The Abduction of Hannelora
Spring of 1230 - Adventure 32
When Eric d'Ancelin discovers that Hannelora is to be transferred from the nunnery of Anna of France, on the orders of Father Gurgos, he and Hyperides Hylas, Father Simon, and Theoclymenus set up an ambush against the convoy, suspecting that she is being taken to a corrupt monastery in southern Bulgaria. They confront a holy knight, an innocent pawn of Father Gurgos, and manage to free her without the knight or his men discovering who it was. After discovering that Hannelora has been driven mad by her imprisonment in the nunnery, they hand her over to Hedyosmos to have her mind wiped in an attempt to cure her madness.
- Hyperides Hylas
- Eric d'Ancelin
- Simon Ristopoulos
- Theoclymenus
Notes: When they realized the imprisonment of Hannelora had driven her mad, they felt deeply responsible for that. They spent a lot of time and energy into finding ways to cure her through Mentem magic, and ended up deciding that the best way to make her better would be to remove her memory of the event that traumatized her. Unfortunately, this didn't help her improve, as the magic only removed the memory, not the emotional scars. On top of that, she was now unable to properly heal by facing her fear and trauma, since she couldn't remember it anymore. She was left emotionally numb, in an emotional state similar to sedation, that would take her years to slowly recover from.