ROLL CALL: Write a (hermetic) book

Because I just like it this way :slight_smile: I work like this in my job, and I guess old habits die hard. And I have no idea on how to put stuff in a wiki, so that is a barrier to entry as well. Dunno about Arthur, Timothy or the others (I know I am missing someone but can't find who) but so far it seems that the way we are working is to build a frame each and then we plan to share it "once more or less ready". You can comment no problem right now. I know I am not paying them much attention yet since I am working in my own stuff, but intend to comment on their own developments in the future. I have no problems with this whole thing being uploaded to the wiki once I am happy with what I have worked on, but prefer to keep it tidy until then.

I have your library bookmarked already Marko :wink: Thanks for ponting it out again in any case since it is a great resource. :smiley:

Great books everyone :slight_smile: I am getting a lot of ideas from you all. However, I do not think I made myself clear here.
My idea was like this: I am Xavi, I work as a consultant in air transport. What would I write if I was a magus:

"Flying in the wake of the storm: Using man-made props for Magical transport"
by Xavier of Flambeau Auram tractatus Q6.
This fairly strange and somewhat dull tractatus discusses a multiplicity of methods of flying using props, and how they would interact with Auram wind spells to propel them across the sky. The book offers some innovative approaches, talking about thrust and leverage and how certain shapes seem to be more airborne than others, but is not the easiest text to read, specially as the book keeps moving around: The book is enchanted and hoovers at mid air when opened, trembling slightly as if under great stress. Reading it in a strong wind (man made or otherwise) stops the trembling, but poses other challenges to the reader.


Hello i'm Guiem and i work in investigation in an astronomical observatory and in divulgation in a planetarium.
If i had to write everything i want.... i would just die half way through.

"Oculum caelum & mens paratus" or
By Joanes Willermus Ex Criamon. Bulk of 3 tractati:
Intelego Q14 & Awareness Q14 & Area lore: Regiones 14
( what? I bougth the good teacher virtue! :mrgreen: )

Those tractati offers an aproach ( blatantly blasfeme) about how to percieve and undestrand through the exposicion of observational facts that the world is much more than what it seems.

After study those 3 tractati in a row and dedicate a season to study those as a whole you shall obtain the virtue Second sigth and the hability second sigth at 1 . If thereso you shall also obtain the flaw Driven: Curiosity

If you study those during your aprenticeship you shall obtain Second sight in ordeal with Knowing-it-all

The dosage is one per season, never exeed the prescripted dosage, in case of overdose assist to the local meeting point for housewifes and listen untill your preexistent headache is replaced by another. In case of doubt consult your parens.

"The Master of Reality" by Archmagus Marko Markoko of Tytalus[sup]1[/sup]
Mentem Tractatus, Quality 12 (Com +3, Good Teacher)[sup]2[/sup]
[tab][/tab]This book is based on the theory that the mind is the key to controlling reality, in that by controlling the way others think and perceive you, you set into motion events that make these things actual and real. It exposits crackpot theories such as "Frame Control" and "Fake it until you Make it", and so on. Basically, all social reality is a big mind game, and the mentalist has the edge. However, everything in the book is contradicted by his next Mentem Tractatus entitled "Wisdom of a Humble Mind". In even later works he renounces the ideas in all of his earlier materials as frivolous rambings of his youth, and adopts a more pragmatic yet ethical approach to the use of Mentem.

[sup]1[/sup][size=85]Yes, I know I am traditionally known as that Flambeau guy. But if we are talking about a magus based on the actual me, as opposed to the magus I would want to be if I were a magus, then I look at myself and see a Tytalus. And I am the one that calls them a bunch of deranged lunatics, so... :smiling_imp: [/size]
[sup]2[/sup][size=85]As for the High Quality, it is my fantasy, so deal with it :mrgreen: [/size]

Ok, we open up the question to include the magus you would like to be". So feel free to post the book that the magus you would like to be would write :slight_smile:

Take in mind that I might edit the quality and scope of the works being provided since, as you can see at the start of this thread, the book Quality of the books in Iusto Foedere's librarty is not as high as the ones you are providing! And I do not think that Com +3 to +5 AND Good teacher should be as prevalent as they seem to be in this thead :mrgreen:

"Mystical Significance of the Divine Symmetries: A treaty on arcane numerology" by Comcas Jerbitonis
Artes Liberales tractatus of poor level (say, 02) and either poor or good quality (say, Com +2).
Can also be studied as a Guile summa of good level and quality.

This book discusses the relationship between numbers and magic, and vaguely hints at both rotes and hermetic architecture. Its author, Comcas Jerbitonis, is known to be tied to hermetic architects and has something of a reputation as a scholar, despite having never done any impressive or non (core) hermetic work.

As such, this book, his first one, was clearly a threat. It failed to deliver.
It is strangely written, with a few passages that explain clearly what they mean to discuss, interseeded with pages of complicated charts and impressive sentences that evoque great knowledge, but, once deciphered, appear as pure verbiage. Those who ignore these will quickly read the book, easily learning the few useful information it has (AL tractatus, good quality). Those who try to understand them will only lose their time (AL tractatus, poor quality).

As such, most magi who've read it have mixed impressions of the book. Some seeing it as best as a very "entry-level" book, at worst as a waste of time, whereas others insist that it holds deeper insights into Hermetic Numerology, insights they simply fail to understand. This is false: So far as Mysteries and Artes liberales go, it is only, at best, a good book for apprentices.
Of course, this is only true for those who don't get the book's true meaning: The "useless" parts show how one can use select keywords and weave them together to bluff his way, fooling people into believing he's much more knowledeagle than he really is, whatever the subject (Guile summa).

Comcas is actually a fraud, who used his charm and guile to worm his way into not one, but 2 different mystery cults, learning only the barest skills necessary, escheving painful and debilitating mystery initiations, yet managing to divert some of the cult's ressources towards him, in no small part by impressing the cult's leaders. So far, he has yet to be exposed.

Oh, you noticed too? :unamused: :laughing:

Two points of Xavi's could be coming from resonances, which means he might have Com 1 + Good Teacher.
The bulk of texts should be in the Q8-Q11 range...

Meh, the way I write, I'd be Q5 at best. :-/

Imagine a tractatus with Q -2. The more you read, the confuseder you get...

So... You also read my university former teacher's book.... Interesting... :unamused:

Hi, I'm Kurt and I work in product testing with secondary interests in a number of areas.

Modes of Destruction, a primer
By Magister Kurt of House Verditius

L11 Q17 Summa on Perdo, Tractatus Artes Liberales (arithmatic) Q8, Tractatus Magic Theory Q8

Resonant materials:
-- Cover: A cemented amalgam of the crushed remains of several (flawed) enchanted devices collected from lab experiments
-- Binding: Copper wire from an intelligo terram device, collected from an adventure that left the poor magus somewhat (more) warped.
Glossed by another member of his peculiar lineage
Illuminated by an expert

This text is described as a primer and is by no means one of the best Perdo summae ever written (but not vain in quality). It is, however a somewhat more advanced text than the title describes. It explores destruction of things in a very organized and controlled way with much time spent outlining various lab methodologies and describing a number of enchanted devices. The author spends little time dealing with Herbam, Imaginem, Aquam, and Corpus magics (though his methods are generally applicable) and dwells fulsomely on Terram and Vim. He does show the relationship between Rego techniques that lead to distruction -- say, dropping something from a great hieght -- but the text is truly focussed on Perdo.

That said, he does introduce the reader to a strange idea that he has where he claims that one can use numbers to predict behavior of targets under preddue from Perdo magics (largely dismisssed by the Order). He does tie it in neatly with his experiences in the lab, however, and he outlines some enchanted items to accomplish this effect.

Great book. Thanks!

Thanks to Xavi I have been thinking... Maybe would be great to write a summa about:...

Didactica puerilis
Joanes Willermus Ex Criamon

When fostered a Tytalus's appentice, that was more dead than alive the day she arrived, he faced a unthrusty, wrathfull, naughty nine years old beast. The price agreed were two pawns of Intellego. The girl was pretty unable to listen or even pay attention for an span larger than three heartbeats. Anyway with calm and patience he managet to get closer, and make her open. She begun to pay attention and slowly she discovered that really enjoyed learning...

Ending her first moon of study she gave the criamon a precious gift, she laughed... In that very moment Joanes Willermus noticed that was the first time that he heard her laughfing. He could not recall a single smile of that girl until this very moment.

Day after day the girl were improving, and enjoying learning. That was so that even changed her mood.
In the season last week he noticed that, that half tammed ginger curly head war beast, developed the Apt student Virtue.

He became so fond of her, that offered to the Tytalus to buy the aprentice... Although he reffused. Also offered another season of teaching at a reduced price...

The Tytalus simply took her and disapeared.

Five years later a hooded woman came to visit Joanes Willermus. He ignored her identity... Until he noticed a ginger lock of curly hair Sticking out the hood. He greet her and invited to pass. Her parens was hunted down in a wizzards war, and somehow she managed to survive. She asked him to end her aprenticeship. After chatting a while and seeing her smile he agreed. 2 years later she passed her gauntlet and took her own path.

The criamon decided after that wrote a summa of teaching, to share his experience and transmit the comprehension of those little aprentices. And just following a tractatus of apendix and corollaries.

To whom who read the whole summa and the apendix, and teaches applying those methods for 10 seasons is oppened the possibillity to learn "Good Teacher". You can dedicate a whole season of work to any student and teach him/her "apt Student".

( choose the lvls and qualities the best to fit your saga)


inpired by my Tytalus character personality and background, I'ld like to post some books, two written by him and the latter one by his parens.

The latin translations have been made with Google Translator so, please, forgive me if the are too wrong.

The Art of Truth (Ars Veritatis)

Klyses ex Tytalus filius Kalprax (somewhere in the Hibernian Tribunal, XI century)

Guile Q9, Intrigue Q7

In this book the author states he is worried about how usually magi rely so much on their powers, that they flounder when they are unable to use them.

The first part is a fairly complete manual about lying and how creating consistent "alternate truths" as the author defines them. Additional emphasis is placed in learning how to avoid falling in one's growing web of lies.

Next is an extensive study of "social lies" or, as the author says "...those constructs in which the learned magi and his plans can hide from prying eyes..."

Physically, the book is completenly unremarkable except for the golden spiral labyrinth on its cover, which is made from an strange and very hard black wood.

Mind's Armor (Animi Arma)

Kalprax ex Tytalus (Normandy tribunal, X century)

Art of Memory, Summa L3, Q8

Although the title might suggest otherwise, this is actually a summa on the Art of Memory. Written in a very clear and no nonsense style, it's a good starting point for anyone interested in learning "...the art of forgetting nothing...".

More interesting, perhaps, is the second part of the book, which describes how to integrate the learning of the Art of Memory in the apprenticeship of a Tytalus.

Some excerpts from it,

" night, after a grueling day, inform your apprentice that you have hidden a deadly trap in his quarters that can only be found because of a single difference with respect the same room when he left it. Of course, this trap may o not exist, may or not be deadly and may or not be unique..."

"...teach him not to confide in what he perceives, only in what he remembers, for example, change your servants from time to time but call them by their old names. If your apprentice sees no change, punish him mercilessly for he is trying to maintain an easily discoverable lie..."

Of Love and Hate (De Amore et Odio)

Klyses ex Tytalus filius Kalprax (somewhere in the Hibernian Tribunal, XII century)

Folk Ken Summa L5 Q13
Philosophiae Summa L3 Q9

Written in his final years, some say, too near his final twighligt, say others, this book is an essay on the (supposedly) correct way of raising titalyan apprentices.

Half an study, half a personal analysis, this book is better explained by reading some excerpts,

"... a true parens must walk the bleeding edge of his apprentice's breaking point, too hard and you will reduce him to a husk, too soft and your apprentice will never achieve his potential..."

"... ironically, it can be said that Tytalus truly love their apprentices. Only by eschewing any semblance of kindness an apprentice can be transmutated in a weapon, against his parens, against the Order, against the world, against himself. Provided with the sharpest mind and body, completenly unprejudiced and free, he has truly become a monster among men.
And, as for the price, that's something every one must decide if he is willing to pay it"

I thought about a couple books that were going to be used as Story Seeds in a saga that never happened. Still got their write ups though. That said, they were just supposed to serve as multipurpose Hooks. I say this because their not exactly orginal.

[size=150]On the Subject of Longevity Part I[/size]
by Aurulentus of House Jerbiton, Glossed by Diodorus of House Mercere.

Creo Summa 10, Quality 10; Magic Theory Tractatus Q9; 'Plain' Lab Text for Widening the River Styx, (MoH pg20)

History: This is a recent work, but already someone has taken a rather keen intrest in it. The magi Diodorus filli Velox of the Roman tTribunal stumbled upon Aurulentus after alienating Elegans, a close friend of his parens. Wanting to 'show up that ancient, arrogant windbag", he followed a surgestion from his cousin and approached the 78 year old Aurulentus via correspondence. It took over three years but in occordance with the agreement that Diodorus, the Jerbiton wrote and sent Diodorus a text titled simply "On the subject of Longevity".

For some unknown reason, either based on pride in his work or a simple inexperience as an author, Aurulentus approached this opus in manner not commonly seen. In addition to the usual philosophical meanderings about the Arts, the author chose to include an example and (breifly) explain how the two relate. While certain phrases and metaphsyical points seem to be a bit misleading, Diodorus was still quite happy to receive it, though the Mercere requested clarification on the matter how Corpus's role.

While Aurulentus somewhat reluctantly began writing the requested companion piece, Diodorus reveiwed what he already had and in the process of making notes, glossed the work. Once done and seeing an opportunity, Diodorus hired a mundane scribe to make copies of the work. Diodores, skirting the edges of foreign Peripheral Code, informed and sent token payment to Aurlentus for some of the copies, citing poor storage conditions and damage as he reasons for their creation. While technically true, Diodorus neglected to mention that he was having the 'current' copy repaired.

The Redcap Magi has only recently began to distribute both texts amongst the other Mercere longevity specialists, favouring those with apprentices. seeing as how Aurulentus never requested, (and Diodores never swore), the Oath of the Cow and Calf combined with the fact that the Oath has never formally adopted as de facto in the Roman Tribunal, this may not necessarily be a breach of the Code but...

[size=150]On the Subject of Longevity Part II[/size]
by Aurulentus of House Jerbiton, Glossed by Diodorus of House Mercere.

Details: Corpus Summa 10, Quality 10; Magic theory Tractatus Q9; 'Plain' Lab Text for The Chirurgeon's Healing Touch (ArM5 pg129)

Histroy:...Diodores has began preparing a defense just in case. Centering around the idea of depreiving individual of magical power, Diodores intends to assert that not sharing this infomation would disadvantage his house, Further more, he intends to point out that he has requested no favours or payment for these gifts, so he is not depreiving Aurulentus of anything. Finally he intends to point that he did contributed to the work and therefore the copies he is distrubuting are not the same as the one he was given.

As the second part of the defence illustrates, Diodores followed up the non-traditional points that appeared to be misleading in the first work, Diodores was able to deduce that Aurulentus had made some kind of unshared discovery in the field. With a little research, what that discovery was became apparent. No fewer than three, possibly four of Aurulentus's children were conceived after both he and his wife had undegone their own longevity rituals. While only a minor breakthrough in regards to Magic Theory, this discovery could prove a boon Diodores's House who generally recruit from their own blood.

Regardless, Diodores did not waste any time ensuring that Part II received a very simular treatment.

If both are read by the same individual, these two books provide all the required infomation on Aurulentus's breakthrough for fertile longevity rituals. For more infomation, see Magi of Hermes page 20.

Told you they weren't orginal. But they are solid choices for a new Libary, an example of how a new breakthrough is distributed and it's effects (especially through Diodorus), illustrates cross coverage of writing and ties into several stories. Seeing as one of the maga was supposed to be a gifted Mercere, these were going to be her parens parting gift, (he only skimed them and thought she'd get better use out of them).

I'll see if I can dig up anymore.