New Ex Misc. Traditions

Neat. Have you given any thought as to what sorts of Sympathy Traits members of this tradition are likely to have?

Good point:
Positives: Fools, Greedy people, money, And many others to the things to negotiate, some animals usefulls (since horses and cows, to pigs and toads).
Negatives: Oaths, law enforcers, and similars.
Similarly, the taboos for their Powers are related to that things.
(And i must admit that i was inspired for the Dr Faciliar from Dinsy's "The Princess and the Toad" to make this tradition of Tricksters)


Major No Hermetic Virtue: Greater Immunity (Diseases)
Minor Hermetic Virtue: Affinity with Corpus or Puissant Corpus
Major Hermetic Flaw: Difficult Longevity Ritual

This mystery cult is dedicated to finding ways to heal, and ward against diseases.