Resolutions of Charter

Covenant Assets & Resources
_____The Assets and Resources of this covenant are held in commonwealth by the Council of its members, and they share the responsibility to maintain and defend them.

_____The Covenant of Andorra claims Hermetic Jurisdiction over the entirety of the several parishes of Andorra. It further claims ownership and rights over any and all mystical resources and locations, and is responsible for them as well. The covenant has claim to specific property rights concerning the Covenant Keep at Mount Arans, including the buildings, defenses, grounds, and chattels of the castle there. The covenant also lays claim to other shares of properties and portions chattels in the village of Arans and in scattered locations nearby. These including the silver mine, the orchard, and the vinyard. The covenant also lays claim to any properties and chattels gifted to the covenant as a whole.

_____The convent lays claim to unclaimed and undisputed sources of vis, mystical resources, and other assets located by the members of this covenant. Discoveries of such are rewarded with the first year's yield of a renewable resource or a seventh of the value of new assets. The covenant further lays claim to any vis or other assets & resources gifted to the covenant as a whole. In other cases, unclaimed and undisputed vis and other assets belong to the one who found them.

_____The covenant lays claim to all books obtained by members while acting at the behest of the council, and all books scribed by members of the council where payment was received for this scribing from the covenant's resources. The covenant also lays claim to any texts gifted to the covenant as a whole.

_____The covenant lays claim to all magical items obtained by members of the council while acting at the behest of the council, and all magical items made by members of the council where payment was received for this manufacture from the covenant's resources. The covenant also lays claim to any magical items gifted to the covenant as a whole.

_____The covenant lays claim to all monetary and material wealth generated using the resources or investments of the covenant. The covenant also lays claim to all monetary and material wealth obtained by members of the council while acting at the behest of the council. The covenant also lays claim to any monetary and material wealth gifted to the covenant Members as a whole.

_____Annually, at the regular stated meeting on the night preceding the Winter Solstice, a report shall be given by the Treasurer concerning the collection and expenditure of material and mystical assets during the previous year. They shall further report upon the status of resources and income, including a projection of supply and expense for the coming year. Each officer shall then in turn submit a proposed budget of what mystical and material resources they shall have need of for the duties of their office.

_____Debate upon budgetary matters are then tabled, and a Pontifex forms a committee of at least three Masters (which may include them self). This committee is to create a budget for the coming year, to be submitted for approval no later than the regular stated meeting of the Spring Equinox. Approval requires a simple majority vote, but if the budget is not agreed upon, the covenant continues operating according to the previous budget until a new one is finally approved, and a meeting must be held every fortnight until they do so.

_____In the creation of a budget and the execution thereof, primary consideration must be given to resources and assets required for the continued existence of the covenant. This includes the protection of its members and inhabitants, sustenance of their lives, and defense of their rights. Also of important consideration is payment of any debts, fees, wages, salary, stipends, and other expenses owed by the covenant. Contributions to all debts owed to the covenant are decided by a Pontifex, and set aside. After all considerations, remaining assets and resources that are deemed surplus are to be stored in the covenant vaults in reserve for times of necessity and for needs of future developments & investments.

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