Rules That Should Be Core

Even in the pdf versions (or at least the version I have) the bookmarks are a bit lacking. I actually went in and did my own bookmarks for it because things I was looking up all the time (spell guidelines, virtues/flaws) only had bookmarks for the start of the chapter. A minor problem in the grand scheme, but the time saved really does add up over multiple sessions.

If you were really going whole hog with the pdf version you could have a hyperlinked table of contents and also some hyperlinks in the body text itself whenever it refers to something complicated (like a formula) that's located somewhere non-obvious elsewhere in the book.


Oh yes, you are definitely right, that would make life much easier!

I second the need for a "modern" ToC in the main book, just like those found in the later books. And also would find it very interesting to have a "combined" ToC for all books.

IMHO it might even be interesting from a marketing standpoint to have this combined ToC available for free as a PDF, as it could wet somebody's appetite for a certain book without making the actual content available for free.

A cross-book index of rules would also be extremely useful, as there are particualr rules scattered all accross the several books, and one can't always remember where they were.

The rules for breeding and training animals were in Lords of Men, right? Nope, chapter VII of Hermetic Projects, The Menagerie of Magical Beasts. Oh, so the rules for debates must be in Art & Academe, right? Nope again. Then maybe, since they're mostly used in trials during Tribunals, they're in the Guernicus section of True Lineages? Nope, nope, nope, they're in page 90 of Societates, in the Tytalus section of the book. It goes on and on.

Not complaining about what authors did, mind you. Their work is amazing. Just proposing that an exhaustive index of specific rules and a reference to where they're found would be inmensely useful!


Does anyone have other suggestions? This has been very useful.

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Some basic apprentice training rules, including types of virtues that are teachable, the "average" hermetic apprenticeship, and the penalties for virtue teachings after arts have been trained. Just the simple stuff from apprentices and then redirect to apprentices for details.

We know hermetic virtues are teachable from Apprentices, but lore implies Gentle Gift isn't teachable, so confusion there. Some puissants appear teachable by virtue of being House Virtues, but can't be taught raw. A clarification on what specifically can and can't be taught, or a call out that it's a Troupe decision w recommendations, would be helpful


26 posts were split to a new topic: Teaching the Gentle Gift