New ReTe spell: Warrior's Wield

Ok. Warrior's Wield seems controversial on a number of different issues, and I feel a bit frustrated because it seems to me that people are jumping from one to the other, making it hard to nail down what's wrong. So I've opened another thread here discussing a similar spell ("Gauntlet of Ogre Power") that does not affect the hilt of a weapon, but a gauntlet wielding it. This should address several of the issues people have (for example, if I understand jebrick's position, he should be fine with it) and will hopefully allow me to take a "divide and conquer" approach to discussing of Warrior's Wield.

Thankful to everyone who has contributed to the discussion of Warrior's Wield, I'd be doubly thankful if they could post on the other thread.
If and when a consensus is reached on that, I'd come back to Warrior's Wield, that I see as a variant, to deal with any remaining issues specific to it.