Table Talk - Confidence/Fortune HR Proposal

If my fellow players so desire and we can agree on a mechanic, I am all good with that.

I am so lost on this... I stopped recording Arachne confidence score some time ago (I was over 20 and wasn't spending any), and haven't been in stories for a while.

Confidence as XP, why not, with 1 caveat: It must be spend on a "long" adventure, which wastes a season for other purposes, like City of Brass, and, like all such expenditures, it is limited by the score

Spending fortune to enhance adventure XP sounds like an interesting idea! I haven't mucked around in the guts of the XP system to know how much the extra XP will be worth, though?

Hmmm... I was hoping it could be applied to other sources- like reading: anything that consumes an entire season...

Well, IMO, this encourages/rewards magi to go out of their labs and adventure.

I am ambivient, for I am looking t reward Players directly and not the Characters so much. Allow me to contemplate.

If I might suggest, allowing the use of fortune in studying can also encourage adventuring by reducing the time requirements in the lab, allowing a person to develop the spells and abilities they want for adventuring more quickly.

??? I don't follow you.
You're basically saying "giving magi more reasons to stay in the lab (since they'd get more powerful) will give them more reasons to go out... If you add fortune to both end of the equation, it basically cancels itself. So we go back to the corebook XP situation, which is "magi don't like to go out, because it distract them from their lofty purposes".

However, upon reflection, I think marko is right on this.