Maximilian of Verditius

Here's a stab at advancing Maximilian by 6 years, from the last Tribunal meeting in 1214 to the official date of 1220. Or are we really starting the saga on a Tribual year? If so I'll advance him one more year (inserting a year before the current Year 6).

Year 0 / 1214 A.D. (at time of Gauntlet)

  • Completes his Gauntlet and is recognized as a full magus at the Tribunal meeting (Winter). As a graduation gift, Aition of Criamon transfers ownership of a vis source in the Buraïcus River Gorge (about 30 miles east of Patras, in Morea) to Maximilian. He invites the young magus to travel with him to that source the next Summer for the first harvest. He also spends quite some time getting to know the other Verditius magi of the tribunal. Returns to Polyaigos with his mater, who informs him on the way back of her plans to leave Thebes the next Summer. -- (Included in apprenticeship)

Year 1 / 1215 A.D.

  • Spring: Helps his mater pack her laboratory and other belongings, during which time she also tells him more about the history and traditions of their House as well as further information about the other members of Verditius that he met at Tribunal. Negotiates with Polyaigos for the use of her dragon-house when she leaves, although he makes it clear that he intends to remain only for a few years before he moves on. -- (Gains 6 xp of Teaching in Verditius Cult Lore for half a season)
  • Summer: Travels with Aition of Criamon to the Buraïcus River Gorge to harvest Herbam vis from the source gifted to him. They stop at the oracular cave on their way back, where Aition includes Maximilian in a vision about a magical spring at the top of a mountain. Aition then leads the young Verditius around the region, sharing his knowledge of it and trying to find out the place shown by the vision. They don’t find it, but the Criamon encourages Maximilian to keep looking for it, and plants the seeds about this being a potential site for a new covenant. Maximilian sows wild oats in Patras and other towns. -- (Gains 7 xp of Practice in Area Lore: Northern Morea; +8 pawns of Herbam)
  • Autumn: Gives 4 pawns of his Herbam vis to Polyaigos. Studies the Ignem summa. -- (Gains 15 xp in Ignem; -4 pawns of Herbam)
  • Winter: Studies the Ignem summa. -- (Gains 15 xp in Ignem)

Year 2 / 1216 A.D.

  • Spring: Studies the Ignem summa. -- (Gains 15 xp in Ignem)
  • Summer: Travels back to the Buraïcus River Gorge to harvest his vis source. Takes the rest of the season looking for the site shown by the vision, moving west from there. Finds it near Patras and discovers a vis source at the magical spring. Still unaware of the faerie regio. -- (Gains 7 xp of Practice in Area Lore: Northern Morea; +8 pawns of Herbam)
  • Autumn: As service to Polyaigos, Maximilian installs a basic lab in the space vacated by his mater so that it can serve as a visitor lab after his departure. Exchange letters with various magi in the Tribunal. Sowing wild oats amongst the covenant’s mundanes. -- (Gains 2 xp of Exposure in Magic Theory)
  • Winter: Completes the installation of the lab. Gives out 2 pawns of Herbam as gifts and trades away 10 more pawns of Herbam in exchange for 8 pawns of Vim vis. -- (Gains 2 xp of Exposure in Magic Theory; -12 pawns of Herbam, +8 pawns of Vim)

Year 3 / 1217 A.D.

  • Spring: Studies the Ignem summa. -- (Gains 15 xp in Ignem)
  • Summer: Harvests his vis source and explores the area around Patras. Upon his return, he gets acquainted with the older maga Caterina da Vigonovo of House Jerbiton, just arrived from the Roman Tribunal. Exchanges numerous letters with magi who could be interesting in establishing a covenant in Patras. -- (Gains 7 xp of Practice in Area Lore, 1 for Northern Morea and 6 for Patras; +8 pawns of Herbam)
  • Autumn: Studies the Ignem summa.. Romance with Caterina begins. Gets responses from several magi who are interested in the potential site; he gives them indications to locate it to continue exploration. -- (Gains 15 xp in Ignem)
  • Winter: Studies the Parma Magica summa. Catarina becomes pregnant. -- (Gains 20 xp in Parma Magica)

Year 4 / 1218 A.D.

  • Spring: Studies the Parma Magica summa. Keeps in touch with the other magi for the new covenant. -- (Gains 20 xp in Parma Magica)
  • Summer: Harvests his vis source. Studies the Parma Magica summa. -- (Gains 20 xp in Parma Magica; +8 pawns of Herbam)
  • Autumn: Spends the season teaching Artes Liberales to some of the Gifted children as service to the covenant. Caterina delivers a baby girl. -- (Gains 2 xp of Exposure to Teaching)
  • Winter: Prepares a wand for enchantment. It is made of a core of hornbeam (wood, small), with the handle forming a mesh of wood encircling a small capsule of silver (silver, tiny) containing a few drops of mercury (base metal, tiny), thus providing a capacity of 15 pawns. This costs him 7 pawns of Vim vis to open. -- (Gains 2 xp of Exposure in Craft: Woodcarving; -7 pawns of Vim)

Year 5 / 1219 A.D.

  • Spring: Relationship with Caterina takes a turn for the worse, and he gets the impression that she used him to get pregnant before taking her longevity ritual. Exchanges 5 pawns of Herbam for 4 pawns of Ignem. Starts investing a power into the wand (Pilum of Fire, 24 uses/day, +30 Penetration). -- (Gains 2 xp of Exposure in Magic Theory; -5 pawns of Herbam, +4 pawns of Ignem, -4 pawns of Ignem)
  • Summer: Harvest his vis source. Completes enchanting an effect into the wand. -- (Gains 2 xp of Exposure in Magic Theory; +8 pawns of Herbam)
  • Autumn: Studies Corpus summa. -- (Gains 21 xp in Corpus)
  • Winter: Studies Vim summa. -- (Gains 21 xp in Vim)

Year 6 / 1220 A.D.

  • Spring: Provides covenant service to Polyaigos by creating a charged item, see below for details. -- (Gains 2 xp of Exposure in Magic Theory)
  • Summer: Harvest his vis source. Studies from the Magic Theory summa. -- (Gains 15 xp in Magic Theory)
  • Autumn: Studies the tractatus for mastery of Pilum of Fire. -- (Gains 10 xp in mastery of Pilum of Fire, taking the Magic Resistance specialization)
  • Winter: Learn Arc of Fiery Ribbons (CrIg 25) and Lamp Without Flame (CrIg 10) from lab texts, see below for lab total. -- (Gains 2 xp of Exposure in Ignem)

Year 7 / 1221 A.D.

  • Spring: Leaves Polyaigos and goes to the new covenant's site. Studies Herbam using 1 pawn of vis. Rolls a 6, plus the aura of 5, plus 3 for Free Study. -- (Gains 14 xp in Herbam, plus Affinity; -1 pawn of Herbam)
  • Summer: Supervises work on the covenant and harvests his vis source. Studies Herbam using 2 pawns of vis. Rolls a 3, plus the aura of 5, plus 3 for Free Study. -- (Gains 11 xp in Herbam, plus Affinity; -2 pawns of Herbam)
  • Autumn: Studies Herbam using 2 pawns of vis. Rolls a 7, plus the aura of 5, plus 3 for Free Study. -- (Gains 15 xp in Herbam, plus Affinity; -2 pawns of Herbam)
  • Winter: Remains at the covenant site to supervise ongoing work while the other magi attend Tribunal. Studies Herbam using 3 pawns of vis. Rolls a 10, plus the aura of 5, plus 3 for Free Study. -- (Gains 18 xp in Herbam, plus Affinity; -3 pawns of Herbam)

Details of the effect enchanted into his wand in Spring and Summer 1219:

  • Pilum of Fire (level 20), 24 uses/day (+5 levels), +30 Penetration (+15 levels), for a total level of 40
  • His lab total at that time was Cr (8) + Ig (15) + Int (4) + MT (7 including Puissant and specialization) + Inventive Genius (3) + Craft: Woodcarving (8 including specialty in wands) + Aura (4 in Polyaigos) + Verditius Runes and S&M Boni (7 capped by Magic Theory) + Similar Spell (4 for Pilum of Fire), for a total of 60. So he accumulated 20 points in each season, thus enchanting the effect in 2 seasons.

Details of the charged item created in Spring 1220:

  • A wand tipped by a small ruby that project a powerful bolt of fire (+20 damage) at Sight range, with a Penetration of +60
  • S&M Boni are +6 fire-related for the ruby and +3 project bold for the wand
  • His lab total at that time was Cr (8) + Ig (15) + Int (4) + MT (7 including Puissant and specialization) + Inventive Genius (3) + Craft: Woodcarving (8 including specialty in wands) + Aura (4 in Polyaigos) + S&M Boni (7 capped by Magic Theory) + Similar Spell (4 for Pilum of Fire), for a total of 60. So the item has a single charge.

Details of learning spells in Fall 1220:

  • Arc of Fiery Ribbons (CrIg 25) and Lamp Without Flame (CrIg 10)
  • His lab total at that time was Cr (8) + Ig (15) + Int (4) + MT (7 including Puissant) + Aura (4 in Polyaigos), for a total of 38. Both spells are learned and personal lab texts are generated.

Ends up the period with:

  • 26 pawns of Herbam and 1 pawn of Vim vis.
  • A total of 5 tokens (2 received when he completed his apprenticeship, 3 more from magi of Polyaigos for his covenant services)
  • Personal lab texts for all spells known
  • The enchanted wand
  • The untranslated lab text for the Pilum of Fire effect (Spring and Summer 1219)
  • The untranslated lab text for the charged item (Spring 1220)