The Cursed Reliquary
Spring of 1233 - Adventure 42
While the rest of the Magi are away, Hyperides Hylas travels with Ivan and Theoclymenus to a small Greek village to retrieve another of the hermetic enchanted items that look like reliquaries, which is also in the hands of mundanes. Once there, they discover that the object is damaged, and the demon that was trapped inside has escaped, causing trouble in the area. With the object recovered, they decide to ignore the demon and return home, considering the mission successful.
- Hyperides Hylas
- Ivan Volkov
- Theoclymenus
Note: One of the player couldn't make it for one session, so we did a quick one-shot with the characters that were left behind in Constantinople, sort of a "meanwhile..." adventure. Funny enough, the paid no mind to the fact they left behind a demon on the loose, even if that was not their fault.