My PC's are still messing about with the deals they made at the tribunal in the introductory session, they haven't yet got to the covenant. Thus I can still mess with my house rules about the Aegis of the Hearth without having to retcon anything. So here is my adjusted rule:
Aegis of the Hearth is a problem in that it takes vis every year and I want to run a game where vis is more precious. So Aegis of the Hearth can also be an enchantment that can be placed upon a shield (and only a shield, it’s very non-standard). The enchantment lasts one year per casting and is identical to the spell in the core book including requiring casting the spell as a ritual to activate the enchantment. Just not requiring vis.
Also the level of the Aegis stacks with the parma of those who took part in the ritual while they are within its protected area. I’ve been bothered that it is easier to cast a spell on a magus from outside the Aegis than from inside of it.