Sub Rosa #11, This Ain't Ars Grogica!

Let's side-by-side them, so there aren't any Serf's Parma issues:

Linguist: Minor General Virtue

You are extremely proficient learning new languages. All Study Totals for any Language are increased by a quarter, as (are) any experience points you put into any language at character creation. Both Living and Dead languages are augmented with this Virtue.

Polyglot: Minor, General Virtue

This virtue grants Affinity for all Living Languages. The character is adept at learning the spoken word, but cannot gain experience points from texts on a language and has a -3 penalty to Living Language ability scores (other than his native language) when attempting to comprehend something he reads. He benefits normally from exposure, a teacher, or practice. The character still needs Artes Liberales to read and write.

(e.g. A Catalan character from Barcelona with Polyglot has a Living Language: Greek score of 4. When reading a Greek Bible, his score of 4 is considered a 1.)

Polyglot, the Altimate Rewrite: Minor, General Virtue

This virtue grants Puissant for all Living Languages. The character is adept at learning the spoken word, but cannot gain experience points from texts on a language and has a -3 penalty to Living Language ability scores (other than his native language) when attempting to comprehend something he reads. He benefits normally from exposure, a teacher, or practice. The character still needs Artes Liberales to read and write.

Example: A Catalan character from Barcelona has Polygot, and spends a season in a city where Living Language: Greek is spoken. After a couple of months - ie, after 5 out of the 8 language xp are earned for the season - she is "haltingly functional" in Greek, although she can only barely pick out a few words if she attempts to read a book or a sign. A regular character would, at this point, be able to both speak and read Greek at the "basic questions and answers" level.

After a full year in the the Greek city, our Catalan lass is fluent in spoken Greek, albeit with an accent everyone assures her is charming. She still has a lot of trouble trying to read Greek, though. A regular character would, by this point, be "haltingly functional" in Greek, both spoken and verbal.

I prefer my suggested version because it allows a well-traveled character to act as a basic interpreter for just about anywhere he or she has spent any time in. "Yeah, I've been around. I can make myself understood in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, Norse . . ."


There's a heroic virtue for that



4 xp -> 5.
You save {6, 10, 15} xp per language for score {3, 4, 5}.

4 xp -> 6. But to read you need score 7 (94 xp -> 141)
You save {10, 16, 25} xp per language for score {3, 4, 5}, but you lose 44 xp per read language (nothing, since everyone uses latin, right?).

2 free levels. But to read you need score 5 (75 xp)
You save {25, 35, 45} xp per language for score {3, 4, 5}, but you lose 25 xp per read language.

I would rather have Polyglot only offer a +1 bonus to spoken score along with negating the related language penalty (maybe -3 still is -1).

Polyglot doesn't work with dead languages as written, so it's of no use with latin.


To whet the appetites and pique the curiosity of those of you wondering if you should try Sub Rosa, we've spun up a preview of issue #11. We'll also be doing previews of the previous issues (that we can) and post links for folks to check out!

You can download issue #11's preview here.


... and so doesn't penalize you with respect to needing a 4 to read in latin, neh?
Sort of his point.

sorry as I had read his comment, I thought he was thinking polyglot would provide a bonus for Latin. The eastern half of the Mediterranean does use Greek for recordkeeping, and the Muslim world uses Arabic, and so his comment confused me, as if he was considering it a living language.


It took me a couple of tries too, before it made sense :frowning:

A Virtue is consistent with other books. Take a look at Unusually Fecund in RoP:F.

Sorry, I was being sarcastic: "Latin is the universal academic language, nobody serious writes in a living language." And you just proved this wrong, drats! :laughing:

And LuciusT posted his review here!


Can you give me a page number for that? I can't find it.

In any event, I can see an argument for either sterility or automatic conception being a Virtue or a Flaw, depending on the character.

Example: A wanderer who appreciates the ladies, and is equipped to get away with it because there's no chance of him leaving a bastard in his wake. Is his sterility a Virtue or a Flaw? Likewise, what if every woman he sleeps with becomes pregnant? Virtue or Flaw?

Consider a Redcap who gets pregnant any time she has sex.


RoP: F, page 114, inset box, Example Lesser Benedictions.

Generally speaking, in the medieval mindset, getting pregnant a lot is a good thing and being sterile is cause for a bad reputation at the very least. Heck, it's justifiable cause for getting a marriage annulled IIRC.

Really, virtues and flaws are about the benefits you want your character to have and the stories you want your character to be involved in. If you want to have lots of kids as a benefit, you take a virtue that says your character is fertile: Lesser Benediction Unusually Fecund. If you want to tell stories about your character's inability to produce an heir, you take a flaw: Lesser Malediction Infertile. If you want to tell stories about your character's army of bastards or host of children, you take a story flaw.

To use your examples, a player who wants to be involved in stories about his wanderer character who leaves a lot of bastards in his wake should take Curse of Venus or Dark Secret. A wanderer with an eye for the ladies but who doesn't want to have stories about his illegitimate offspring should just forgo any associated virtues or flaws and write it in as a personality trait. A player whose Redcap who gets pregnant every time she has sex might have Dependents. She would also have a host of potential apprentices from her own bloodline, a huge plus for a house that prefers to train it's own kin. A Redcap who gets pregnant every time she has sex, and doesn't want to, takes the Continence personality flaw and simply doesn't have sex (unless she wants a baby).

Er, that's Altimate. As in, "re-written by a guy named Albert who thinks he's being clever".


Y'know, that's one of those things I have a fairly hard time wrapping my mind around. Virtues and Flaws where the intended emergent result is what defines the cost, rather than creating a condition and then finding out what's going to emerge from that condition during play.


I know just what you mean, though it's one of the things I like most about Ars Magica. Flaws aren't necessarily bad things but rather things that define the kind of story you want your character to be involved in. In my saga I'm actively trying to rename them as "Hooks" and stop using the term "flaws" altogether. It hasn't quite caught on, but I keep trying. :slight_smile:

I'm not entirely comfortable with it - at least not . . .

Hmmm . . .

Okay, here's an idea:

#1: Hooks

Hooks exist to facilitate, complicate, or enrich stories. Hooks can be positive or negative, but the one thing they don't do - at least, not on purpose - is resolve stories.

#2: Fates

Fates are things that are gonna happen. They are the "intended emergent result" category. Like Hooks, Fates can be positive or negative. You can't wiggle out of them(unless you can somehow lift them), but you may be able to entertain the others at the table with your futile attempts. Or you can roll with it.

#3: Conditions

Conditions are packages of positive and negative stuff that support a specific theme. Essentially, the theme is something that sets you apart, the negative stuff is what you have to cope with as a result of the theme, and the positive stuff is how you've adapted to cope. Alternately, the negative stuff could be a side-effect of something that would normally be considered positive.

#4: Advantages

Straight-up classic bonuses. You pays your points, you gets your bennies.

#5: Flaws

Straight-up classic penalties. You (try to) munchkin your mins, you gets your points.

I'd also like better rules for developing Virtues and getting rid of Flaws, but that's outside the scope of this.


Sorry, it flew right over my head. :laughing:

We've gotten two reviews, but that last free issue of Sub Rosa #12 is still floating out there for anyone who wants to get it with a review of SR#11. :smiley:
