Session recaps: The Sundered Eagle - Ars Magica game

The False Hydra
December 1232 - Adventure 39

Theoclymenus discovers that he has forgotten someone important to him, a woman named Aeginas, and asks the Magi for help. Cháris, Hyperides Hylas, and Eric d'Ancelin go to investigate the underworld with him. Once there they discover that people are disappearing and their memories are being erased. They eventually find the culprit in the tunnels beneath the city, an infernal creature they call the False HydraThey come to believe it has grown in size after the Hydra and its offspring were banished, as they were eating the heads of the infernal creature, preventing it from growing powerful. They defeat the False Hydra and the infernalist who controlled it, one Andreas, who controled the criminal gang around the Harbor of Theodosius. Alkides, an envoy of Oge, arrives at the Covenant to protect Thubayta Al-Shafiyya.


  • Charis
  • Hyperides Hylas
  • Eric d'Ancelin
  • Theoclymenus

Note: This adventure had a lot that I want to comment about. For one, the main plot was taken from an idea about a D&D monster I read about on the internet, the False Hydra. There's a lot I'd like to comment about this, so I'll do that in a separate post. I'd also like to comment about the new character showing up at the end, Alkides, which will also be lengthy and so I'll comment in the following post.