The Wrath of the Franks
November 1231 - Adventure 38
During the coronation of the new Emperor Jean de Brienne, the Frankish knights who came to Constantinople with him become enraged by his refusal to attack Nicaea, and sack the city. In the midst of the battle at Hagia Sophia, the magi discover that the lady Elise de Montmartie appears to be the new incarnation of the demon who was possessing the Lady of Neuville. They witness her, driven by her natural lust for blood, murder her current lover, Pierre de Bracheaux. Auleames de Clari, thinking the lady is in danger, ""rescues"" her, creating a bond between them. The Covenant manages to survive, strengthening ties with Enrico Mauroceni, but not without Thubayta inadvertently causing friction between Branaina and her husband Narjot.
- Hyperides Hylas
- Eric d'Ancelin
- Thubayta Al-Shafiyya
Notes: The demon who is the Lady de Montmartie is actually the Akgah from The Sundered Eagle, page 139. It was completely against the demon's best interest to kill Pierre de Bracheaux, who was tainted, well positioned in court and under its influence. Auleames, even if in a good position as well, is strictly celibate and chaste, and is a much poorer option. But the bloodshed around was too much for the demon to resist, as we know their lack of Virtue doesn't really allow them to have patience and temperance to plan and bide their time. The players are still wondering to this day why the demon killed de Bracheaux, but I feel these are the kind of things that make demons interesting in Ars Magica. Also, the players reached the conclussion that the Akgah posseses people, who are still there under the possession, and so have been hesitant to try and attack the demon as they think that would kill Lady de Montmartie, who is an innocent victim.