No Written Covenant Charter

You can keep covenants quite short and sweet if your players aren't too fussed.

This is one that the players put together for the Brunnaburgh saga

It lists the amount of work expected from the magus, the amount of renumeration in vis, the weight of their votes in council and a few minor other details. Everything else the characters thrashed out in council which was frequently, acrimonious and hugely entertaining. We also had a character who was totally out for himself (Ryce, of house Bjornaer) and who would take every opportunity to come out ahead of every deal. It was great fun.

How'd it go?

I was incredibly excited to read through this, as someone who also decided to run my first Ars Magica game in Corsica. As far as the covenant charter goes, the story-est way to'penalize' them for not getting it done is to have the quaesitor who was sent to ratify it go missing. Or perhaps just tell them that they need to find a quaesitor who is willing to ratify it. Possibly before that rival covenant goes after their Vis.