OOC chat

That moment when you're glad not to be in the room because the temptation is high to tell them what I think of religion that makes people consider suicide.


@silveroak what would it take to find out what, if any, is our Famiiars' score in MT, and their Int? just so I can calculate my Lab total for future projects.

Not suicide, that would be an unforgivable sin. They simply allow someone else to murder them and later that person can ask forgiveness.

Right, the difference between a forgivable and unforgivable sin, near as I can tell. :slight_smile:

Well if you die you go to heaven but if you stay alive and sin you go to hell. Hard to argue with that logic. Though whether a mutually agreed-on murder is really suicide is kind of a question mark IMO.

Is this saga using the rules that moving across a circle will count as breaking the circle? I am curious because when I've talked to people about that interpretation, often people were aggressively against it
EDIT: This question was answered in a later post. I still think this is a reasonable and interesting interpretation. I like it.

So we have a vis gathering issue, and a lot of cathars we're thinking of putting in slumber and feed artificially. Since minds can't cross circles but machines can, that might be a way forward. Does anyone have an idea of making the next logical step concrete - harvesting vis from their dreams, matrix-style? :rofl:

Edit: wait, if we can wait a few years and they warp enough, maybe we'll be onto something.



My character has a mMF in Legendary Creatures. If I try to research a spell to turn into a Legendary Creature, does it have to be a creature known to her, or might she think up a creature, say a fiery bird of prey, or a wolf that can swim through the earth, and research a spell to turn into such a creature? (Obviously such spells might add more requisites)

A legendary creature is a creature of legend, meaning it has a long established lore, not something she makes up herself.
Also note that transforming into legendary creatures will generally mean creatures with might scores...

Would a Magic Lore check be in order to research such creatures?
How long would that take?

Depends on what you are trying to research.

talk to the covenfolk, and maybe down at the Oasis, and see if she can find descriptions of a magical creature, so she can work on a spell to turn into such a creature.

You keep saying "such a creature" with no indication of what creature you are talking about. There are several mythical creatures in your menagarie, so what exactly are you looking for?

I want to research about a legendary bird, and a legendary wolf. As far as I recall, we don't have any such creature in our menagerie.

There are numerous legendary birds and wolves on European lore. while the Phoenix is technically middle eastern/north African it made its way into European lore via Greek culture, there are whole lists of wolves, legends of magical ravens, doves, etc...

To be more specific, she wants to research a legendary bird famed for it's speed, and a legendary wolf, or fox, whose legends revolve around the desert, and using it's sands to it's benefit.

Once the oasis adventure is over (it's getting there, I think, since the lizardperson was caught), we can probably move time forward again, unless something happens. The charter discussion can go on in the background, as can whatever is done with the lizard, right?

My suggestion would be to make next Spring the designated "adventure season" - that's when the Europe expedition for the perfectus happens, so even if the character intends to stay behind, it would make sense to have whatever adventures they have planned concurrently.

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Birds are rarely referenced by speed in myth and legend in part because they are already seen to be so fast by comparison to land animals. Obviously birds of prey are known to be faster than songbirds, and there are individual exceptions such as Huginn and Munnin who could travel the world in the blink of an eye.
You do recall however a legend (OOC: FYI this is not a real legend out of game) from a Finnish tribe which spoke of a Kelmickuk, a bird with six wings (three pairs) that has feathers like a bird but buzzed like an insect and could fly at incredible speeds.
You know many legends of desert wolves, but "using the sands to its benfit" I'm not sure where you are going with this in any way that would make sense to medieval thought.

camouflage, and misdirecting it's prey.

There are stories of wolves which vanish, but nothing about camouflage, and stories about wolves which confuse the senses or ones which are vicious, but nothing about misdirection.

Hiding is a medieval concept, camouflage is not, and an ability to hide is just that- an ability, which is not inherent in a form.