[Story] In the beginning...


Nodding back to Daggin, Stephan says, "Pardon me a moment, Seireadan. I'll rejoin you for dinner."

Stephan puts a little hurry in his hobble and catches up with Daggin at the door. "Lead on, friend..."

Daggin hears the other behind, and does him the courtesy of slowing his pace a bit as the two fall into step.

"Who might our new arrivals be, Sodalis Stephan - more Magi, or Consortis? And what is your opinion of the grounds so far- I am not hesitant to say that I am unaccustomed to so many fae being allowed free roam over the grounds, tho' they seem more homely than mischievous. That, and I will be glad when I get a token of my own against this Aegis!"


"Not sure," Stephan grunts, "but judging by the dress and, um, demeanor I would say that they are more likely Magi or maybe even representatives of the local Faerie Court. Did you see the Roman 'soldier'? A bit antiquated, don't you think?"

Stephan chuckles.

"Although, I have met a few from my own house that were, shall we say, similarly stuck in the past. I'm sure you've had similar in your own. We magi tend to such things, I think."

Daggin notices that he seems to have no prejudice towards Ex Misc 'hedge wizards' at all...

Daggin nods in thoughtful agreement.

"Tho' there are some things from the past that are worth the remembrance. If only for their own merits, and not for the mere nostalgia or resistance to change..."

He pauses a moment, looking toward the roman-esque figures, or slightly beyond them...

"But such is the way of revolution, to eventually, inevitably return from whence we came, in one form or another. It's just important to remember that the form matters less than the substance."

He smiles, as if at some small joke, as the two enter the nautical ex-sanctum.

"True enough, true enough"

"Well, let's see what we can find out about my appearantly too curious house-mate..." Stephan opens the front door and courteously indicates that Daggin should preceed him.

He continues as they step inside, "As to your point about the Fae here, I have to confess that I've had little experience. Other than the occasional church grimm, my last covnenant had little to do with them. Not that we were opposed, really, it was just that our interests and situation lent themselves in other areas and interactions."

"Our sister Mab seems to be particularly well connected to them, however, and our newest colleague also seems to have some ... comfort ... in relating with them as well. And Deirdre seems to accept them as well. She doesn't seem shy in sharing her opinion or acting on it, so I would suppose if they were a real problem, the relationship would reflect that."

(Western Cluster of Labs, Westernmost Lab)

Before you lies a elegant looking house, 2 stories tall, plus a lookout, surrounded by a low wall, with a gate, which is open. It leads into what must be a magnificent garden, when in bloom. Right now, hints of green are beginning to poke through the earth, only hinting at the plants to come. It is laid out in the style of a formal garden, with a fountain and sculpture in the center. The main entrance to the house is from the garden, and is also unlocked.

Inside, the house is furnished richly and warmly; Things were chosen for their beauty, and for the comfort they could provide. There is a sitting room and a solar, with southern facing windows. Off the solar, out of the direct light, there is a small library, with many journals, and a scroll rack containing many different maps. There is a map spread out on the table, of an unfamiliar coastline, in unfamiliar writing. There is a small kitchen and dining area on the lower floor as well.

The second floor contains a workroom, and a bedroom, again beauty and comfort being the theme. A ladder leads up to the lookout, some 10 feet above the roof of the second story. From this, the highest point in the area, Daggin can see for miles; Easily seen is Lough Caillte, village and lake, and the river that runs from the west end to an even larger lake, visible in the distance. At the edge of his vision, glinting on the horizon, is the sea. It also offers a pretty good view of the roads leading to the village, and the approach to the covenant itself.

Daggin's reverie is interrupted by a bell from the feasthall, announcing to all that dinner is about to be served.




Hearing the bell toll, he turns and says "Daggin, we may have to wrestle over this one, but that is for another time. let us go and share our first meal..."

And with that, Stephan turns to leave.

At the sound of the bell, Daggin meets Stephan at the base of the lookout tower, where Daggin had been taking in the surrounding countryside.

"I didn't know you had such a love of the sea", he comments, but in a manner that implies meaning to be taken other than at face value.

"It is not what I had envisioned, but it would certainly suffice, on face value, at least. It is a shame we have none among us fascinated by the Healing arts, for Sylphie's labs are impressive and welcoming, if not suited to my tastes or purpose. Almost a shame that members of Ex Miscellanea do not have more themes in common between each other, such as most other Houses do."

As they leave, he takes another glance at the curious map, trying to place the shape of the coast in his limited knowledge of such.

"I wonder if Kallias claimed the lookout as part of his sanctum, or if he let the covenant scouts use it as a vantage point - and if so, the particulars of that arrangement..."