Extremely NOT comparable. The money spent still has a "real" background and there is almost zero localisation of effects because longrange transportation is the norm today.
That was exactly why i earlier said that you can get away with it if you´re at a major trading hub(or if the covenant itself spends its cash nonlocally).
Because covenants are usually not placed in areas of dense population. Making the influx of cash automatically a major part of the local economy. And a small economy cant handle that much extra cash.
If you´re sited next to a large town or inside a city, then its likely going to be fine.
As i mentioned already, why dont you take a look at what happened with goldrush economies?
The major difference being that here you´re having less of the benefits since the big spender is just one single entity rather than a big bunch of them, spreading the spending more evenly.
Higher wages, yup. Increase in population, yup. Those two alone will greatly affect food prices, and that all by itself will be enough to kickstart serious inflation. It´s something that HAS happened many times in history already, places where a goldrush have caused a boom, followed by famine and extreme inflation, sometimes followed by the town more or less becoming deserted, despite being a perfectly viable place to live before the boom economy.
Yes and no. Even when there was a local economy, you didnt go there just with cash, and yes it was(at least in part) because there was fear of shredding the economy.
Oh, as long as enough of the cash isnt spent locally, its just fine.