new spell(dragons burp)

spell effect-you burp out with GREAT force a large(for your mouth)cone of fire
prequisites-creoperdo(I think thats the form name for fire)25(corpus)
tell me what you think of this offering,please.

I think it would probably be a Muto-Corpus effect with a Ignem requisite. The range would probably be Personal/caster as it is centered on the caster or near/voice depending which version you are using.

your porobibly right.

Any other thoughts about this spell?(such as any other energy types you could spew out of your mouth)

I would personally say it would be just as effective as a Creo(rego) Ignem spell

using base 5 (+5 damage in an unusual shape)

Range - Personal
Dur - Mom
Target - Invidual (+ 2 size)

(Base 5 R +0 Dur +0 T +2, +1 Req)

The rego requisite would ensure the caster wasn't burned so a level 20 spell would do +5 damage with each +5 Damage

This of Course would engulf an area of 100 cubic paces so toning down the area to tone up the damage may be an option

If it makes you breathe fire (personal or touch range), it's MuCo (with ignem and of some serious magnitude, because it's a supernatural ability.

If it merely throws fire out of your mouth, the range has to be eye, voice, or sight, and it can be CrIg with no Corpus requisite (but possibly a Rego requisite depending on where the fire is coming from). It's basically just another form of something like Arc of Fiery Ribbons then.

I agree with the ability vs single instant cosmetic effect

The only thing I'd say about eye range is (serfs parma) don't you have to catch and keep the targets eye during the spell-casting? Dramatic fiat aside, this is nearly impossible mid combat.

Voice would be better unless as I concieved in mine, it was a very short ranged gout of flame in an unsual shape (with a rego requisite to stop it buring the caster and controlling the shape) This would be very short ranged however if you add voice and size you could create a great torrent of flame which covers everything out to the target in flame.