Starting my first saga

Yes of course, but I try to say the same things to my player from one game session to another :mrgreen:

And make sure you come back and tell us how the session went.

No problem. You seem to have all the answers to my questions. Sure I'll come back. I won't have any free time this weekend, but I'll keep you posted next week.

I hope they will choose funny covenants boons & hooks.

Hello again !

Back from the first session. It was fun. The players made choices wich seems good to me, and didn't argued for hours about nothing.

So, here are the boons and hooks that they choosed for their covenant :
Boons :

  • Regio (Major)
  • Wealth (Major)
  • Autocephalus (Major)
  • Superior Engineering (Major)
  • Secondary Income (Minor)
  • Unnatural law (Minor)
  • Vivid Environment (Minor)
  • Aura (minor) x2

Hooks :

  • Monster (Major)
  • Center of Excellence (Major)
  • Seat of Power (Major)
  • Unknown (Major)
  • Magical Disaster (Major)
  • Hermetic Politic (Minor)
  • Refugee (Minor)

I am thinking about it to make a senseful Covenant, and here are my thought now :
Their Covenant is located in a regio near Limoges. In this Regio did a Faerie court live centuries ago. But a magical creature (a dragon ?) has come, and fight them for the place. The creature won, making the Faeries go away from this Regio. They leaved but are planning to come back and kill the creature. At the same time, the creature found a cavern and take it for a rest. It is still sleeping now.
In 1220, a Jerbiton living in Limoges found the Regio, and want to creates a Covenant in it. He start to recruit valuable magi who come to Limoges. They build their Covenant in this regio, and start to produce porcelain and to grow cows. Their covenant is attractive for the people of the surrounding, because the viscount is quite strict with peasants and soldiers. Many of them begin to work for the Covenant. This seems greatly sinful to the bishop of Limoges wich start to struggle with the Covenant.
Soon after, they can see that their need for material for making porcelain is limited by people who are trying to make their own porcelain with the same ressources.


Those are my first thoughts, but I would be glad if you could share yours with me. I still didn't place the refugee nor the Hermetic politic Hooks...