Concerning your development rules:
You state that we must have a living family and parens. That doesn't work for me. Polyoppoties murdered his parens in old fashioned Tytalus style, and was proclaimed a magus by his House for doing so (this takes place outside of GT, but it could be at GT where it is officially proclaimed). Also, his family was murdered when he was a small child, which provides the source and inspiration for his multiple Personas & personalities. I do have him get married and have step children. Or rather, his one female persona does. Polyoppeties has the Gentle Gift, whic is essential for deep cover identities. You also state that Hermes Portals are untrustworthy, which puts a serious cramp in my design. He has a portal as part of his lab, and is how he manages to truck it back and forth from the covenant to his (or rather, her) home in Italy. If the covenant is located in Italy, then that is not an issue.
I am basing Polyoppoties 3.2 on the original Polyoppoties 1.0 from the Falling Leaves game that never got off the ground. He can be viewed here...
The 2.0 version is something I was tinkering with at home. The 3.0 version is what I originally intended for your game. 3.1 and 3.2 are revisions of the concept based upon your HR's. The only HR's I have an issue with are the ones I mention above. The other HR's do not interfere with my concept. I just need to mechanically tweak the character to fit them.