OOC Discussion

And here we once again fall into the Language trap. Should Greek-mythology based faeries speak Latin? Grr...

My personal ruling is going to be that Faeries all speak some mystic faerie tongue which is comprehensible to all, and yet somehow manage to teach the local language to those with Faerie Upbringing, and move on. We can discuss and ret'con if anybody minds.

Isn't that in Faeries somewhere anyway?


The only Faerie book I've read was 2nd Ed. I'll take your word for it, though :wink:

For an entrance idea, how about if Patrick shows up with the covenant's assigned Redcap to introduce him? And on the voyage here, Patrick discovers that the captain of the Redcap's ship is Patrick's new go-between for cult correspondence?

Granted, it might be early for the Redcap to be checking in, but I thought I read somewhere that the Redcaps will be visiting monthly?

Yes--and that will work, yes.


Viola throws a party the night of the council meeting, which a great variety of Might-possessing beings showed up to. So, I need the Aegis to not be cast until at least the morning after the council meeting.

Maybe you can keep Portia occupied all day with creating lab equipment?

That sounds reasonable.


So...do you want to do that, or should I? And in which thread?

He could show up after we work things out with the village and the faeries--I don't think the Redcap would get there sooner than a couple of weeks after the landing.


At this point, I'm inclined to say that by SG fiat she creates all the planned labs, probably out of fear that if she doesn't, she'll be seen by the Tribunal and wider Order as undermining the project. Given that the covenant has a whole mess of vis and neither the equipment nor the funds to set up labs, creating the labs would be both a headache and an additional story--though if you guys think that would be a fun story to play, we can do it.


Personally, I think having her cast 10 ritual spells she hasn't mastered, and leaving us to store/clean up/repair the results will be plenty of fun on its own, especially given that the covenant doesn't have 10 rooms, let alone 10 labs right now.


Viola has some knowledge rolls coming up. Would you prefer to:

  • ask for the ones you want and roll them yourself
  • have me roll the appropriate skill and narrate, displaying the results of the roll
  • have me roll the appropriate skill and narrate without displaying the results


It works better if you make the rolls yourself, secretly--especially for botches.


Casting all of ther spells is going to take her a while (1 lost fatigue level per spell, which is going to mean in practice it'll take her the better part of ten days). She can probably be hand waved to to agree to create labware for everyone except Viola, but Viola is going to take some roleplaying, or at least an OOC agreement of concessions made - remember Portia has both hubris and a major proud flaw, and being seen to meekly buckle down to someone who insulted you is also going to get you a poor reputation.

Is someone playing Alcimus? He could join the Haunted thread and meet Patrick.

I haven't seen posts from any of the other new players in a while. Are you guys still making characters?

You're welcome to play him, if that's all right with his master.


Alcimus isn't being played by anyone at the moment (and has the Independant familiar flaw, so technically he should be really), and I've no objection to him showing up in the Haunted thread (certainly Gregorius didn't take him to meet the villagers). I'm not sure how well Amul playing him would work though (and also I'm not sure that's what he meant, although I may be wrong there) - it's hard (and somewhat unrewarding) to play both sides of a conversation. If you do play him, Amul, please don't turn him into comedy-wolf - he's really not meant to be.

Yeah, I was suggesting that whoever played him could meet me in the thread, not requesting that I play him. Although, now that I know he's independant, I might want to use him as my b-team.

The comedy routine of Patrick isn't going to last, by the way. It will resurface, but I'm trying to play with dichotomies, and practically make him bi-polar.


What do you want in your lab design? Anything you don't want? As you may have guessed, it'll have Regio and Inhabitants, or some such flaws/virtues.

Hmm...it's been a few months since I looked at it. Tonight or tomorrow I'll have a look again, and maybe also detail that mystery cult for you.

Any ideas? :slight_smile:
