Spoilers for Rise and Fall for those wishing to avoid them may be found herein!
In any case, to the point.
In my game, the covenant has just completed the first leg of Rise and Fall, rescuing Severin and discerning the whereabouts of his familiar and his staff. I'm running in the Normandy Tribunal, and the Tytalus Primacy question has been a major issue in the tail end of our first 'season' of the saga. At present, House Tytalus is risking having their House marched at the next Grand Tribunal (a year from this current session) for intransigence after repeatedly refusing to come to terms on the issue of who speaks for their House and perpetrating various schemes to sidestep the issue.
Severin has now come across upon the scene, freed from Arcadia after what seemed to him to be 8 months, but to the rest of the world, he has been gone since the Schism War.
(As an aside, it was somewhat amusing, as the covenant has recently angered House Tytalus, giving up a potent Diedne artifact to the Tribunal that was tasked to the PC mages as a job by one of the Primacy contenders, ala the Lion and the Lily story seeds. Returning home, the grogs reported that a man had hurled huts from the local serfs into the windows of the covenant's main tower, wrecking part of the lab of the Lady Pellegrina, and ruining her recently acquired Spotless Virtue. The grogs also noted that the man, obviously a mage, had yelled "Death to House Diedne!" as he did so. Pellegrina became alarmed, as she secretly was initiated into the mysteries of House Diedne by a local faerie. She assumed the Tytalus primacy candidates had found out her secret, and this was their initial attack against her, and the covenant. It took a while to untangle this, but the shock and alarm were exciting to see played out, especially as two new player magi had joined the group, and were worried about the company they now seemed to be keeping. Anyhow, back to the main issue...)
The covenant's Quaesitor, Helios Excelcis, believes in his heart that Severin has only experienced 8 months, and thus the issue of Severin being eldest mage in the Tribunal, and thus Praeco, is not to be pursued.
However, Severin being Praeco, and a Tytalus of the Hippian school more prone to useful social involvement than the somewhat juvenile antics of the Tytalean mages of the Normandy Tribunal, would possibly solve a problem with the current disarray the House is in.
He notes that mages in Twilight, even those gone for seven years or more, are not considered to have 'skipped years' in their aging. Helios is likely going to aid in ruling against Severin being a possible candidate for Praeco based on age, even though aiding him would be potentially beneficial to House Tytalus and the Order in general.
That said, what other angles might this be spun into, what other possible arguments might be proposed for purposes of Severin's candidacy for Praeco?
What might you do, were you in Helios' shoes? How would the Order measure age, in a world with regios, Twilight, and who knows what other means to adjust the flow of time for a person?