Well said
It would be great if you could share a "revised" ruleset with your edits of the original, as @Heaven_s_Thunder_Ham requested. I've been toying for a long time about creating a program that automated the Solo Play rules so that someone could input their Covenant and characters, and then use it as inspiration to create stories. Your ideas all sound really interesting, so having "your version" of the ruleset would help me use that, if I ever get around to coding this.
If it's any help, I compiled the original Solo Play rules and the additional material into a single document. It was a while ago (back in 2017), but here it is anyways, for what it's worth.
Solo Adventures v3.docx - Word document, 43Kb
The Solo Adventures doc looks amazing
Thanks, glad you like it!
I just put some format into other people's work, though. All credit should go to you and everybody who contributed to the rules.
Funny enough, I just finished updating a new iteration that I started over a year ago.
A version 4.4 upgrade to version 4.3 is available at this link. Note that this link expires after two weeks, so I'll update as needed.
Notable changes are:
- Increased adventure difficulty
- Clarified adventure prizes
- New Adventure XP calculations
- More thoughts/advice
- A table to overcome an opponent's Magical Resistance.
- General wording/spelling.
Please let me know if you find any spelling goofs or if anyone has any questions, please let me know.
I also at one point had a complex spreadsheet that implemented most of the solo play rules... But it was too addictive so I had to delete it... I am curious the format though that you've used?
Oh, I just meant that I put the rules in a Word document with headers, tables and stuff. Not that I implemented the rules in any automated form.
That being said, I am considering automating them in some way. I have yet to decide what form that would take, but it'd probably be a website where you can generate years of solo play. But I was thinking of some other format, like a Windows program, where people could have their own version in their computer, with their Troupe's data. I still need to think more about it.
So the version of the solo rules I found is 4.4 from 2022.
Is there a more recent update?
Working on it
@Sardonic_Laughter, I checked the 4.4 download vs my current file, really there's only very minor editing I did in January 2024. I recommend cost of vis sources go up to 20 BP for 1 vis per year would be the only actual change worth noting.
Thank you so much!
Can we get a new link to the current version number?
Also, are you open to constructive suggestions, and should we post them here or send them to you directly?
Either will work.
It is an overhaul of the whole ruleset I am working on, introducing a plausible reason within the Order to allow single mage covenant, with specific rights and duties.
Not sure if you were asking me or @Ezechiel3571, but I'm open to either posting suggestions here or messaging me directly. People play and interpret the rules very differently too.
One suggestion I would have, would be to change the order that Adventures are created in, since you check for Adventures at the beginning of the year, I think the next step should be assigning what season they happen in, and currently that's much later in the process.