Precedent for murdering a town?

The thing is that we aren't talking specialized magi designed t take you out, we are talking about magi with some degree of specialization which do not happen to fit your assumptions about how a battle will go down.

Yeah but unless you can take my boots of 7-league stride away from me, defeat doesn't mean death for me, it simply means regrouping and coming at you in a more.. sneaky manner. Even if you ambush me with a battalion of faeries and bears (the baerie infantry), it's a simple matter for me to run the hell away, find out where you live and burn everything you hold dear to the ground.. because I'm assuming you don't live in a volcano, right? Guess who does? :slight_smile: And even if you DO manage to get in the front door.. you'll have to deal with my familiar :smiling_imp:

Unraveling the Fabric of Corpus on you as you activate the effect? It would definitely need to penetrate. What's your vim resistance?

No vim resistance specifically (it's on my list of arts to learn), but I lucked out and managed to get a few solid seasons of training in parma while visiting durenmar and have a parma of 5.. and by the time you would feel the need to put me down, you'd better believe my parma would be insurmountable. That's the whole idea, after all: to make myself impervious to meddling magi before I could ever be considered a threat. I already have a fairly formidable offense, I plan to spend a good amount of time making an impenetrable defense. Of course, there's a way around everything, but your magi would literally have to spend their lives planning to take me down, and by the time they were ready I'd probably have entered final twilight anyways. Don't be sad that Kevin Spacey gets to be president, be happy that he didn't step on you to get there :smiley:

Also- could you realistically stop me from activating my boots? As I understand them they just sort of work instantly, have I misunderstood the effect? I didn't enchant them, they were made for me by one of my covenmates since I'm the go-to adventure magi when something is in need of being murdered.

All effects take time to activate, even those from items.

The boots do have a limited range, and the finesse roll on those is likely to botch on you at some point...

Ok. So you've parma 5?

Where's those verditius archmagi, and how much vis are people willing to throw at this issue?

Because if it's enough, I think "The Enigma's Gift" in an item with a buttload of penetration would be WELL worth someone equipping themselves with.

You mean someone like Balbina, as interpreted in the Alpine Apprentice saga (she's in Sanctuary of Ice without stats)?
Check out her talisman, specifically the last effect in it at the bottom of the page...

Yeah but why would you kill me now? I've given no one any reason to do so, really.. except perhaps my covenmate. Talking about killing a 24 year old who isn't even in an established covenant is one thing, talking about killing a 150 year old archmagus nestled within a volcano and surrounded by loyal followers and who has spent a significant amount of time on increasing his personal defenses is entirely another. The entire idea is that no one will really have too much of a reason to kill me until it's too late.

Of course I'll eventually go into final twilight or be killed by a dragon that I was trying to wrestle or some such shit.. but I'll leave my mark on this world. A big, scorched mark.

Is there a cap on parma? Cuz I'll probably need to hit that.

what page is "the enigma's gift" on, I'd like to check it out?

btw guys thanks for helping me, I need to plan for every contingency. Keep telling me ways to kill me.

Ohhh so you plan to send me into twilight.. hmm you'd still have to penetrate my parma, but at that age I'll be in danger of going into final twilight if you do. I should create and master for fast cast a bunch of different counter-spells like the magus mentioned previously, I think. Lots of PeVi study in my future, I suppose.

The Enigma's Git is a Level 30 CrVi spell that gives the recipient 4 warping points. It's subject to penetrating magic resistance like all spells, and if it affects a magus, it triggers a twilight check.

There's no hard cap on Parma Magica, but of course, the higher the score the longer it takes to improve it. Finding quality sources also becomes something of a challenge.

This is the challenge of the magus. One never has enough time to study everything. You have to get a familiar. You have to do covenant service of some sort. You want to make a talisman, oh you don't have enough Vim, so you have to find some Vim or distill Vis from the aura. Want an apprentice to pass on your legacy? You need to spend a lot of time preparing for an apprentice, and then spend a lot of time teaching the apprentice. Somewhere in there, you have to learn all the spells you want to learn, invent the devices you want to invent, so on and so on. Not only that you want to make a volcano move the covenant and have a tricked out lab. Time isn't on your side. :smiley:

I knowwww it isn't fair :frowning: I want 800 years dammit! Haha maybe I should work on the living corpse project instead :stuck_out_tongue: I've actually managed to be extremely lucky in my rolls for finding books in durenmar, and I managed to weasel some seasons of tutelage from some poweful magi. It will be an uphill battle, but if I am lucky and keep a clear plan I think my goals can be accomplished. Thanks for all your help, and I'm sure the mundanes at the base of Hohentweil would thank you as well :smiley:

There are multiple paths to immortality for a magus, although, for all intents and purposes these paths should really cause the character to exit the saga, and become an NPC.

I think you have a very lenient SG. Getting books out of Durenmar should be a bit of a challenge, and getting elder magi to train you should probably come at a 2 for 1 exchange of seasons. "Certainly I'll teach you more about X, but you will serve me in my lab for two seasons."

A volcano would mean very little to a living ghost. Heck I've had mundane characters that could manipulate faeries into taking out a volcano. (free expression is a wonderfull virtue)

As an active question, are you immune to volcanoes? is your lab?

Because if it came down to it, I'd gather a team of elite, capable magi. And reawaken your volcano, again, with you on top. Have fun.

That's just another opportunity for stories.

Honestly the SG is a stickler for the rules, I've just been extraordinarily lucky with my rolls. We followed the rules for getting books out of durenmar- on my first try I was looking for a high-level ignem text, and with my ridiculous rolls I managed to find a level 19 summa with quality 12. I studied it for two seasons before a much older magus (Stentorius of Tremere) just walked by and was like, "Oh hey I was looking for that, thanks!", took the book and walked away. I've managed to get the same book here and there but usually I can't find it. Did I mention I'm spending retarded amonts of vis to study there? My covenmates aren't super happy about it. I also contributed a high-level spell for a couple free seasons, and managed to stealth past Murion when she was looking for me to kick me out :laughing: Later I asked an older magi who is staying at our covenant (and being a real dick about it) to help train me in parma, and I rolled a 31 on the diplomacy roll. He still did make me promise that I would allow him to tell people at the Flambeau Tournament I was his.. student.. I'm sure he would make me work in his lab, but as he's been crashing on our couch for 2 years straight I don't even know for sure that he HAS one.. he's more concerned with acclaim than anything else, anyways.

Don't be jealous that I roll like a straight up baller 8)

Also- you can certainly TRY and make my volcano erupt, but what makes you think you would be better at controlling a volcano than the guy who spent 100 years trying to live in a volcano? Scorn of Aphrodite's Tears would put a stop to your silliness.. though a ghost is interesting, I hadn't considered that. Though I think a sufficiently strong PeVi spell would take care of any ghosties, right? Or am I thinking demons?

edit: I'm not sure if I'm immune to volcanoes.. does lava do Aq and Te damage? If so I'll need to work on it. Living in a volcano also requires an Au spell to not suffocate.

Live by the die, die by the die...