popularity of Magic Sensitivity and Second Sight

Actually, the rules do not say it is more powerful. It is more comprehensive, and it doesn't penalize MR. "Comprehensive" has no logical bearing on power, just on breadth. There is no statement that it is more powerful at detecting things. Just that it can do more than detect, that it includes more aspects.

It's also not just some other thing more comprehensive than MS; it's actually a "version of Magic Sensitivity."

That the word "comprehensive" was chosen and that this is just another version of MS are both telling. Those very strongly imply that the rules for detection (just detection), which is the subset MS also handles, apply to MS as well, though of course there is no 100% guarantee.

In my world, the fact that it can do more does mean it is more powerful.
But now we are actually arguing semantics :slight_smile:

Which is why three or four posts above that I said

Hermetic Magic isn't all there it is out there in Mythic Europe. Yes, it is the most powerfull form of magic and yes, it have a versatility unmatched, but in specific areas like this it is absolutely possible that someone's innate supernatural ability have a slight advantage over a specific use for a TeFo combination.

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My guess is that that would have been a consideration if MS did not already go under the radar, which I think it does because it looks feebler from the initial presentation.

Such resistance rolls a sufficiently rare for this not to be a serious concern, but it it comes to serious deliberation it is a concern.

The phrasing, rather than the meaning, may easily make second sight the default virtue, with MS only considered by experienced players looking for a new twist.