Session recaps: The Sundered Eagle - Ars Magica game

Attack of the Hydra
May 1230 - Adventure 33

When the children of the Hydra, mother of the serpents that had been plaguing the Covenant, besiege Ouroboros, Cháris, Hyperides Hylas, Eric d'Ancelin and Thubayta Al-Shafiyya explore the tunnels that provide access to the Sibyl's regio level. The expedition finds the lair through which the Hydra accesses the mundane world from the Magical Realm, in the tunnels beneath the Marmara Sea. After alerting the other archai, they manage to get the Tribunal to take action and seal the lair, flooding it and blocking it with a powerful warding spell. Meanwhile, Theoclymenus extends his influence among the criminal gangs of the city with the help of Bartolomaios.


  • Eric d'Ancelin
  • Charis
  • Hyperides Hylas
  • Thubayta Al-Shafiyya

Note: As mentioned before, the Hydra and her children are taken from the Waimie chapter of Antagonists. I honestly thought they'd be entering into the Hydra's lair, a lacuna in the Magic Realm, and was ready for that. But they came up with this idea of flooding the cave, and then casting a powerful Rego Ward so that the Hydra can't cross it to enter the mundane world. They didn't realie this at the time, but I ruled that a significant number of offspring were trapped in the mundane world when the connection to the lair was cut off. These will make an appearance in later adventures.