Spring 1220, Chapter 2c, Spring Vis gathering

Attravere will two spells on Sinmore - Bind Wound and Purification of the Festering Wound. Both to keep her able to act for now and then to aid with healing for the next month.

"I don't relish battling demons - or any kind of battle really. Are any of you particularly adept at dueling demons? If not we should leave this place as soon as we can."

CHT requires vis and only heals a Light wound.

Purification should be appropriate though (no books at the moment) and Attravere casts it without issue.

(Yeah, that was my mistake. I'd intended to spont Bind Wound and cast Purification. - Edited)

((I hate to point this out, but Sinmore is a large Corpus target, that spell might not work on someone who is Size +2. For what it's worth, she will voluntarily lower her Parma))

(If the Bind Wound won't work at lvl10 Attravere will try a L15 to account for the size)

Sinmore nods to Attravere and is also trying to pinpoint the voice of the one called Acki(?) that may have been speaking to her. "Hurry Sodale" Sinmore says quietly. She wasn't quite sure what was happening now that the lioness, Leona, was gone, but sensed that something dreadful was about to happen.

((Sinmore lowers her parma. hopefully one of the grogs has given her back her sword at this point?))

((Sorry to say, none of the grogs are big enough to handle a size+2 greatsword. Someone could grab the hilt and drag it across the ground but no one should ever treat a weapon in such a manner.))

((starting to see the disadvantage of being so huge))

((Yes, that's why I prefer Size +1. You get most of the benefits without that drawback. However, do remember it works the same way when someone is going after you with a nasty Corpus spell. You'll be happy in that situation.))

Rhodri is letting others deal with the healing. He's still scanning around, trying to spot either the lioness or the skinless man. Too bad taunting the lioness didn't work. Of course, Rhodri knows he's a great warrior, he just didn't know his reputation had spread so much as to scare potential opponents away. Like that won't do anything to enhance an ego that doesn't need enhancing... :wink:

Sinmore growls as she sees her sword laying in the dirt with none of the Grogs seemingly willing to try and pick it up. "Dammit! Can't you both try!" she demands in English. Foregoing the spell being cast on her she shuffles over to her sword and picks it up. "Sorry Sodale, you can cast again, but I have to be ready!" she says to Attravere, hoping she didn't spoil his attempt.

Attravere has no problem sponting a higher level version of Purification for Sinmore. Her guts are now secured within her abdominal cavity. Progress!

Now that Rhodri thinks about it, his reputation shouldn't have spread to such a degree that random Welsh bandits would have heard of him, let alone recognize him as a Verditius mage. Something else is going on here... though, of course, ego++ regardless.

Keith rolls his eyes and Sir Michael snorts at Sinmore's request. "What do you expect us to do?" asks Keith. "Have one of us grab the hilt and the other grab the other end? If you keep a dull blade, it's no wonder Aislinn killed all the Flambeau around these parts." Sir Michael adds, "If you REALLY expect anyone, let alone a musician, to cut their hands on a sharp blade just because you've got your arse kicked by a faerie, kindly piss off."

Right about this time, you all hear the sound of hoofbeats approaching rapidly. A black-hooded man on a black horse rides into the small clearing. He throws back his hood, revealing a face familiar to some of you-- that of Valten filius Philippus Niger Flambonis. "What is the meaning of this disturbance? What is your business here? Speak quickly before I reduce you to dust where you stand," he hisses, eyes narrowed to slits.

At the comments between Maga Sinmore and Sir Michael/Keith... "PEACE. This is neither the time nor place for squabbles. I ask that we all keep for now and move on. We can deal with this when we don't have a BLOODY DEMON coming."

When Valten arrives Attravere will balk. "This disturbance? Our business is our own unless you're investigating with Quaesitorial authority."

Valten hisses. "I am Valten Flambonis! Filius of Philippus Niger! Alumnus of Durenmar! I demand your respect, and you will answer my questions!"

Attravere feels something ping off his Parma.

Sinmore's anger is reaching a fever pitch between the shapeshifting lioness, her wound, and now some mouthy Grogs who are unable to pick up the sword she's wielded since she was merely their size! ((by her recollection :smiley: )). Then the horseman arrives and she's frankly ready to blast the whole area with flame. ((As a fellow Flambeau, does Sinmore recognize him?))

"And I'm Sinmore, Filia of William Du Soleil ex Flambonis! Peace Sodalis!" Sinmore says through gritted teeth holding up her sword. "We don't have a quarrel with you."

Attravere gasps, looks cold and hard at Valten for a moment. "You would dare cast hostile magics against another Magus of the Order?"

Valten waves a hand dismissively at Attravere. "Grave accusations, but you have no proof."

((With 0 Order of Hermes Lore? Sinmore has heard of William du Soleil, and that's about it :p)) Valten scoffs at Sinmore. "The filia of a doddering, weak fool not fit to scrape the dung off my pater's shoes! Kneel before me and you may yet be found fit to lick my boots," he drawls. Suddenly, the giantess feels the impact of an invisible fist, slamming into her gut and knocking the wind out of her. ((Sinmore loses a Fatigue level, and if you wish you may make a Stamina roll (using invisible castle) of 12+ to stay on her feet.))

((1d10 → [5] = (5) invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2973121/
I was going to ask if she could add her size +2 and her Corpus soak bonus (assuming that it's a Corpus spell/effect) to this roll. If she can add 1/5 her Corpus (1) and Size she just keeps her feet.))

((Corpus Form Bonus only gives soak to rolls against unarmed attacks; you weren't attacked by a human fist, but by a Corpus effect. Your Corpus score already factored into your MR against the effect.))

Sinmore falls to her knees, and Valten smiles. "Only a fool does not know when to stay down," he claims with a smirk.

((That's it))

Sinmore glares at the wizard and begins casting her spell. "You should try seeing things from this view." she snarls and let's loose with her spell. "Creo Ignem!" as she regains her feet.

((Casting Pilum of Fire, not at him, I doubt I'd effect him even if I wasn't hampered with a Heavy wound. I'm blasting his horse, if it doesn't kill it maybe it will throw him, and this way I can dodge a charge of actually casting a spell on him))