Saga Diary - Scions of Nathas

Understatement of the year...

Going through the main characters, I count 4 or 5 direct combat spells, all pretty low level. There's about the same number of buffs, almost all 'lion centric' [i.e. centred around one PC and his familiar].
In addition, most of the high damage attacks tend to be close range or melee based.
Pen and Parma for almost all characters is rather dire... (Avg. Parma is about 2, Avg. Pen probably more like 1)

Encountering even a single combat centric mage could be highly disastrous if he/she is ranged and/or has good close quarter defence. In addition, even a moderately decent MR (say mid 20s) would pretty much nerf everyone. Even our magical lions would then be reduced to just basic, mundane melee....

It doesn't help that there is no coordination between mages regarding development and advancement. While this is nothing new, in an isolated nation with virtually no allies such as this, this can turn out catastrophic. But right now, every mage just moves ahead with their own, very basic approach to what they think combat should be. The last session (episode after the next) will demonstrate that nicely.

Welcome to another episode.... This time, we are joining our intrepid adventurers at the beginning of year 12:

Spring, Summer and Autumn
Downtime Seasons; Various amounts of teaching, creation of spells and minor items, as well as other personal projects are underway.

At beginning of Winter, Magda the old(!) scholar falls gravely ill and dies shortly thereafter, because most of the mages have not bothered with setting aside vis or creating longevity potions for them. While Gendo has prepared a potion for old Garvid just the previous season, most people were concentrating on their own pet projects.... Unfortunately, with the loss of Magda, a valuable font of knowledge for the survivors has gone dry.
A suitable funeral is arranged.

Earlier in the year, Gendo undertook the first fertility ritual upon his wife, Yui, and himself. So, in early Winter Yui prepares for the birth of her third child and Sasami is born without any complications. Shortly after, when both Gendo and Yui had a moment to hold her, the head midwife is revealed to be the Night Hag Ravel in 'disguise' and announces that Gendo's debt to her is paid in full and she disappears with the child, leaving behind a stunned Gendo and a distraught Yui... The two remaining midwives flee the room screaming. Once Gendo manages to make it over the initial shock and grasps the magnitude of the incident, he puts Yui to sleep to recover, and withdraws to the top of the tower where he sits and grieves. Is shortly thereafter begins to rain heavily washing off his tears... While the rain is very much centred only in the area of the tower, in the meantime, a heavy storm begins to build over the ocean.
When [strike]Wyn[/strike]Haygar attempts to speak to or console him he is simply told to leave.

Gendo sits in the rain for the remainder of the day and the entire night, left in thoughts, finally apparently arriving at a decision in the morning. During a brief check on his wife he explains to her in the briefest words what he thinks has happened, begs her forgiveness and then explains there are things that urgently need to be done.
He sends Sorel to the Scarlett Fortress to bring Ira to Dragmos as quickly as possible and during the few hours he has until they arrive he tends to some paperwork (mainly letters which are subsequently sealed), and again briefly speaks to his wife. When Sorel returns with Ira, without explanation, he takes both to Riverside, finds Ignacio and explains to them that he is presenting his apprentice for examination and approval. Ignacio, unaware of events is highly pleased while Ira, who has been appraised by Sorel on the way, is highly suspicious that "the mage is up to something stupid, again".
Nonetheless, the examination proceeds, with Gendo himself asking some of the hardest and most difficult questions he can come up with. Sorel is occasionally put out but is able to pass the examination without major difficulty. The same day, Gendo undertakes her harrowing, which causes her some extremely nervous waiting hours. Again, while clearly scared and worried, she is able to pass through it without any problems, emerging as a fully examined, approved, harrowed and oathed Nassian Mage. Gendo offers to return Ira to the Scarlett Fortress, but the declares she still has business in Dragmos anyway.

Gendo spends a couple of days splitting his time between ordering his affairs, preparations (but not telling anyone what for), and looking after his wife. He then asks Sorel that if whatever he is undertaking results in him not returning, if she would be prepared to become the Ocean Spirit's priest in his stead. While the thought does not thrill her, she understands the necessity of having an Ocean Priest present in Dragmos and agrees to it, should the necessity arise. Gendo then visits his wife and explains his plan to travel to Ravel's realm, either bring their daughter back, or failing this, to remain with her to look after her...
In the meantime, everyone else is beginning to get highly suspicious over what is going on. While the storm over the Ocean has ceased after the night, the bad weather over Dragmos persists, only briefly breaking during Sorel's examination.
In the morning he leaves town, and sets up the ritual for travelling to Ravel's realm. Once it is noticed he is missing, panic spreads amongst the spellcasters, and a major search is put underway. Ira is worried he might go rogue and cause numerous deaths in the process, while [strike]Wyn[/strike]Haygar seems more concerned about Gendo himself... However, it becomes apparent, that they are too late:

Gendo completes the calling/travel ritual preparations, when Ravel appears behind him, declaring that the ritual does not actually transport anyone, but alerts her to the fact that they seek her. Gendo notes that his actions then appear to have fulfilled their purpose, which almost seems to amuse her.
When he explains he wishes to have his daughter back, she declares this to be difficult, on account of her death (tearing a hole in Gendo's soul). She would be able to bring her back in exchange for an other life. When he offers his own she explains that this would not be a sacrifice and only that of his wife or one of his other children would do, which he flat out refuses.
She then briefly monologues about the nature of sacrifice and indirectly appears to try and get a reaction out of him. Against his better judgement, conviction and every principle he holds dear, Gendo does indeed snap, while ultimately knowing that it can at best be nothing more than a desperate and slightly pathetic lashing out of the fly against the giant. Putting his virtually his entire life force into a Pilum of Fire he collapses, in the final moment, noticing a slight expression of ... delight(?) in Ravel's 'face'.

When [strike]Wyn[/strike]Haygar arrives, he finds Gendo on the floor, with blood coming from eyes and mouth, while Ravel is bent over him, cackling in what is possibly amusement. When he challenges her, she declares that Gendo had actually surprised her and he had "done well". [strike]Wyn[/strike]Haygar angrily challenges her over her actions and is rewarded with a similar monologue over the nature of sacrifice, as she delivered before. She also refuses his offer of his own life, which is again, rebuffed with a lecture on the matter of life and "the nature of a man". With this, she then seems to be rooting around inside Gendo with partly immaterial claws (which could have been anything from stabilising him to collecting an unnoticed AC) and departs/disappears.
Ira arrives and together they transport Gendo back to Dragmos and fortunately, he survives and starts on the long route to recovery. While the weather in dragmos is still dire, it seems to be clearing up slowly...

When things settle down, it is decided to explore the Ruby Fortress and a small expedition is prepared. The portress is the last of the three northern Fortresses the Kaelbrach had on the periphery of their nation, to secure their domain.
It takes a boat to Dur Kattlimu and from there, is ferried in groups of 3 to the Ruby Fortress by Sorel on Gendo's flying carpet.

What will await our heroes(???) in the Ruby fortress...? Riches? Magical Treasure? Powerful items? Powerful opponents? Doom and Despair?
Don't forget to read the next episode of .... Scions of Nathas

The weather incident is basically an effect of "Leaky Magic", one of Gendo's flaws which manifests in situations of emotional turmoil and lack of emotional control... The flaw is described on the Net Wizard's Grimoire ( The storm over the ocean is likely the reaction of the Ocean Spirit to Gendo's deep despair.
As to the long term effects on Gendo, we are still debating possible new flaws for him.. . :smiling_imp: He is certainly out for Winter, and likely also Spring.

And welcome to another episode of 'Scions of Nathas'
Note: This is a summary of 3 or for game sessions, due to the desire for some old fashioned 'dungeoncrawling' in the player group :slight_smile:

The hints previously received from the Drake (a long time ago) about the possible loot and information available in the Ruby Fortress has left our heroes preparing an expedition...

The exploration party is made up of: Ser Florus, Aed, Haygar, Eleanor, Sorel, Brennan, Yaanin, Festos, Geeorg and, as a first run, Sasuke, one of the new arrivals from the first gate group.
The Ruby Fortress is situated on the top of a medium sized steep hill close to the northern mountain range and is reached via Ellotis.... Dual concentric fortified walls encircle a small town on the first circle wall, and two keeps as well as some military installations such as stables, etc. The outer town is completely razed to the ground, with the occasional corpse and skeleton not having completely decomposed. The inner keeps are heavily damaged, with one keep being partly damaged with about 7 levels still standing, while the second keep has suffered significantly worse damage with only about 2 levels left standing.

Eleanor switched to her bird form and takes an extensive recon flight, discerning that there appears no elf/human/hominid movement in the two courtyards and the keeps. However, when switching to second sight, she notices hundreds of elven ghosts, of both Kaelbrach and Linisfarn origin, fighting each other. The group makes its way through the grounds into the first (less damaged) keep. It is empty, with the exception of a number of ghosts. Like in the outer perimeter, the ghosts appear to be locked in opposing combat with each other. The small basement holds a number of storerooms with very little content. The entire keep is clearly a military installation and was overrun and demolished.

The 'Ferals'
The second keep is of similar design, but more substantially damaged and nothing of interest above ground. The first floor of the basement holds little of interest, apart from a wide set of stairs leading down. Interestingly, the stairs and the area around it seem to be free of corpses/skeletons. Upon descending the stairs, a number of (already sprung) traps are discovered, although they are lacking victims... After moving down the adjoining corridor for a few paces, the group is set upon by a 'gang' of nine elves, who storm the group from the front and two side corridors... They are fierce, but not particularly resilient and it quickly becomes clear that they are no credible threat. After a couple of rounds, 6 of them are incapacitated or dead, and two are blindfolded and Brennan had captured another one. Haygar, in his usual unnecessary bloodlust finishes off the two blindfolded ones.

The captured survivor, after a little while of interrogation, turns out to be a teenager equivalent 'feral' elf, who appears to be from a tribe hiding under the fortress. Apparently the leader is currently out hunting and will return within two days. The stairs are sealed with a WoT (again) and camp is made in the entrance hall, with a watch posted outside. During discussion with the captive (named 'Mili') Eleanor notes that he seems to be using primarily simple language patterns and a limited vocabulary. There is apparently a flourishing 'tribe' in the basement that assume that they are the only survivors of the Kaelbrach war.
When the hunting party arrives back, with the leader Barrow in charge, after some discussion they can be convinced that the explorers are allied with "The House of Finsuran" and they are invited into the tribe's home. Finsuran's Name seems to inspire a degree of awe in them.

After some further discussion, it transpires that Barrow and ten other children were hidden in the cellars during the War. Afterwards they assumed they were the only survivors, especially since, after a trip down to Eshnunna (which is an extremely long distance!!) and, after finding it destroyed, they returned and set up in the fortress, killing the occasional treasure hunters and Woodland Elf Rangers who came across them. They are socially not particularly advanced, and are very much a society where the stronger dominate the weaker. They also have, for elves, a very high birth rate and very young mothers. In fact, intercourse appears to be forming a large part of the tribal bonding.

Sorel takes a quick trip back to Dragmos, and brings back Illium and Nethus to decide upon a sensible course of action. Speculation is that the younger ones can probably be integrated into the Kaelbrach society, while the older ones may find this difficult. Sorel offers the support of Dragmos, if it becomes necessary. Plans are made for the tribe to be brought to Ellotis, from where Nethus will contact Finsuraneth.
There is some concern over political power games that may occur amongst the elves who might be using the tribe as political capital. Sorel advises Barrow that there are other options, if he feels his people are not doing well in Finsuran, and he can contact Dragmos or Ellotis if necessary. However, before the tribe is moved, it is decided that the lower basement levels will be examined.

The usual suspects proceed into the deeper basement where they find mainly sprung traps, as well as a number of dead elves and dwarves, who had become the victims of those traps. Given the age of some of the corpses found, it is likely that there is at least one further endrance to the basement somewhere, although is is not noticed by the explorers....

Burning Man
Two further levels down, passing through numerous looted labs, a 9' tall "burning man" is encountered who is clearly not happy at their presence. The ensuing combat is difficult, forcing Haygar back into standard lion form since his enhanced attacks do not penetrate the creature's magical resistance. He is eventually overcome primarily with mundane attacks, but not before causing some heavy fire damage to Sorel. After some basic healing magic (bind wounds and the usual recovery bonus spell), Sasuke and Yaanin transport Sorel upstairs (to see if Illium or Nethus have any suitable healing spells available). In the meantime the rest of the group presses on.
The burning man seemed to protect a number of laboratories which seem to be spotless, and, after some second sight, it appears are 'staffed' by enslaved ghosts who are working through some basic lab scripts. They seem not interested in interfering with the group passing through.

Not Quite Dead Yet
The next lab, in addition to some 'lab ghosts, does contain what appears to be an undead spellcaster who appears to be turning aggressive upon entry. Viscious combat ensues, where it quickly transpires that the undead mage is protected by a Terram Ward, deflecting all incoming metal weaponry. Geeorg is unfortunately vanquished early on via 'Crushed Heart'. Eleanor tries to catch the mage in a 'Trap of Entwining Vines' but only manages to catch Brennan in them... Sasuke fortunately manages to rip Brennan out of the vines by brute force, and (after grabbing his quarterstaff) tosses him into cover. Through the use of various table legs and other wood implements the mage is battered down by Aed and Sasuke, and, rather anticlimactically, killed by Eleanor's tree form with a Wardrobe... (a rather unceremonious end for a formerly great elven mage)
Afterwards, those with 2nd sight notice the enslaved elven ghosts clapping before they begin to fade. Eleanor manages to have a quick convrsation with them about elven death rituals.

Through the Rabbit Hole
In the possession of the Mage, there is, amongst other items, a red topped sceptre, which, once someone grasps it, opens up a section of the wall, revealing another portal. Passing through it, the explorers arrive in a clearly artificial magical dimension/regio/pocket universe/etc. The landing platform contains three columns, with a Ruby, an Emerald and a Sapphire on top. The area (and most subsequent areas) consists of a thin (10mm) metal floor magically floating inside a slightly swirling red mist. On the opposite side, a further portal leads onwards, leading into a series of regios, connected by numerous portals. The regios contain gardens (complete with artificial suns), living quarters, servant quarters, barracks, armouries, and lab spaces. All encountered areas show signs of fierce combat, the later areas revealing numerous corpses of both, Kaelbrach and Linisfarne Elves. Overall, it appears to be a similar stronghold/retreat to Finsuran's Rock.
In some areas, items can be found floating off the walkways and floors in the red mist, apparently for storage. It appears that quite some stock of foodstuffs, etc. were kept and they seem to be still edible(!). THe storage areas gontain long boathook like poles, that can be used to pull in barrels and chests.
Moving on, an area which holds numerous civilian Kaelbrach Elves floating off the walkways in the Red mist are discovered, all bearing severe/quickly fatal wounds on them. After some debate, the least injured, a young female elf, is roped in with some difficulty. As soon as her woulds begin to bleed, "Bind Wounds' and a recovery spell are applied. After some discussion, it becomes clear that the area was likely used as a prison by the resident archmagus [Ollie, can you please fill in the name?]. Anyone or anything off the platforms or walkways apparently enters a form of stasis. It is subsequently surmised that the wounds were applied by the Linisfarne troops by attaching a weapon to a long boathook.
After discussion, it transpires that not all was apparently well in the Kaelbrach state and there seemed to be quite a bit of 'forceful politics' going on over the years. THe young lady is left to recuperate in one of the bedrooms, while the rest of the area is examined. Given the worrying approach that Nethus is taking with the 'Ferals' she is offered to come back to Dragmos or Ellotis in secret for her to recover, while plans are made to retrieve the rest of the Elves in stasis (one by one) and heal them. This would allow them to return as a single unit with significantly more clout than if their existence was revealed to the inhabitants of Finsuran directly....

Further aread discovered are more storage areas, a specimen store of some of the sentient species encountered (about 40 LGMotF, 15 Orks, and some Dwarves), as well as an animal store, containing numerous animals, some already encountered, some not encountered so far. Most interesting are a set of horses, which would finally allow for a breeding programme and some useful riding animals, which so far has been sorely lacking...

The final gate transports the explorers into a large room with a large fountain in the centre and 12 portals/gates distributed around the edge of the room.....
Upon entry, a multi tentacled, somewhat translucent 'monster' emerges from the fountain and starts attacking. Plain physical weapons appear somewhat ineffective, however an InVi spell reveals that the monster is linked to the central fountain, which prompts some of the explorers to begin trashing the fountain, while others keep the monster busy. The damage reveals a large red jewel contained in the fountain which is quickly destroyed, banishing the monster as well...

The portal doors around the hall reveal a number of barracks, living quarters and storage areas, some mothballed labs, large amounts of stores lab equipment, a small library, and some supporting grog quarters. The more noteable areas include a massive lab, containing a Dragon's Skeleton, held together with leather and chains, ready to be animated, and a large lab with a Trireme inside. Both labs seem to lack a method to removing the oversized objects, the assumption being that some form of portal would have been put in place when the objects were ready. Further there is a large lab to summon/create magical beasts. One of the portals can not be opened, and just glows silver upon approach, while a second portal has the same reaction but turning silver. A silver key found on one of the corpses resolvers this and reveals a great hall, containing some bedrooms and a library on some siderooms, as well as a large Vis store (150 pawns; Yay!!!). There is also a large, magically secured (?) vault door of the type that we have failed to open before....

The loot is transferred over a few weeks, first to Elottis, then further on to Dragmos. The elves are sent to Elottis as well to allow the Kaelbrach to receive them. The Elven Noble is transported directly to Dragmos, while not being revealed to Nethus for the moment....

There is another interesting follow on in a further area but this we leave for another day....
There is currently a lot of wound licking and recovering going on, and there is the need to come to terms with losing one of the long standing and quite popular grogs, so the future will be interesting...

I noticed that the magi are using Wall of Thorns a lot, as a catch-all utility/defense spell. Note that the spell mentions the following: "The wall grows out of existing bushes or fertile soil."

So if there is no fertile soil (such as in a stone building), the spell should not work. That said, it's your saga.

Eeek! Good point. We may need to revisit this. It would clearly have been an issue in the underground corridors.... We may have to up the magnitude by a bit or something :slight_smile:

You can add a +1 magnitude Terram requisite: it also generates a certain amount of fertile soil

Nice read. Seems you have found quite a treasure trove there! And take care of your information source, you selfish bastards! Xavi pushes with his foot the dead grogs with Area Lore 7 and social abilities at 6 that died of old age at 45-50 under the rug