Resolutions of Charter

Resolutions of the Ruling Council of Andorra Covenant
Ratified year of our Lord 1230
_____The phrasing "Resolutions of Charter" was carefully chosen. This is not our actual charter, but rather it is a set of resolutions that for all intents and purposes operates as the Covenant Charter. However, our actual charter, an ancient document dating back to the ninth century and bearing the seal of the Val-Negra Tribunal, is hidden away somewhere in the depths of the covenant. They can be examined by any Ponifex or called forth by a vote of the Masters. It is rough to translate, as it is written in archaic vulgar Latin with confusing bad grammar.

_____These Resolutions are based on the original charter, though updated concepts and expected liberties have been incorporated. The old document is simple and straightforward, laying out a strict three-rank hierarchy and empowering the Masters to create a system of covenant governance known as "By-Laws". So in essence, the Resolutions of Charter are the current system of By-Laws, with wording that affirms tradition and current custom.

Oath of Covenant
Ranks & Membership
Governance & Council
Officers of the Council
Covenant Assets & Resources
Rights & Privileges
Obligations & Responsibilities
Penalty & Punishment
Additions & Amendments

Oath of the Covenant of Andorra
(first part spoken by the new member magus)
_____I, (name), do hereby promise and swear my loyalty and support to the Covenant of Andorra. I pledge my life and my sacred fortune to the fate of this covenant, come prosperity or tribulation. Throughout the many years of my life, throughout my travels and adventures, I shall never betray the magi of this covenant nor give aid to their enemies. I pledge to ever aid the covenant as I am able, and provide my service as needed. I shall take my dutiful place in this council, and shall abide by the rulings and decisions made thereby.
(second part spoken by all members in unison)
_____Henceforth we are as of one blood, together to grow hale and strong!

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Rules and Resolutions
_____These are the rules and by-laws as resolved and agreed upon by the Council of Masters and empowered by the ancient Charter and authority of the Pontifici.

Ranks and Membership
_____A member of this covenant must also be a member of the Order of Hermes, for if one is ever renounced by the Order they shall also be cast out of this covenant. To be a member of this covenant, a magus must renounce membership to any other covenant, nor may they declare allegiance to another covenant while still a member of this one. Should a magus ever come to desire release from this covenant, he must renounce his Oath of Covenant in the presence of at least three Masters of the council, and shall thereby be relieved of all duties and rights, and may not call upon such rights furthermore. However, if the departure is amicable, the council may invite them to claim the status of Past Master.

_____This council recognizes that the Charter provides for three ranks of membership; Journeyman, Master, and Pontifex (old form: Sacerdos, Flamen, Pontifex). The council also recognizes the auxiliary statuses of Protected Guest, Honored Guest, and Past Master. The council further recognizes the rights of Covenfolk, the rank of Custos, and the status of Consor. These shall be interpreted and applied as follows.

Journeyman/Journeywoman (Sacerdos)
_____Journeyman is the entry level status granted to a magus accepted by a unanimous vote of this council and who swears to the covenant oath. They have all of the basic and provisional rights and obligations of membership, as well as the privileges and duties as due to a member. The status of Journeyman endures until they are elevated to the rank of Master, and may be cancelled by expulsion.

Master/Mistress (Flamen)
_____A Journeyman is elevated to the status of Master by acclimation and consent of the Council of Masters. This is normally only after having participated as a Journeyman member for seven consecutive years and the performance of at least three valuable services to the covenant. Other considerations may include acts of heroism and times of crisis, and considerations of posthumous reward. Recognition of achievement is formally announced and sponsored by another Master in council, and is to be accepted by automatic acclimation unless called into question by three other Masters or a Pontifex, in which case it is subject to a Majority vote of the Council of Masters after no more than three days debate.

_____A Master has the basic and extended rights and privileges of full membership; as well as the duties and obligations of office, leadership, and responsible inhabitants. The rank of Master endures indefinitely unless resigned or expelled.

_____Pontifex is an honorary title granted to certain Masters of distinction, in recognition of the ancient rights and obligations of the original charter which empowers these rules and resolutions. Ascension to this rank is by invitation and acceptance by the other Pontifici, according to their traditions. If there are none others, the title may be claimed, according to ancient tradition, by the magus who has been a Master member the longest.

_____As this is an honorary title, a Pontifix is not entitled special privileges nor obligated special duty beyond those that are due any other Master holding an office. They still hold the rank of Master, and the affairs of the Pontifici are of no more concern to the council as would the private affairs of any other member. The benefits that a Pontifex receives comes from the coffers and accounts of the Pontifici. There are few certain rights, according to our ancient charter, that a Pontifix still retains. However, in the creation and approval of these Rules and Resolutions, the Pontifix has yielded and suspended many of these and mandated that none may ascend to Pontifix without pledging the same .

Protected Guest
_____One who is formally invited to the covenant by a Master is considered a Protected Guest, and are to be given a token for the Aegis and temporary residence that they may mark as their sanctum. They are given other basic rights due of Hermetic Hospitality, but are not otherwise obligated to this covenant or privileged as a member. Protected Guests may attend councils if invited; but they cannot vote, they are required to leave if requested by any member, and they may have no voice unless granted by a Pontifex who may also silence them. Protected Guest status may be rescinded by the one who invited them or revoked by a Pontifex or a vote of the council.

_____A magus petitioning for membership is treated as a protected guest, but may be referred to as a Pledge. A Pledge may be required to wait up to seven seasons before their petition is voted upon, and the council has the right to call upon them to perform three services (none to exceed the equivalent of a season of activity).

Honored Guest
_____The council may, by unanimous decision, choose to make one an Honored Guest. They may visit the covenant freely and are always to be afforded hospitality. They may occasionally assume some of the rights and duties of a member, as dispensed by the council. They may choose to attend council if they choose, and though they cannot vote and may only speak if permitted by a Master, they can only be asked to be silent or to leave by a Pontifex. Honored Guest Status may be demoted or revoked by a vote of the council.

Past Master
_____A Master who chooses to depart Andorra in goodwill may retain the honorary title of Past Master. They are to be treated as an Honored Guest and may attend council when they choose. Though they cannot vote, they cannot be silenced or ejected except by majority decision of the council. Past Master status can be demoted or revoked by a vote of the council.

_____Covenfolk, including employees of the covenant and ancestral inhabitants lawfully residing therein, are recognized as deserving of the basic rights and are to be granted the respect that they are due. They are to be afforded wages and benefits as befits the services they provide, and after seven years of service they are eligible for both Pension and Longevity.

_____The rank of Custos is granted by the Council upon officers of their choosing or approval amongst the Covenfolk. These offices shall include Captain, Chamberlain, Steward, and others determined to be of need and use by the Council. A Custos is to receive a salary in addition to wages and benefits, and are eligible for longevity once they are 35 years of age or have served seven years. The Custos ate allowed to attend meetings of the Council and may be called upon to speak their mind by any member. They are also granted an advisory vote in matters pertaining to their field of scope and perview. This vote is not counted to determine the decisions, but is counted for Quorum (if the meeting is about that issue), counts towards breaking tie votes, and it can make or break a unanimous vote requirement.

_____A Consor (or Companion) is a status extended to one who is a friend of the Order and this Covenant, though they are not themselves a magus or part of this covenant. They are treated in a manner similar to Protected or Honored Guests.

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Governance & Council
_____The Covenant of Andorra is governed by a General Council comprised of all members of this covenant; including Journeymen, Masters, and Pontifici. This council may not declare action except on behalf of the entire membership of the covenant, nor may actions be demanded of individuals by council agreement. Conversely, the rulings of the council may not be overturned or disregarded by an individual.

_____Members of this covenant shall have the right and duty to convene the General Council for maters serious or important, and all members are requested to attend and act with due diligence in these proceedings. Regular Quarterly meetings are to be held at sunset of the evening prior to each solstice and equinox of the year. Additional meetings may be called by a member by Summons, requiring notice be given three days and three nights beforehand. Required notice is satisfied by delivering a message to the sanctum of every member magus to be preferably handed to them or posted on their door if need be. Notice must also be posted on the door of the council chamber. Meetings can be called to order spontaneously if the entirety of the membership is present and it is agreed upon to proceed. This can result from an early response to summons, but if even one member is absent then the meeting cannot convene until the time for notification has been fulfilled.

_____Members of the covenant should endeavor to attend every meeting, but if it is not possible for the entirety of the membership to convene, the meeting may proceed and its rulings considered valid if a Quorum is reached. Spontaneously called meetings require the entirety of membership. If even one member is missing but at least half the membership is present, they may proceed as a committee and report to the next meeting to have their decisions ratified or denied. A meeting called by Summons, provided adequate notice is given, is considered quorate if at least half the members are present and a Pontifex is presiding, or if attended by at least three Masters. If quorum is not met, those in attendance may meet as a committee and are to report at the next council meeting for ratification or denial of their decisions. Members should be especially diligent attending each quarterly regular stated meeting. Given such ample stated notice and the urgency of regular meeting, the council has quorum if attended by a Master and any two other members. If this quorum is not met, the meeting may proceed as a committee with those present, and are to report at the next council meeting for ratification or denial of their decisions. Members known to be in Twilight are not counted towards requirement for quorum.

_____Decisions and discussions of the council are to be introduced by a member, seconded by another member, and be given ample time for just and full discussion. Once all who wish to speak have done so, a motion to vote may be called for. This must be seconded by another council member, or a vote may not proceed. Most issues require a vote of the present majority to be passed, save for those exceptions herein noted.

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Officers of the Council
_____The Council shall elect Officers to oversee and manage vital needs of the covenant. Candidates must hold the rank of Master, and election or affirmation requires a simple majority. In the case of multiple candidates and no clear majority decision, a second vote is held between the top two candidates. In old parlance, an Officer may be called Bishop (one who oversees), or an Archbishop if also a Pontifex.

_____Officers shall be granted the authority and discretion to make decisions as required for their office, and must present a report of activity and accountability at each quarterly covenant meeting. Service as an officer continues in perpetuity until resignation, removal, or loss of challenge. An officer may resign at any time, but is requested to give notice of at least one full season. Removal from office can result from a majority vote of no confidence or automatically results from expulsion. Challenge to an office can be made by any other master, said challenge issued during a quarterly meeting and voted upon at the next quarterly meeting, a majority vote determining who takes the office. In an emergency, a Pontifex may appoint a Master to fill a vacant office until the next quarterly meeting. No member can be forced to serve an office or officer against his will. It is possible to hold more than one office if necessary, and there are provisions for multiple officers dividing the responsibilities of a single office. Officers are also permitted to appoint deputy or assistant officers as needed, which may be members of any rank.

Titles and Responsibilities of Offices
_____The Ancient Charter mandates the role and responsibilities of a Pontifex, which shall be considered an Office for the purpose of these Resolutions. The charter further mandates the election of Artifex, Inquisitor, Marshal, and Warden. These Resolutions further mandate election of Herald, Librarian, and Treasurer.

_____A Master who holds the title of Pontifex is also considered to hold the Office of Pontifex. Unlike other officers, a Pontifex cannot resign or be voted out. However, they can yield authority if truly desired or firmly requested. Also, unlike other offices, there may be multiple pontifici and they are not elected to the position by the general council. However, only one shall wield the responsibly at any given time for any given circumstance. The exact division of labor is decided upon by the pontifici, be it to serve terms in rotation or divide specific responsibility. This not to be seen as a position of privilege, and unless they are in their dotage, a pontifex is expected to fill a regular office as an Archbishop if necessary (that is to say, a Pontifex is expected to also serve in another office if needed, exempt if they are old and infirm).

_____The duties of a Pontifex are to represent the covenant in matters of governance and temporal concerns, attend regular meetings and keep order in meetings, act as the covenant's representative in diplomatic matters, see to it that the other officers are enabled in their duties, and regulate the administration of covenant resources. As with any office, a Pontifex must give a quarterly report of activity and accountability, and shall heed resolutions of the council. A Pontifex shall not act with authority to rule on matters on the covenant's behalf. Instead, their duty shall be to enforce the rulings and resolutions of this council. If a Pontifex is unable to fulfill duties because of emergency, the Council of Masters may elect one of their number to serve pro-tempore as a Disceptator. A Pontifex may also appoint a Master to assist in a specific function as a Vicar (one who serves as a vicarious substitute).

_____The Artifex is charged with the duty of cataloging and maintaining the covenant's supply of enchanted items and their lab texts. They are to see that our grogs are well armed and equipped, that the covenant's staff of craftsmen serves the needs of the members, and to manage the provision of other enchantments as are needed. Pertaining to enchanted items of communal property, the Artifex has the discretion of what shall be distributed or available, what needs further investigation, and what must be safely set aside and secured. The Artifex may appoint deputies to assist him in the roles of Quartermaster, Technical Designer, or Technical Assistant.

_____The Inquisitor is charged with the maintenance of Law and Order amongst the members of this covenant. They have the duty of investigating apparent or suspected breaches of the rules of this covenant or the Code of Hermes, as committed by or upon the members of this covenant or within or upon the jurisdiction thereof. They are to present their findings to the council, suggest a course of action, and make a case for that suggestion; be it prosecution, defense, further investigation, dismissing the matter, etcetera. The covenant recognizes that our unique Tribunal status leaves our members vulnerable to harassment, so the Inquisitor is also responsible to investigate and assist in matters when our members find themselves embroiled in legal matters abroad. If ever the burden becomes to complex for a single officer, the duties may be split in twain between an Inquisitor of the Interior and Inquisitor of the Exterior, or even an Inquisitor for a specific investigation of importance. An Inquisitor may deputize whomever they need to.

_____The Marshal is charged with the duty of managing the covenant's armed forces. They are to make sure they are provided the armaments and equipment required, the training and development they need, and are provided the wages and benefits of their services. The Marshal shall defer to the grog captains and turb sergeants in the areas of leadership and discipline, but the Marshal shall have authority in terms of strategy and tactics and are responsible for the leadership and discipline of these subordinate grog officers. The Marshal is also granted discretion in many other military matters. The Marshal may appoint other members to assist him as Deputy Marshals.

_____The Warden is charged with the duty of maintaining and managing the covenant's physical and mystical defenses and is responsible for our physical security. This office may held by a single Master, or duties may be divided in twain as Warden of the Profane and Warden of the Arcane. A Warden may appoint another member magus of the council to assist her as a Junior Warden.

_____The Herald is charged with the duty to facilitate and maintain the covenant's communication with the Order outside the covenant. This involves working closely with the Redcaps of Mercere, especially those stationed at this covenant. It also includes maintaining contact with other Redcap hubs, and maintaining correspondences with other covenants. The Heralds is to make a report on the state of the Order and news of the outside world at each quarterly meeting. The Herald may select any number of assistance in his efforts at maintaining communication and gathering information.

_____The Librarian is charged with the duty to manage and maintain the covenant's library. This includes the trade and acquisition of texts, maintaining and improving the quality and condition of texts, insuring the covenant is adequately supplied with scribal materials, and that the covenant is adequately staffed in these regards. They may appoint other members to assist as Librarians and call themselves Chief Librarian.

_____The Treasurer is responsible for the accounting and management of the covenant's mundane and Hermetic wealth, in terms of liquid and real mundane cash assets, and mystical wealth such as supply and stores of vis and magical ingredients & equipment for lab activities. This office may be divided in twain, the Temporal Treasurer and the Arcane Treasurer. A Treasurer may appoint another member of the council to assist them as Secretary Treasurer.

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Covenant Assets & Resources
_____The Assets and Resources of this covenant are held in commonwealth by the Council of its members, and they share the responsibility to maintain and defend them.

_____The Covenant of Andorra claims Hermetic Jurisdiction over the entirety of the several parishes of Andorra. It further claims ownership and rights over any and all mystical resources and locations, and is responsible for them as well. The covenant has claim to specific property rights concerning the Covenant Keep at Mount Arans, including the buildings, defenses, grounds, and chattels of the castle there. The covenant also lays claim to other shares of properties and portions chattels in the village of Arans and in scattered locations nearby. These including the silver mine, the orchard, and the vinyard. The covenant also lays claim to any properties and chattels gifted to the covenant as a whole.

_____The convent lays claim to unclaimed and undisputed sources of vis, mystical resources, and other assets located by the members of this covenant. Discoveries of such are rewarded with the first year's yield of a renewable resource or a seventh of the value of new assets. The covenant further lays claim to any vis or other assets & resources gifted to the covenant as a whole. In other cases, unclaimed and undisputed vis and other assets belong to the one who found them.

_____The covenant lays claim to all books obtained by members while acting at the behest of the council, and all books scribed by members of the council where payment was received for this scribing from the covenant's resources. The covenant also lays claim to any texts gifted to the covenant as a whole.

_____The covenant lays claim to all magical items obtained by members of the council while acting at the behest of the council, and all magical items made by members of the council where payment was received for this manufacture from the covenant's resources. The covenant also lays claim to any magical items gifted to the covenant as a whole.

_____The covenant lays claim to all monetary and material wealth generated using the resources or investments of the covenant. The covenant also lays claim to all monetary and material wealth obtained by members of the council while acting at the behest of the council. The covenant also lays claim to any monetary and material wealth gifted to the covenant Members as a whole.

_____Annually, at the regular stated meeting on the night preceding the Winter Solstice, a report shall be given by the Treasurer concerning the collection and expenditure of material and mystical assets during the previous year. They shall further report upon the status of resources and income, including a projection of supply and expense for the coming year. Each officer shall then in turn submit a proposed budget of what mystical and material resources they shall have need of for the duties of their office.

_____Debate upon budgetary matters are then tabled, and a Pontifex forms a committee of at least three Masters (which may include them self). This committee is to create a budget for the coming year, to be submitted for approval no later than the regular stated meeting of the Spring Equinox. Approval requires a simple majority vote, but if the budget is not agreed upon, the covenant continues operating according to the previous budget until a new one is finally approved, and a meeting must be held every fortnight until they do so.

_____In the creation of a budget and the execution thereof, primary consideration must be given to resources and assets required for the continued existence of the covenant. This includes the protection of its members and inhabitants, sustenance of their lives, and defense of their rights. Also of important consideration is payment of any debts, fees, wages, salary, stipends, and other expenses owed by the covenant. Contributions to all debts owed to the covenant are decided by a Pontifex, and set aside. After all considerations, remaining assets and resources that are deemed surplus are to be stored in the covenant vaults in reserve for times of necessity and for needs of future developments & investments.

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Rights and Privileges
Basic Rights
_____All whom are associated with this covenant; including members, guests, visitors, residents, inhabitants, and employees; are entitled to the basic rights and fundamental dignity that are their due. To this end, they are to ever be granted a place of sanitary habitation where they may ply their trade or skills, given freedom to roam to and from our location as they will, and are to be provided with victuals and nutrition as befits their status and health requirements. Further, within the rights and boundaries of this covenant; they shall have the right to the protection, support, and safety that are to be provided by this covenant; yielding only to the Code of Hermes and the voice of the most high God.

_____All magi of the Order of Hermes, be they member or guest or visitor, shall have all the rights and benefits due a magus accorded by the Code of Hermes. This includes a guest's Rights of Residency and the expectations of Hermetic Hospitality. They shall be provided space which they may mark as their Sanctum, with inviolate rights therein, and the supply of materials thereof. They shall have monitored access to the covenant's Main Library, and provided reasonable access to the materials and professionals required for scribal activities. Trivial expenses are paid for by the covenant. Excessive expense may be the burden of their host. For an Honored Guest or Past Master the costs are absorbed by the covenant. At the council's discretion, this may be extended to other individual guests.

_____These basic rights shall not be suspended other than by expulsion from membership or having invitation as a guest rescinded.

Rights of Membership
_____In addition to the basic rights, a Journeyman is further entitled to rights of membership. This includes the right to attend General Council, speak their mind, and have a full and equal vote in proceedings. Further, they shall have unrestricted access to the covenant's Main Library, and are to be granted the staff and supplies needed for scribal activities. Further, they shall have access to the services and skills of the servants and specialists of the covenant, their needs subordinate to those of a Master or of the covenant as a whole. Further, they shall be provided a sanctum with inviolate rights therein, and shall be provided the equipment and supplies needed for their laboratories and other mystical studies. All of their basic expenses are to be covered by the covenant.

_____For Journeymen, this includes Lab Upkeep expenses up to and not to exceed 3£ in a given year. Any excess is owed by the magus but may be placed on account against future expected earnings. Further, they may take an advance of up to three pawns of Vim (or other Form), placed on account against future expected earnings. A Journeyman is eligible to earn annual Wages of 3 pawns of vim plus 6£ of silver in any year in which they perform a season of service (not to be counted as one of the three exceptional service required for eligibility to be elevated to a Master). A Journeyman cannot be an Officer, but they can be a Deputy or Assistant Officer, in which case they are eligible to receive a Stipend of 6£ silver to help cover their expenses.

_____These rights shall not be abridged except by decision of the council under conditions of grave concern.

Privileges of a Master
_____In addition to the basic rights and the rights of membership, a Master is further entitled to the privileges of a Master and is qualified to serve as an Officer of the Council. In addition to the General Council, a Master may call for and participate in a Master's Council. Such may only be called for in a meeting of General Council, and approval of to meet as such is subject to a vote of that General Council. A Masters Council, including only those who hold the rank of Master (including those who are also a Pontifex), may have private discussions and vote, and their decisions are to be treated as those of a full quorate council.

_____Further, in addition to free access to the Main Library, they are granted access to the covenant's Exclusive Collection. Further, if holding an Office, they shall have access to any texts and other resources reserved or retained for the use of that office. Further, they have access to the supplies and staff needed for their scribal activities, access to the services and skills of the servants and specialists of the covenant, their needs taking precedence to those of a Journeyman but subordinate to the needs of the covenant as a whole.

_____A Master shall have all basic expenses covered by the covenant, including up to 10£ in a year for lab upkeep. Any amount in excess is divided in twain, half to be paid by the covenant and half to be taken out of the annual payments otherwise due that magus or placed against their account. Any amount in surplus is placed into their account.

_____A Master shall receive an annual Salary of 3 pawns of Vim plus 6£ of silver, paid every Spring. One who also serves a position as an Officer receives an annual Stipend of 3 pawns of Vim and 6£ of silver, paid every Autumn. Further, a Master may receive compensation for the devotion of extra time to the covenant's needs and thereby earn an additional Wage of 3 pawns Vim and 6£ silver, to be paid every Summer. One who serves in a second office or as a deputy deserves a wage. Further compensation may be as determined by the council.

_____As for the term "Pawns of Vim", this is a unit of accounting and may be paid out in any Form including or other than Vim. A pawn of any Technique is equivalent to two pawns of Vim. Further, a Master is entitled to fair and equal trade concerning exchanges of vis and the trade of vis for silver. The covenant shall offer a Master a flat trade rate of a pawn of Vim for 12£ of silver and visa versa. Transactions such as this not to exceed a Rook in the span of a given year, and availability may be restricted by the covenant's current liquid assets at the time.

_____A Master shall be granted the use of the magical items and equipment of this covenant. The Artifex is charged with cataloging the items that are available, and is responsible for restricting access to those items considered unsafe or too essential for frivolous use. This decision may be appealed to the Council for vote.

_____A Master may request Grant or Loan of additional assets or resources for special purposes, such as travel on business or an important project or serious personal matter. A Grant requires a vote of the council, and is to be based on considerations such as the vitality and prosperity of this covenant and our Order of Hermes. Approval of a Loan is usually automatic, even if it follows refusal of a request for a Grant. The covenant shall extend credit equal up to the amount that the member has earned in the past seven years (in salary, stipend, and wages), or seven times what they have earned in the past year (whichever is greater). No interest or penalties are ever accrued, but the Treasurer may place a lien against future expected earnings if the council approves.

_____If ever a dispute arises between two Masters over use of a resource such as a book or item or whatever it may be, use is determined by the officer of that resource. Priority should be given to advanced request, but urgency and seniority may be considered in the decision. This decision may be appealed to the council, who shall decide by ballot.

_____These rights and privileges shall not be abridged except by decision of the council under conditions of grave concern.

Prerogatives of a Pontifex
_____In addition to the basic rights, the rights of membership, and the privileges of a Master; a Pontifex has certain ceremonial and traditional prerogatives that are mandated by the ancient Charter. Those of important note have been written into these Resolutions and worded appropriately. One who holds the title of Pontifex also holds the responsibilities of the Office of Pontifex. Any compensation for the duties of this office are waived in favor of the prerogatives, which instead entitle them to Benefits received every Winter equal to 3 pawns Vim and 6£ silver, received every Winter. A Pontefix may also earn regular stipend and wage for filling the duties of other offices.

_____The other prerogatives of a Pontifex primarily include those resources and assets owned individually and collectivly by the Pontifici. These private possessions are of no concern to this council. They may meet in a private Council of Pontifici, but these meetings have no bearing upon the laws of this covenant and are of no concern to this council. There are enchantments within and upon this covenant, so ancient that none has a clear understanding of them all, some which are restricted to or restricted by or impart restriction to a Pontifex. This cannot be helped, save that this council is resolved that the Pontifici shall ever consider these as sacred duties and responsibilities to the welfare of this covenant.

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Obligations & Responsibilities
_____Members of this covenant must be ever obedient to the Oath and Code of Hermes. Failure on this account will not be tolerated by this covenant, and the council reserves the right to penalize members convicted in just Tribunal of an offense against the Order of Hermes. If facing accusation or convicted, the covenant's Inquisitor is to make a full investigation and present his findings to the council before they decide upon such. If the Inquisitor reports injustice or false accusation, the covenant shall bear the burden of expenses of defending the member and clearing their name.

_____The lasting success and prosperity of this covenant depends on the cooperation and solidarity of its members. Virtus Unita Fortior; Virtue United is Stronger; shall ever be our motto. To this end, though competition and rivalry may arise between members, no member of this covenant shall side with an outsider against another member of this covenant. The exception in the case of suspicion or accusation of breaching the Code or other High Crimes, and even in said case a member should be given the benefit of the doubt and has the right to internal investigation and to speak in his defense. Further to this end, all members are pledged to the help and cooperation of one another. None shall inhibit the study or practice of magic by another nor interfere unwanted in matters that do not concern their own welfare nor covered by the Code or these Resolutions. All may request assistance in the lab, and it is never to be considered a shame or dishonor to assist a fellow covenant mate in their lab. By inviting and accepting another member into your Lab, you waiving in part the absolute rights of Sanctum in that you pledge to extend the protections and securities of the Oath and this Covenant upon your covenant mate. Further to this end, the maintenance and protection of all aspects of this covenant are considered the shared duty and obligation of all members, regardless of rank or office. The philosophy is ever to be Do what Needs to Be Done, if it is within your capability; as opposed to waiting around to ask another. Further, the covenant as a whole accepts responsibility for the maintenance and protection of the village of Arans, which supports our covenant. Magi are encouraged to cooperate with them and provide assistance as they would to any of our covenfolk. In addition, there may be many miscellaneous tasks, great and small, that are not or were not directly assigned to the purview of an officer, or those that slip through the cracks or suddenly arise. The Council is authorized to identify and declare needed duties and appoint an officer to discharge them. The Council may not force a Member to accept such a duty, unless failure to perform it would be in breach of this covenant and in which case the threat of penalties may be employed.

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Penalty & Punishment
_____If a Member should ever violate the rules and resolutions of this covenant, they may be subject to penalty or punishment as determined by a vote of this Council. The accused has the right to speak to their own defense and to have advocates and advisers as they require. They have the right to face their accuser in open council and question them. They have the right to examine the evidence being used against them and to present evidence to their defense to be examined by the council. They may not participate in final discussion or be witness to it, their vote is suspended, and they do not count for or against quorum. After due deliberation in private, the council shall decide the matter by ballot, and if the decision is to find the accused to be guilty, then they shall privately debate and decide upon the penalty by vote.

Low Crimes
_____For Low Crimes and mild infractions; appropriate penalties include Censure, Fine, and Conscription. For a Journeyman, the time for their probationary period and required tasks is held in suspension until they have completed the requirements and paid the costs of the penalties for their Low Crimes. Obstinate refusal to ever comply may result in expulsion. For a Master, the Council may choose to suspend their Salary or Office until they comply, and may even go so far as to vote for Confiscation. A Master may not be expelled for failing to comply with the penalties of a Low Crime, but they may be asked to resign with honor or face further charges. As with any honorable resignation, they shall be entitled to the status of Past Master. If a Pontifex fails to comply with the penalties for Low Crimes, the initial steps taken for other Masters may be used. Instead of the ultimatum of resignation or further charges, the Council may instead or at any time previous position the Council of Pontifici for satisfaction. The Pontifici are obligated by Charter to satisfy the Council of Masters, and as such the covenant is authorized to take payment for fines directly from the accounts of the Pontifici, and to fine the Pontifici if they fail to satisfy their petition. For guests, the council may choose to simply rescind their invitation for non compliance or in lieu of another penalty. For an Honored Guest or Past Master, obstinate contempt may cause the council to reconsider the worth of their accolades.

_____Censure is a formal statement of disapproval, denouncing the actions of the magus, as a whole or in some aspect thereof. In the most mild form, it is scolding the magus for a poor decision or unwise choice. In more severe form, it is a strongly worded reprimand admonishing the magus for their actions and warning against further activities of that nature and placing them on notice that future miscreant behavior shall not be tolerated.

_____Fines may be levied if the council feels that the magus owes some form of restitution. This may take the form of silver, vis, or some other materials. The covenant is never authorized to deprive a magus of his Talisman, Familiar, Apprentice, or Arcane Heirloom. The maximum fine for a Low Crime is a Rook of Vim or an equivalent thereof. A Fine may be used in conjunction with Censure, or in place of Censure.

_____The highest penalty for a Low Crime is Conscription, which is to mean assignment to a specific Service or requirement of a certain Task. The time required should be between three and seven seasons, rarely more than nine, and the magus is responsible to bear expenses. The council may choose to waive the burden and accept all or part of the cost, depending on the nature and cause of the Conscription.

High Crimes
_____For High Crimes and severe infractions; appropriate penalties include Confiscation, Suspension, and Expulsion. A Journeyman convicted of High Crime forfeits all time and credit they have towards completion of their probationary period. Further, the council must vote to decide if he may attempt completion of probation again, or if he is to be demoted to being merely a guest. Obstinate refusal to comply with assigned penalties results in Expulsion. Short of Expulsion, a Master convicted of High Crime does not loose rank or status, nor any rights and privileges other than those duly Suspended for the allotted period. Obstinate refusal to comply with penalties may result in additional or alternative penalties, or a request to resign as a final option. A Ponifex is, for the most part, treated no differently than another Master in these regards. The primary exception is that, instead of Expulsion, a Pontifex may face Exile.

_____Confiscation means to take time and/or material value from the magus, and is to be seen as an elastic clause allowing the Council to administer higher Fines and harsher Conscription for serious infractions or failure to fulfill the debts of the penalty of a Low Crime.

_____Suspension is a moderate to sever penalty for serious infractions. Suspension may be applied to specific rights or privileges; such as a suspension of Salary, suspension from holding office, suspension from accessing the Master's Library, suspension from earning Wages, etceteraa. Suspension can be more severe, applying to multiple rights and privileges, to the extreme of just short of Exile or Expulsion. A period of Suspension should generally last three to seven years, rarely as high as nine.

_____Expulsion is the most severe penalty that the covenant may apply within the power of these resolutions, and requires a unanimous vote of the Council of Masters. Expulsion is the only means through which a Member of the covenant shall lose his basic rights; and requires that the former Member ceases to draw upon those basic rights subsequent to the first full moon after expulsion was enacted.

_____Should a magus be cast out from the Order, it is the duty and obligation of this covenant that he shall also and without delay be expelled from this covenant. Further, his possessions shall be immediately seized as property of this Council, and if a Wizard's March is called for against them, this covenant shall be dedicated to facilitating and participating in hunting them and administering justice.

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Additions & Amendments
_____Addition of Amendments to these Resolutions and Rulings require due process and procedure be followed and approved by the required vote. A proposed Amendment must be presented at a quarterly meeting of General Council, and the council may have the option to Dismiss it or Post it for Consideration. If Posted for Consideration for at least one full season, the proposal is to be voted on at the next quarterly meeting in Master's Council. If passed unanimously, the proposed amendment is accepted. If the vote is not unanimous but at least two-thirds in the affirmative, a Pontifex may present the proposal to the General Council for a vote. If the General Council votes two-thirds in the affirmative and a Pontifex approves, the proposed amendment is accepted. If this vote fails, the proposal is posted for reconsideration for a period of no less than three full seasons. If a Majority of Masters approve but less than two thirds, the proposal likewise is posted for reconsideration for a period of no less than three full seasons. If the majority vote against it in any given vote, it is dismissed. If returned to posting for reconsideration three times and not accepted, it is dismissed. Once an Amendment is accepted, it takes effect upon the next Winter Solstice. This is provided one full season has passed, for if not, then it takes effect the next Winter Solstice after that.

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Table of Contents

Oath of Covenant
Ranks & Membership
Governance & Council
Officers of the Council
Covenant Assets & Resources
Rights & Privileges
Obligations & Responsibilities
Penalty & Punishment
Additions & Amendments