"Just because something has never been done before is not necessarily reason to do it," the praeco replies. "Many bad ideas have not been done, and the world is better for it." As he speaks he smiles to show that he's not being critical, just observant.
"But I take your meaning. I can see that you truly believe that you're doing something different, something worthy of special treatment. I make no promises, mind. But if it proves practical, I think I should like to see this New Atlantis of yours. Find out if it can truly be all you say it can. TIme will tell whether I can get away from the Levant. But saying I should visit in a couple or three years gives me time to plan." He looks over at two magi patiently waiting for him to finish and shakes his head.
"I'm afraid I must cut our conversation short. Duty calls. But I shall think on what you said and may yet come to see this paradise you've created. Just promise me that you'll think on what I said as well, and make sure you have answers to my questions. For I'm likely to be one of the most friendly praecos to consider this issue. Others will press you far more fervently for answers."
Again Andor is force to tip his head, smiling. "From your mouth to God's ears my friend. I appreciate your candor in this matter and look forward to our next meeting." Andor nods as the Praeco excuses himself. "And of course, I can't presume to understand the burdens that you have upon your time... especially given the state of affairs in the Levant. If there's anything I or my fellows can do to help lighten that load, you need only ask."
"I'll certainly let you know," Tau says with a smile. Then he's turned to the next item on his plate and is off into a new conversation.
"Well I'm afraid the day's efforts took a lot out of me," Catullus says wearily. "I'm going to go back to the tent to rest. I can understand if you have other tasks to keep you busy."
OOC: What's up for Andor now? Anything else he hopes to accomplish at the tribunal?
OOC: Andor is mostly looking to make contacts here that might assist him in the acquisition and shipping of goods. So any Jerbiton Magi that might be able to help him out, or just suitably well connected ones. He's also going to look into the whole Isabella thing, so again, any Magi that might be positioned well there would be people he'd want to talk to. He figures Catallus would know who to talk to about such things, as he seems very well connected.
On the subject of trade, Andor learns that there are three magi here at the tribunal who would be good to speak to: Esther ex Verditius, a member of the host covenant, and whom Andor has already met, Mahmud ex Mercere, a redcap from Venti Rosa covenant, and Elaine ex Jerbiton from al-Arama covenant. But he's warned by those he talks to not to mention Esther's name around Elaine. Apparently she's been cutting in on al-Arama's trade recently, which has not made her popular with that covenant.
As to Isabella, the best Andor can manage is that a redcap named Thomasin, also from Venti Rosa, thinks he could get Andor an audience with some of her advisors, if he wants.
After writing the letters and seeing them off to a redcap,m it only takes a short time for Andor to find Esther. She's inside the khan, browsing through some stalls that have been set up in the courtyard.
Smiling, Andor approaches the Verditius. "Quite an interesting meeting today, wouldn't you say?" Waiting for her response, he pauses, nods, and then continues. "You're actually just the person I was looking for. I wanted to discuss matters of trade and heard that you were quite involved with the subject. Do you have a few minutes to spare?"