OOC Discussion

Okay, I feel like I've stumbled into a discussion in the middle of it, and I'm not quite sure what the issue is. Does it stem from this section of the covenant writeup:

If so, I'm not really seeing what the issue is. If you're part of the covenant, you get the vis, if you're not, you don't. If you stay at the covenant for three years, you can join and then get the vis.

When I make a new character to join an existing saga (or any game, Ars or otherwise) I never expect my character to have the same level of power or influence as the characters already in the game; that seems unfair to those that have been playing longer. I can absolutely understand the issue of balance for all of the new players coming in now (although I'm not all that big on balance in general, because it really doesn't always make realistic sense), but I'm not sure why you feel the need for us to have balance with already established characters who've been in the chronicle for a while. I'm not even sure what "fair play" means in the context of a saga like this. It's not like we're going to be playing against each other and thus need to be balanced so we can figure out which one of us is the best player.

I for one am making a "homeless" itinerant magus, and had my eyes fully open as to the issues that will cause, and the disadvantages it will bring.

It is not that statement on Vis, but the fact that I found out about the impacts of homeless after character gen, and I hate it, and there is a refusal to allow it to change.

The way I see it, is that if you're a member of a covenant, you normally need to perform some sort of service to enjoy the covenant's resources - be they vis, silver, grogs, or whatever. This situation is really no different - if you're not performing service for your home covenant (or for some reason don't have a home covenant), then you shouldn't expect to be paid. Plus, "homeless" magi should really be looking to join a new covenant, if they want vis - how else would they get it? A recurring vis source needs to be registered to a covenant in order to guarantee the vis isn't grabbed by someone else, right?

It's not like there aren't any number of things guest magi could do that would be considered "service" to Nova Castra. For example, I would think that the assistance Gregorius has been receiving from Fray in clearing the caves and exploring the regio could easily be considered "service" to the covenant.

Or, if your character didn't want to do "service" for the covenant, you could do other things - trade spell texts; scribe a book; create enchanted devices or potions; or even go vis-hunting to replenish your supply.

Don't see it as an "extra" penalty for your character - a homeless magus would be doing these types of things anyway, no matter where they wander. Being a member of a covenant is a balanced story element - sure, you may get a vis income, but you also have to answer to the other magi (be it "service" or whatever). Being a "homeless" magus is a lot like not having a job in the Real World™ - you don't get a paycheck, but you don't have to spend 8 hours a day doing someone else's bidding.

In short, I don't think any of us needs to worry about not having enough vis - if we want it, the SG will make us pay...one way or another.

:slight_smile:, MdV

The issue isn't the why, it's that a major ramification is being added in play after my background was written, and major enough that a HR is being considered.
I understand the point you are making. My point is that I would not have written a line in background which implies homeless if any of this had been made clear. It wasn't.

I've already said I agree with the effort for Vis approach. That concept was written days ago, where my background was written years ago.

Based upon the state of the current approach I wish to alter it. If the HR neutralises the imbalance then I'll make a choice.

The fair approach is to allow consideration to how an unforeseen impact might be agreed in the troupe.
Get the HR written up.

I don't recall rejecting that--if you want him still to be a member of that covenant, that's fine with me.

Yes, my intention was to make things more fair to the homeless magi, not to mention more fair to the members, who do have to work for their vis.

Basically, I don't think anyone should have a free lunch, and if you're a member of another covenant, that membership has consequences that will eventually come up for a PC who's visiting Nova Castra long enough. If nothing else, you might be called back for a season or two to deal with covenant business or a crisis. I'm reluctant to make that a house rule, because it's not really a game mechanic, but perhaps it could be made a mechanic, or at least it could be made a clear part of the background.


Ok, I'll do so. I'll highlight the changed section in the background when it's edited.

Sounds very good. Would you like me to draft something for consideration?

You can if you like, but I'm happy to write it.


After a long, hard week (I've got a job now, but I'm not sure which job just yet), the saga should now have my full attention.

I've just added this language to the description of character generation:


Congratulations on the job! I know that must be a real relief.

Thanks, and more or less: I got a real raw deal in an interview for the job I actually wanted--the interviewer apparently came in already having decided not to hire me.


That sucks. A total waste of your time. Sorry to hear.

Glad it's worked out though Mtk. Interviews can be nerve wracking at the best of times.

Yuck. Glad you've got something, at least.

In case people aren't reading the "In Search of a Singer" thread, does anyone want to take over playing Theodoric in it (Cuchulainshound seems to have stopped posting)? The basic premise of the thread is that 3 grogs have been sent out by Viola to find her a singer.

As a warning, I'm a fairly new GM, trying to learn "on the job" as it were.

Yeah, congrats on the job. Being without one can be very stressful in my experience :slight_smile:

Just as an FYI, I'll be out on vacation from July 17th through July 27th. I'll be on an Alaskan cruise for most of this time, so my Internet access will be slim to none. Please don't hold anything up on my account.

OK, have fun!


Sickness has mean posting is hard. Hoping to be on my feet in a few days.

Yuck. Hope you're feeling better soon.

Me, too.
