Opening Items Over Multiple Seasons

I'd probably limit it to a max number of seasons equal to either Artes Liberales, Philosophiae, or Magic Lore.


Not a bad idea, but I'd probably limit it by Magic Theory instead. That is after all the main ability used for creating enchanted items - the ones you listed are only used in some special cases.

But there is also a reason why I specified "consecutive seasons". Spread it out over too many seasons, and you can be sure there will be some interruption preventing work in one of them.

Magic Theory is one ability that Magi already invest in. The others are less so, so gives more of a limit to the number of seasons. Plus, if you do it by Philosophiae, it kinda mirrors the Elder Verditius Runes, except you can do it by Magic Theory per season, for a number of seasons equal to Philosophiae, while a verditius can use the same amount of Vis, in one Season.


It can always be a new ability which requires its own study...

unless you combined it with verditious. Being able to spend magic theory*philosophae pawns per season for (new ability) seasons could generate some really massive totals.