Spell discussion: "Meteor strike"

Since when is a 183 meter sphere subtle? :laughing:

My comment about this spell should not be extrapolated to a comment about all spells of unusual nature or high level. Those can certainly be necessary and useful in specific saga situations. This particular spell has me challenged, because I don't see the utility of it. And against a dragon, even less so, since they'd have to WiCo the spell or have some other techniques for achieving penetration on said dragon.

And no, I don't intend to have dragons in my saga. Well not many, it's situational. Giants, yes. Lots of giants (that's a reminder/hint to the Bibracte players, btw).

Maybe you can have the giants play a football match with the stone?


Scaling it down, have you kicked a rock the size of a soccer ball or US football (I'm thinking you're thinking soccer). I think Giants would prefer PCs...

More like 99.9%, yeah. :laughing:

How about a couple of Tytalus magi, beloved rivals perhaps, having a decades long contest to invent the best smooshing spell?

RegoTerram 25 for personal range to ward you against all matter of earth (which includes, stones and metal - not just dirt).

So I'm pretty sure, we can ward an entire kingdom.. wait a second. . . What happens if you ward an entire kingdom from dirt/stone/metal? Hmmmm

In that case you are extremely likely to get God taking a special interest in removing your Gift and leaving you with grog stats. Hermetic limit of Gaming the System :slight_smile:

If you allow it, well, welcome to the... wood age?


Wait, did you say "smooshing" or "smooching"?

Also, you you really want someone to be able to destroy large parts of the world in one go, then perhaps you should just admit that the saga might need to retire and you can play a Supers campaign. :slight_smile:

Or you might play a highly political saga in which Georgus Bushus, the leader of one of the most powerful covenants in the Order, accuses a smaller covenant, with plenty of vis sources, for having SMD's (Spells of Mass Destruction) as a way to gain control of said vis sources? :wink:

Either would be good but only the former should involve giant mudballs. Call me old fashioned.

It's not very AM-like in terms of the way I have played or would like to play, no. Unfortunately, because of the way the rules scale Hermetic magic it is very RAW. I'd rather house rule it than just slap the players around silly for attempting such effects. It's not always easy to draw the line on the fly. Sure, a size +8 rock is silly....so what about +6? Or +4? Size +0 or +1 wouldn't bother anyone would it? Where's that magic line that God (or Xavi's dragons) has drawn that your players should know better than to cross?

Just for the sakes of clarification, the dragons are not mine. They have been borrowed form another poster in these same forums (can't remember who) since they are a great and inspiring image for SG fiat :stuck_out_tongue: :mrgreen:


Wasn't it Vulcano ?