Sharkman Begins (1234)

Pere smiles and pats his ample belly. Practice, my friend. I've sampled food and drink in dozens of ports, some of which would turn any man's stomach. Once you've sampled casu marzu, you find that your stomach simply can't be bothered to rebel against something as mundane as a ship's rocking.

Hmmm...I suppose that makes a certain sense. I understand it's a bit dark in the depths. From what covenant do you hail? I've heard of covenants based on flotillas traveling throughout the sea, though I've not encountered one. Are you connected to one of these?

Acutus grabs a hold of the ship rail, hard, his knuckles starting to turn white. He takes a deep breath, waits for a second, and then responds, "I do not currently have a covenant. I have only been in the Mediterranean for a little over a season, and most of that has been as my other self. I have recently found a...regio under the sea, and so I plan to take up residence there. And you? Are you from Barcelona?"

Very close. I have recently emigrated from that den of glorious iniquity. My mother covenant has entered an agreement with another to support a chapterhouse of sorts here in the Balearics. I'm in the process of establishing my sanctum in Palma, but it's my understanding that other members may reside on other islands.

Come to think of it, we are actively recruiting magi to aid us in the establishment of this Balearic protectorate. Is this promising regio nearby, by any chance?

Acutus takes a moment to lean over the ship railing and relieve himself of some of the sea serpent he'd eaten earlier, then wipes his mouth and offers an apologetic smile, "It lies between Mallorca and Ibiza. What other covenant is Barcelona working with? It seems a strange arrangement."

Pere politely looks elsewhere while Acutus does his thing, staring down any sailors paying too much attention. Interesting. Another of our members has sited himself on Ibiza. If you're plan to make this cave your permanent home I would encourage you to consider joining our chapterhouse. I can make introductions, if you wish.

As for the covenant arrangements, Barcelona is working with the covenant of Andorra, of which I am now a member. I think. It's very complex and still not settled. All that's certain at the moment is that vis resources were found in the islands after the Moors were expelled and the two covenants are going to somehow share the protection and exploitation of those resources. Given who is negotiating for Barcelona, I expect Andorra to get the better end of the deal.

I'm actually on my way to Barcelona to meet one of the new members of the chapterhouse and a Redcap from the Andorra covenant itself. You're welcome to accompany me. With a sympathetic look, he adds In your...other form, I assume.

Acutus nods, looking down at the deck, hoping that not seeing the movement of the water might alleviate some of his sickness, “Yes, I would very much like to at least meet the members of Andorra covenant…I hadn’t realized there was a covenant there. What tribunal is it part of? I would be happy to follow you there…as my other self. Would you be able to loan me some clothes when we arrive there?”

Yes, it's quite an old covenant, nestled in the mountains. It's historically a Flambeau covenant, but they experienced some unpleasantness recently and started expanding in a more diverse fashion. It's also not a member of any tribunal. Odd, I know. Something to do with old agreements most of the Order has forgotten. I think Val-Negra was involved somehow. Still, the covenant is strong, wealthy, and in good health. He leans closer and drops to a stage whisper. And between you, me, and the sea, the place seems to attract strikingly lovely magae. I personally try to avoid romantic entanglements with my sodales, but I must say I've been tempted since leaving Barcelona. Returning to his normal voice, he adds As for clothing, I would be happy to loan you what you need for now. I'll send Teodor to purchase a few appropriate items for you when we stop at Tarragona.

Acutus smiles conspiratorially, "Well, there's nothing wrong with that."

"Your generosity is greatly appreciated, I hope I will have the opportunity to repay you. I will follow you ship and keep watch for trouble. When you are nearing port, please lower a rope or ladder off the side and I will climb aboard so as not to scare all of the locals."

Unless Pere has anything else, Acutus will jump over the edge of the ship feet first and disappear under the water, replaced a few moments later with a shark fin just piercing the surface of the sea.

I'm good with skimming ahead to the Road to Pamplona thread, with Pere and Acutus showing up sometime in the current day.

How about, since Actus is not from the sea but has a sea heartbeast, he naturally wants to learn lore of the sea. The best place to look is of corse the bookstore. Pere takes Actus to Carles to look up sea charts and maybe look up seamonsters.

Sorry, Pere's supposed to be meeting Fedora and there's no way he's not going to look for her in the Redcap brothel first. And once he confirms she's staying there, he's not about to leave. Besides, Acutus needs to be properly welcomed back to civilization anyway. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I'm good with Fightmaster's idea. Acutus isn't exactly the bookish type, so this makes more sense, and flows with the story we've already devised. Can we jump into the Pamplona thread now? I'll folow Pere.

do so then, arriving at Yuval's moments after Fedora and Fleur headed off to Carles.

should I unsticky this?

Yep, since we've moved on to the Pamplona thread.