That seems ... familiar.
Hello! I write fiction novels and absolutely love Ars Magica, and would be overjoyed to try my hand at submitting something to Peripheral Code! My tentative ideas include:
- An Adventure aimed at apprentice-level characters.
- A line of Antagonists bound by generational magic.
And I'm also interested in the mentioned reviewer position. What exactly would be involved in that?
Thanks for answering and for putting so much effort into this amazing game. Ars is probably my favorite system, and seeing it still thriving makes my heart glow (even if I don't get to play much )
Hope to hear from you soon!
Why not jumping into the Transylvanian bandwagon ? Let's make a themed issue filled with Tremere guys, werewolf stuff and shadowy places !
Both seem great !
Sure! Although I don't know as much about Ars Transylvania (don't have that Tribunal book). Any tips?
Off the top of my head:
In Transylvania "Covenant " means the agreement between magi and outlines the status, rights and responsibilities of magi in the tribunal.
Exempli Gratia: Coeris and the Privileges of Cives. All members of Tremere are automatically members of this covenant, although they may resign and rejoin at whim. For other magi to be accepted is a great honour.
Transylvania is limited to just 5 such Covenants, IIRC this stems from the Corruption of House Tremere where the Order sought to prevent that from happening again.
The magi of Transylvania live in settlements called Oppida (sing. oppidum), mixing magi of various Covenants, which they move to and from more fluidly than in other tribunals, depending on their current interests. Some Oppida have a long history, others come and go. An Oppidum must have at least two members: One cives (effectively a Tremere) and one Aedile - a non-Tremere appointed to formally prevent corruption of the Tremere. Aediles have no particular duties but have the right to an emergency meeting with the Praeco or a Quaesitor.
Tremere support the Redcaps as they want an information network. The Tremere maintain a series of safe houses with healing magic, which magi may use in emergencies. Politically dominated by Tremere, but not corrupt they just form the majority and block vote to get what they want.
That is the most important bits I think. I can't recall the mundane situation just the Hermetic culture.
If you really are going to go Transylvanian Style then I beg you on my knees to listen to those who already mentioned De Domo Tremeris and read it first. Tremere House isn't the same after reading that book. As the author mentions at the beginning, due to the House cohesiveness, aims and reach it may be impossible to run a game without finding Tremere House along the way. And I never thought about the fact that these magi had been gathering resources and developing as a cohesive army for centuries now.
They even got me to get rid of our Houserule about Magi Tremeri being able to get Magical Foci. Each magi can be underpowered on its own, but with that House behind, they become serious business.
And what is "De Domo Tremeris" and where can I find it?
From page 2 of this thread, there's a 400 page work available where someone carefully creates a beautiful vision of House Tremere - but has to list all their assumptions at the start, and has to use several house rules to make it work cohesively. In particular, assuming the House takes an active interest in training new Tremere and makes suitable books available leads to newly-gauntleted Tremere with hundreds of xp more than standard Ars characters.
And sadly I don't envision reading 400+ pages in order to maybe write something for Peripheral Code which I already can't seem to get sufficiently defined in order to even write an outline.
Sounds interesting though.
I just ordered Amazon's last copy of Against the Dark, so I'll get a chance to look at that for my research

I just ordered Amazon's last copy of Against the Dark, so I'll get a chance to look at that for my research
Enjoy. I don't think I've fully read that book, apart form the Hermetic Culture section. I just might.

I just ordered Amazon's last copy of Against the Dark, so I'll get a chance to look at that for my research
Excellent choice.
I consider it far superior to Domo Tremeris (which I must admit I have only skimmed).
Amazon Prime just dropped it off!
Dear Sodales,
How is the Peripheral code issue going ?
Would you need some help, extra material, maybe pictures ? My sister might draw something if I ask her to (with all the respect due to a CrIm master)
What are the news?
Greetings all,
Was wondering if Peripheral Code is still going. I'd like to try my hand at it again. I wrote one supplement for the second issue, the Court of Roses. Was it well received? If so, would definitely like to continue. I have a few random ideas. In roughly random order:
A dark faerie who is bound up in stories of corruption. He inclines humans to temptation and eventually damnation. As he is not a demon, a magi won't be automatically marched for listening to him, so the faerie can afford to play a longer, deeper game.
A demon hunter magus.
A group of faeries that deal with human dreams. As quoted from "Voyage of the Dawn Treader," Not daydreams... dreams.
A Tremere magi driven to prove himself as useful. His master belittles him at every turn for his fear of wolves and Deficient Rego.
A series of books dealing on the subject of fear.
Would any of these fit in?
I'm starting to be a tad worried about PC...
OK, let me put it bluntly: is PC dead?

OK, let me put it bluntly: is PC dead?
I'm not hopeful.
I can't speak for Jason, but real life does get busy.
I can speak for Sub Rosa by way of example. We intended issue 21 for something like July or August last year, but Ben and I got so busy that we're only now putting the artwork together.
That, unfortunately, is how it rolls with these little side projects... Sometimes real life comes first.
But stick with us (PC and SR). Make no assumptions on when you'll see it, but enjoy it when you do.