Session recaps: The Sundered Eagle - Ars Magica game

The Tribunal of 1227
May 1227 - Adventure 26

The magi of the Covenant attend the Tribunal of 1227. During the Tribunal, the maga Lancea Tremeristes is readmitted, albeit as a metoikos, and the magus Formosos Guernicuistes is declared ostracized. It is also approved that the Council of Magistrates should keep a permanent census of the sigils of the magi of Thebes. Charis, who now lives in Erebos and comes with the other magi of that Covenant, meets with her former sodales and tells them that she is returning to Ouroboros. She also confronts Megethia Ex Miscellanistes on the issue of Lancea's readmission into the Tribunal. Boustaphan Tremeristes offers them the opportunity to travel to Baghdad on behalf of House Tremere, in search of the Hermetic Embassy, ​​and they accept. During the course of the Tribunal, it is decided to send a group of hoplites to kill the infernal lover of the Emperor of Thessalonica, who is believed to be a demon. It is also decided to send a detachment of hoplites next year to the Cambunian Mountains, to hunt down the Daughters of Erichtho, and the magi of Ouroboros volunteer to join them. They talk with Evantia, and agree to pass on a question from her to the Sibyl residing in their regio, about the whereabouts of her mother. Several magi from Moero Kepeia congratulate Hyperides for having hindered the advance of the Epirus troops against Nicaea in Thrace.


  • Charis
  • Eric d'Ancelin
  • Hyperides Hylas
  • Thubayta Al-Shafiyya

Note: This was the adventure where Charis' player was finally able to return to the group. We all agreed that it was a perfect opportunity for the maga to show up at Tribunal as one of the magi from Erebos attending, and request her former sodales to rejoin Ouroboros. The other magi, of course, accept her back with open arms, and was already able to play the Tribunal sessions with them. She would travel back to Constantinople with them, with her daughter Europa, to settle down in the Covenant once more.