OOC Discussion

I've edited the stat post for Bogdan and Godzimir to make it more legible (following the table formatting getting mucked up as part of the forum move).

I was going to post a kick-off for Viola's lab story, but I don't seem to be able to post new topics in this forum. Is it a SG only thing, or are there permissions I can get?

I just wrote Michelle about it. In the meantime, give me a name, and I'll start it for you.


Chapter X (Winter 1230) - Singing the Changes

X is probably either 3f or 4a? Up to you exactly how you want to number it. Please also feel free to change the season if you want to - this is happening when Viola decides to make it happen (so happy for you to kick the thread off with a description of "Viola decides to do X").

OK, I can kick it off. In the meantime, I've written Michelle, who's going to give you GM status, so that you can start threads. We can do the same for anyone else who wishes the SG.


What is our plan for getting the Amazons thread going?

Have the magi decided on their preparations? Once I'm sure of that, I can get things rolling.


I think you still needed to finalise what spells Asena was learning to make wolves and horses play nicely alongside each other (and then update her character sheet).

I need to actually apply the proposed advancement for Gregorius and the grogs to their character sheets. I think Ironboundtome has already done Fray.

Once we're ready to go we should send messages to JesseHeining and John_Graham_52 (and Pralix, I suppose, just in case) to give them the opportunity to pick their characters up. If they don't turn up we either NPC them as already proposed for Asena or leave them out of the adventure.

Basically, there's not a huge amount, it's just not moving very much. I think setting a deadline might help.

I'll get Asena done by Sunday.


Thanks. Once we've got it confirmed what's happening with Chryse I'll finalise the grogs and then Gregorius. I might switch Damianos to teaching rather than training Gregorius if he still has Latin 3 - it's not entirely clear to me what level you need a mutual language at to teach, but that feels like it should probably be enough.

I think 3 is about right for teaching magic--2 or even 1 would work for blacksmithing, but if nothing else, the child needs to know the magic words.


Art & Academe (pg 96) suggests that children being taught Academic Abilities in Latin can put up to half of their xp gained into Latin instead. It feels like in theory this should apply more generally to anyone being taught in a language they don't know well.

(The same box does actually imply that you can attend classes even if you've got a score of 0 in the teaching language, which feels inconsistent with the statement on pg 164 of the core book that the student and teacher must share a common language - 3 for magic feels reasonable.)

Viola has no intention to teach her where it's not effective to do so, in any case.


I have now updated the grogs and Gregorius - is there anything else I need to do before we start the Amazons thread?

Well, we really need at least one of the other players....


True. I'd suggest posting an initial kick-off post, and sending everyone a pm? Hopefully we'll get at least some of them back once there's something for them to do.

I'm watching the threads at least every few days - sorry if I missed something I should have jumped into, just thought it was going well without shoe-horning another player in.

That's fine - I realise I never really responded properly to your taking up the grogs when I should have done.

Fell free to jump in if the grogs have any ideas for the "dealing with the storm" problem - in some ways that's something they're better suited to than the trio of Gifted people with maximum strength of -3.

We may be weak, but we have great hair...or at least, really interesting hair.


I'm pretty sure that's the gorgon.

Edit: Alright. So Viola's changes colour. And Chryse's grows flowers. But Calliope's is just normal!