Silviatos ex Miscellanea
Int +3
Per +1
Pre 0
Com +2
Str -2
Sta +2
Dex -2
Qik 0
Age: 26(26) - 0 years after apprenticeship
Virtues (cost)
Hermetic magus (0)
The gift (0)
Ways of the forest (0-major house virtue)
Cyclic magic (positve):during spring and summer season (0-minor house virtue)
Diedne magic (3)
Fast caster (1)
Good teacher (1)
Inoffensive to animals (1)
Minor magical focus:wood (1)
Self-confident (1)
Second Sight (1)
Piercing Gaze (1)
Deficient technique: Perdo (0-major house flaw)
Dark secret (0-balancing diedne magic)
Restriction: within city walls (3)
Difficult longvity ritual (3)
Covenant upbringing (1)
Higher purpose: preserve magical realms (1)
Oak Gild emnity (1) (from Guardians of the forest, p.20)
Susceptibility to divine power (1)
Abilities (cost)
High German 5(0) local dialect
Latin 4(50) hermetic usage
Artes Liberales 1(5) ceremonial magic
Athletics 1(5) climbing
Awareness 2(15) alertness
Code of Hermes 1(5) political intrigue
Concentration 2(15) spell concentration
Finesse 1(5) fast casting
Folk ken 1(5) magi
Hunt 1(5) tracking
Magic theory 5(75) enchanting items
Order of Hermes Lore 1(5) politics
Parma Magica 1(5) mentem
Penetration 1(5) Corpus
Second Sight 2(10) regiones
Stealth 2(15) natural areas
Survivial 2(15) forests
Swim 1(5) short distances
Cr 5(15)
In 9(45)
Mu 5(15)
Pe 0
Re 5(15)
An 5(15)
Aq 0
Au 0
Co 4(10)
He 5(15)
Ig 0
Im 0
Me 0
Te 0
Vi 0
[Growling Chirping Sniffing and Enlightenment], InAn25
Purification of the festering wound, CrCo20
Converse with plant and tree, InHe25
Panic of the trembling heart, CrMe15
Hands of the grasping earth, Re(Mu)Te15
Wizards Communion, MuVi15
[Shake Free From the Spirit's Bind], ReMe5
Early childhood (0-5 years, 45xp)
Athletics 5xp
Awareness 15xp
Folk ken 5xp
Stealth 15xp
Swim 5xp
Later life (6-11 years, 90xp)
Latin 50xp
Order of Hermes Lore 5xp
Survival 15xp
Concentration 5xp
Second Sight 10xp
Hunt 5xp
Apprenticeship (240xp)
Artes Liberales 5xp
Magical theory 75xp
Concentration 10xp
Parma magica 5xp
Penetration 5xp
Finesse 5xp
Code of Hermes 5xp
130 arts
Silviatos hails from a german covenant, located deep in a forest and rather isolated, both from mundane and, though to a slightly lesser extent, from hermetic society. I will write more about his background story later but want to post his stats now for review. I also plan to write more about his druidic tradition since "druidic" can mean lot. The stats do show though that it circles mostly around growth and forstering, not around destruction.
"City walls" for the restriction was meant as an easy way of deciding where it applies or not, since it will be easy to judge that feature. If theres not enough walled cities in the surrouding, we can expand the restriction to any "greater" village or town, whatever that means. That would be more vague but ok too.
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