Podcast news

Due to an error on my part, Episode 52 has gone live tonight, instead of on 2 June.
Episode 45 will still go live tomorrow.

I'll renumber the episodes in June, and move up one of the other Dunsany stories.
Notes for Epsiode 45 will arrive on the blog sometime between now and when they should have gone up., but the way the monthly pdfs are produced makes it far easiuer to just let it come out in its correct sequence, in June.

So: a heap of GFF this week...


Transcripts for April are up as a pdf. I don't have net access at home at the moment, so pardon if I've missed a new Patreon.

The state of play is as follows

May is completely ready to go live.
5: Ghosts by Lord dunsany (stats for minor hellhounds)
12 Plot hooks from Gaiman's "Norse Tales" (stats for Sif's Hair: a gold elemental)
19 Goblin market (huge episode: stats for faerie costamongers)
26 Thoughts on the itinerarium

June is mostly done
2 Dunsany: Miss Cubbidge and the Dragon of Romance. This replaces the Tale of Tangobrind the Jeweler, which went live early. Transcripts for Thangobrind will go live that week, though. This has not been uploaded, but is recorded.
9 Acedia: the shattered mirror plague (recorded and uploaded)
16 Enormities: a new class of ghost (needs stats, but is recorded and uploaded)
23 Proportionality bias (A micro-episode. My podcast plan is a use-them-or-lose them thing, and this uses up a spare fragment of time. I may put a second micro in this week.)

Then we hit the ones not yet done.
30 Cornwall: graveyard giants. This is the first of a new series, replacing, for now, the SoI episodes. The idea is to give you more Cornwall than you can handle, because it is kind of the default setting for Ars sagas. This adds to the Vanilla covenant material, and because HtM is statless and leaves Cornwall as a gap, it works perfectly with it, too. The goal is to do one of these a month.

The plan after that gets shakier, basically a Dunsany at the start of the month and a cornwall at the end, for the rest of they ear, with other ideas filling the two or three weeks between. When Dunsany or Cornwall ends, I may cut them together into a single pdf.

Still looking for ideas for Episode 100. I'd like a long poem. I've noticed that the paintings of the Lady of Shallot and of the woman in Goblin Market have the same model, so I may follow her career and see what turns up.

Quick note: as above, with the added note that Cornwall: Graveyard of giants is recorded and uploaded, and scripted for the blog (but not yet for the pdf). It's quite large (31 minutes) so between it and miss Cubbage, my 5G a month is just toast. Still, that gets me to the end of June.
The first week of June is Dunsany: Likely Adventure of Three Literary Men.
The second week is Frost Fair
The third week needs work...
The fourth week is Cornish faeries.

but -this- week is Episode 50 - Goblin Market. It comes out Friday LibSyn's time.

Brief notes:

Goblin Market is out. It's the anniversary episode. It's 58 minutes long, for those of you asking for longer stuff, and the art is kind of lovely (because I pinched it from the pre-Raphaelites). Please share it around on social media? The blog has a hard time getting cut-through because we are a small game compared to, say, D&D.

My podcast plan gives me about 50 minutes per month, and I had a little left last month and a little left this month, so 23 June will have two micro-episodes. One os on proportionality bias, the other is on Galileo;s other experiment with weighted balls. The episode numbers will be a bit mixed up there (58 will come out a week before 57) but hopefully people won't mind. If there's a bit of space at the end of June's 50 minutes, I may create another one to add in here too.

Financially, the podcast has $6 a month in followers. (Hi Daniel, welcome aboard!) I said the aim was self-sustaining (at $7) but near enough for now, eh? I'm having some fun with it, and I'll look at it again in 6 months, The main thing I'd like Patreon money for is to get a professional map of Cornwall done eventually. Not for a year or so, though.

The podcast's episodes have been downloaded about 4 900 times, and each new episode has a daily peak of about 110, so I presume that's the number of listeners. I don't pay Libsyn for their Extra Stats, even though it's only $2 a month, because I've already walked over one of the project's red lines. 8) Still, a circulation of 110 seems OK for a little community like ours. The podcast page is a bit more popular. A lot of the people who are looking at it are Spanish or French speakers, so it suits them better than the podcast, I presume.

Again, reviews on iTunes are very welcome.

The outlook is as follows:
May 26: Thoughts on the itinerarium
June 2 Dunsany: Miss Cubbidge and the Dragon of Romance. This replaces the Tale of Tangobrind the Jeweler, which went live early. Transcripts for Thangobrind will go live that week.
June 9 Acedia: the shattered mirror plague
June 16 Enormities: a new class of ghost (needs stats, but is recorded and uploaded)
June 23 Proportionality bias (A micro-episode)
June 23 The conundrum of Galileo's other balls
(Potentially there's another micro in here, likely about Rawls's Original Condition.)
June 30 Cornwall: Graveyard of Giants

(The pdf transcripts will be chunky n May and June, but that's not a pace I can sustain, sadly. They'll shrink aback to normal size in July.)

Then we hit the ones not yet done.
July 7 Dunsany: the Probable Adventure of Three Literary Men
July 14 Frostiana (Plot hooks form the book about frost fairs printed on the iced-over Thames.)
July 21 No idea, frankly...it was going to be the ball thing, Rawls Original Condition, and Nozick's Experience Machine as a model of Arcadia, but they may work better as micros. I also have a mico idea about agnosia.
July 28: Cornish faeries
August 5 Dunsany again...

I did post a little in the patreon community section , but it appears that this is the place to be. =)

I really like the podcast and the work you put into it.

I thought the numbers on patreon looked kind of funky, before me it was 4 and $3. Now at least it is 5 for $5. =) I just want to give back a little to show my appreciation (long time unemployed =/ ) It is easily my favorite podcast, I really like all the history stuff and the RPG things is just the cream on top.

Thanks again for a excellent show, looking forward to many more episodes.

I'm a big fan (hence my Patreon donation) but I don't actually listen to the podcast and prefer the transcripts - this is not because I don't like the podcasts or have issues with the quality (they're actually preferable to listen to), more that I don't have the inclination to set this up and access information more visually.

So I suspect that actually there may be quite a few more people following just the transcripts.

Keep up the good work!

Hi Daniel!

One of the poorly-kept secrets of Ars Magica is that I have health issues, so although I have read your posts, I didn't reply. Sorry about that. Thanks for helping out!

Hey gang!

GFF May 2017 transcript is out. 36 pages of content! I'm not saying its almost like a free magazine, but gang...its kinda like a free zine!

timothyferguson.files.wordpress ... 017-gm.pdf

So, this one is huge because it had a special, 22 page, added bit due to Episode 50. Next month is 29 pages (30 if I write the Enormities stats), because I accidentally let a column go live early in May and so you get two whole Dunsanys...after that it goes back to short ones.

Basically, June is done except for the Enormities stats.

June 2 Dunsany: Miss Cubbidge and the Dragon of Romance. This replaces the Tale of Tangobrind the Jeweler, which went live early. Transcripts for Thangobrind will go live that week. Includes stats for Hlo-hlo.
June 9 Acedia: the shattered mirror plague
June 16 Enormities: a new class of ghost (needs stats, maybe.)
June 23 Proportionality bias (a micro-episode) and Gallileo's Other Balls (a micro-episode). Basically my podcast subscription is use it or lose it, and so in April and May I had a two or three minutes to use or lose. That became these two micro-episodes. If I have recorded enough to leave a little residue at the end of my June allocation, there will be a third one here.
June 30 Cornwall: Graveyard of Giants

July is looking a bit flaky (I haven't written them yet) but I know what I'm going to do with them.

July 7 Dunsany: the Probable Adventure of Three Literary Men
July 14 Frostiana (Plot hooks form the book about frost fairs printed on the iced-over Thames.)
July 21 Nozick's Experience Machine as a model of Arcadia
July 28: Cornish faeries

August is planned as:

Injudicious prayers
Honour and revenge (actually, I've got so much info on this I may push it back, in which case: probably Plato's Empirical and Rational fragments of the self, and how Criamon favours one and Jerbiton the other.
Rawls's Original Condition

No problems Timothy, sorry to hear about your health. Let me know if I can help with anything. =)

Slight change in the broadcast order. This week will be about Enormities as noted (although no stats, sorry)
Next week will be three microepisodes. They will have odd episode numbers, but just roll with it (the numbers are creation, not publication, numbers).
Then June 20 is Cornwall: Graveyard of Giants.

July 21, Nozick's Experience Machine, has been recast as a micro for next week. I'm not sure what is going in that gap. If people like the hard philosophy next week, then it might be about something similar. Either that or stretch the Faerie chapter of Cornwall into a two parter.

June transcripts are out at timothyferguson.files.wordpress ... e-2017.pdf

30 pages.

There have been a few changes in the running order because I bought forward a few small pieces for Microepisode Week in May. July is now looking like this:

July 7 Dunsany: the Probable Adventure of Three Literary Men
July 14 Frostiana (Plot hooks form the book about frost fairs printed on the iced-over Thames.)
July 21 Cornish Faeries A (Small people)
July 28: Cornish Faeries B (Spriggans, psikies, buccas, browneys)

August is planned as:

Injudicious prayers
Honour and revenge (actually, I've got so much info on this I may push it back, in which case: probably Plato's Empirical and Rational fragments of the self, and how Criamon favours one and Jerbiton the other.
Rawls's Original Condition

There have been a few changes in the running order, so here's an update. Thanks again to the Patreons, and for the people who otherwise give encouragement.

This month was:

July 7 Dunsany: the Probable Adventure of Three Literary Men
July 14 Frostiana (Plot hooks form the book about frost fairs printed on the iced-over Thames.)
July 21 Cornish Faeries A (Small people)
Culminating in
July 28: Cornish Faeries B (Spriggans, psikies, buccas, browneys)

August is planned as:

August 4: Dunsany: Injudicious prayers of Pombo the Idolater
August 11: Ortolans: the art of hiding from God with a towel (from a conversation here)
August 18: Rawls and the Veil of Ignorance
August 25: Cornwall:Treneagle

August will be a lot shorter than the last few months. The big poems and Microepisode Week swelled things out a bit.

The other biog change in that the Cornwall series may go from being one a month to something else when I hit the next chapter but one. The next one is mermaids. The one after is magical rocks, and it's so scattered I may make each a little thing on its own.

The Treneagle episode went live early, so sub a brief Mermaid chapter into the running order for it, OK.


The podcast will move to Thursday my time (well, I load them Thursdays, so they are available Friday, when the podcast notes go live.) This means that August needs an extra ep., as it is a five-week month.

August 3: Dunsany: Injudicious prayers of Pombo the Idolater
August 10: Ortolans: the art of hiding from God with a towel (from a conversation here)
August 17: Rawls and the Veil of Ignorance
August 24: The Extended Mind and Hermetic Magic
August 31: Cornwall: Mermaids

They are all uploaded, except Extended Mind, which needs recording.

The plan for September is

September 7: Dunsany - The Loot of Bombashara
September 14: Triclops plague
September 21: Transfer of personality traits by reading books*
September 28: Cornwall - Rocks

These are all really tentative for now.


So, the transcripts for two episodes went live early.

August 17: Rawls and the Veil of Ignorance
August 24: The Extended Mind and Hermetic Magic

The spoken versions will go live at the announced time.

To solve one problem with another, the transcript for the Tregeagle episode, which went live early a few weeks ago, will move to August 17, and Cornwall: The Rocks will shunt up to 24 August, as both a textual and audio episode. The Rocks is the least promising of the chapters in Hunt's book, although it does quickly introduce us to Ambrose Merlin, who will be important later. I'm happy for it to be consumed in a make-up episode. Also, the episode it is paired with (Which is based on Clark and Chalmer's "The Extended Mind") is a bit a of a cracker, so it let's me waste the duff chapter with something stronger.

This means the plan for next month changes to

September 7: Dunsany - The Loot of Bombashara (again with lovely art by Sidney Syme)
September 14: Triclops plague
September 21: Funereal biscuits*
September 28: Cornwall - Lost cities**

  • This was personality traits from reading books, but that's too close to the Extended Mind. Basically this is about the Victorian custom of announcing funerals by sending out shortbread, and a bit about Aberffraw biscuits, which appear in the C12th near Aberffraw in Wales (where the king of Gwynedd hangs out). It links to the next week because there's a submerged kingdom there in Conwy Bay.

** The chapter is about lost cities, so this is either the whole chapter or just the first bit, which is Lyonesse. I've been looking forward to doing Lyonesse, because the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle gives a precise date for the sinking (5 November 1099) and there's another chronicle which says it's wrong because it was on the definitely the 3rd. For a magus alive in 1220, that's something that happened within your master's, or their master's, lifetime. It might also explain why there's no covenant in Corwall (it was in Lyonesse). Also, the loss of life is extreme, and that brings in all kinds of plot hooks.


I've mucked my release dates up so much that Episode 75 will be here a lot sooner than I expected. I'd like a long poem to do.

I'm going to go back through the thread, because I know some have been suggested, but here's what I'm looking for, in case someone goes "Ah-ha!"

It should have something medievalish about it, so that it can passibly be ported to Ars Magica.
A plot is good. A setting on its own is fine so long as there's enough detail to explain folklore on.
A monster t stat up is good, if not vital.

At the moment the one which has caught my eye is Dolores (Notre-Dame des Sept Douleurs) by Swinburne, but I know it's been used in Planescape, and I don't know Planescape, so I'm wary of stating Dolores up as an antisaint. I might do the Saint of Blood instead (same author).

I've noticed that in the two I've done, I have the same model in some of the pictures. I've tried stalking her, and she shows up in a lot of pre-Raph stuff, so bonus points for Elizabeth Siddal.

Did you already do La Belle Dame Sans Merci?

No...it's kind of short, though. Thanks for the suggestion. I might stack it with some other stuff to get to length.

How about "Torrent of Portyngale"? This is a much-neglected piece which [strike]rips off[/strike] interpolates other stories in an interesting way.

Oooh...I need to look into this more. That's completely novel to me.

It turns out that even if I don't muck it all up again, ep 75 is due in four weeks, so it's got to be part of the recording cycle that starts on 1 September. I may need to cheat and use materials closer to hand.

What I'm thinking of doing is this: I had "The Loot of Bombashara" written up as my Dunsany for next month, but if I add on "Story of Sand and Sea" and "Man with golden earrings". it gets up to length. They are arguably the prequel and sequel to what I already have.

That nudges everything else up a month and means I need to hustle on "The Quest for the Queen's Tears".

Honestly I'm not on top of this right now. It might be better to skip a special for 75, and get the weekly business of it back under control. Each episode has become longer and more complex, and I've put myself in a pickle by using up an extra month of material by accident. 8)

We'll see.

(My long term plan for the Hundredth episode is to stat up 20 stories out of "Fifty-One Tales.")