Not in the least.
I would be concentrating on Herbam , so i dont see any conflict arising.
Just give me a lab text for a polishing spell to make all the glass and metal bright and shiny.
If you're still looking for players, I'm wanting to try a pbp Ars game. I've tried pbem Champions and a pbp (kinda) Ars with middling success (the Champions had to be rebooted after most of the players left, and the Ars campaign seems to have pretty much died after the sg had some major health issues).
I've got a character concept in mind (I'm thinking of a Bjornaer Mentum specialist), and I'll try to get her drawn up by the 20th if I have time.
( username is my character name from the former Ars campaign, and wouldn't be the character I'll be using here)
Welcome , Leonis/Ray!
Hi there,
Hopefully I'll be joining you guys. I have a few ideas
- Gifted Red Cap
- Bonisagus Researcher
- Jerbiton Sculptor
Are any of those stepping on others toes?
Another player!
I just hope Atlas soon sets up our thread - otherwise we will have to spend one more week or so on character generation.
Seriously! I've already completely revised my character concept four times.
If we don't want to wait for Atlas to set up the forum, we could try using Obsidian Portal. The wiki and map options seem pretty useful.
In an effort to prevent myself from completely re-writing my magus again, I'd like to petition for some grog or companion characters for us to detail up, or for you to provide more background on this winter covenant and why we won't need any. Here's my reasoning:
- Magi have servants. They perform a lot of mundane tasks for us so we don't have to waste time cooking, cleaning our clothes, or standing night watch. Even if the covenant already has a full staff, we would need a few grogs, at least, to help us get there.
- Troupe style play is part of what I love about ArM. Especially with a Verditus character, my main character is going to be spending a lot of time in the lab and unable to interact with stories.
We can use pm for reviewing characters until this thread is up (maybe one of you could ask as well - maybe I'm getting lost in their spam filters or something).
Given the time stamps of my edit and your post, did you see my suggestion for Obsidian Portal?
It has appeared! Get your permission to post there from the forum people and then - let's roll!
Hi JeanMichelle,
I'd like to play in your saga. I was involved, with Ray, in an online saga that failed. I like the idea of the SG having a good idea where the story is going, in online games. I was, very briefly, involved in another recent startup, but pulled out as it didn't feel right for me.
I'd propose either a Verditius or Jerbiton with a martial bent, assuming that meets your, and the group's approval. I think I can get a maga set up in a couple of days.
Hi JeanMichelle,
I'd like to play in your saga. I played with Ray (Peregrine Bjornaer) in another online saga. I began another, recent online saga, but pulled out, as I realized it was not for me. I like the idea that the SG already knows where the story is going - it removes a lot of messing about. I've read Chapter Zero, and like the idea.
I propose either a Verditius or Jerbiton with a martial bent, assuming that meets with general acclamation. I think I can get the details sorted in the next two days.
Welcome Radagast. Go ahead!
There already is a dwarven verditius character, so the Jerbiton might complement the troupe better.
Hi, If you aren't full yet I'd love to play.
I have been playing a FTF saga for quite a while and would lov eto give this one a try
I was planning on playing a metamagic focused character, expert in Vim (Mutantum Magic) & spontaneous Magic
Probably a Gifted Mercere
Kimbal, you can join if you manage to have a playable character by Sunday.
Gifted Mercere, why not - I recommend that you check existing characters before starting, so characters are neither too similar nor incompatible.
Excellent! More Players
I'll do my best but I'm a little busy this weekend if not no worries.
Thanks JeanMichelle. I was leaning towards the Jerbiton, so I'll complete her tomorrow.
What age should I begin the apprenticeship? I do not have my books with me, (I'm on holiday) so I'll use Metacreator to do the char build.
Where is the covenant?
You can choose the number of years before apprenticeship (minimum 2). You only get 15xp per year though and are limited to pre-apprenticeship abilities. Also, if you take too many years, getting a longevity ritual bedore aging sets in (usually at 35) will get tricky.
We're in southern France (you do not get an exact location because like in real life it is nearly impossible to know in advance where you'll end up and harder to prepare for it all your life).
I was going to take 12 as my starting point, and will do so.
I have well travelled as a virtue, and will take "County of Toulouse" as my area.
Don't forget to ask Atlas Games permission to join a game.
Until then feel free to use PM for character creation.