I just reread the rules on Parma Magica, and I realized they are somewhat less clear than I'd like on some edge cases when a magus is protecting someone else.
The protected party must "consent" for the protection to be shared. But what happens if he initially consents, and then no longer does? Would he immediately lose the protection or not? I'm of a divided mind on this one; it's never come up in our games, but in principle it could.
A magus can suppress the Parma Magica by concentrating, and this also suppresses his Form Resistance. If maga Alice is protecting magus Bob with her Parma Magica, can she suppress her Parma Magica as usual? I'd say yes.
Does this automatically suppress her Parma protection on Bob? I'd say yes (but this would not suppress his Form Resistance).
Can Bob suppress Alice's Parma protection on him by concentrating? I'd say no (but he ought to be able to suppress his own Form Resistance).
The protection sharing lasts while "one [of the two] can see the other". If Bob and Alice are in front of each other, and shut their eyes, does the shared protection immediately end?
Does it end if Bob leaves Alice's immediate presence, but she keeps him in sight via scrying magics?
The reason I was re-reading the Parma rules, was that @ErikT was apparently arguing that the only way for a magus to lower his Form Resistance is to a) have a Parma Magica active and b) suppress said Parma. I wholeheartedly disagree, and see the RAW as saying that the same concentration through which a magus can suppress his Parma can, or will, suppress his Form Resistance.
But that "can or will" (assuming I am otherwise correct) is the rub:
Can a magus with his Parma raised suppress his Parma Magica by concentrating without suppressing his Form Resistance? I'm of a divided mind on this one too, but I lean towards "no".
Can he suppress his Form Resistance without suppressing his Parma? Again, I'm of a divided mind, but I think the answer really should be the same as for the question above.