. After that, she sits behind the ornate table. The servants stay behind her, while Remi sits on the table herself. Daria flashes a sight of disgust in his direction, but says nothing.

You can intervene, or I will continue tomorrow