The awakening

The boys start to answer Lares' questions "There are eight magi at the covenant, the covenfolk are split in terms of language, some speak Berber, some Arabic, some Provencal. You can usually tell which is which by looking at them, they keep their native cultures intact. We can start at the library, which also has a meeting space for the magi." As they take you to the largest building you see that there is already a collection of magi entering the building- they have not gotten to the rest of the questions yet.

The majority of the building is a large room which is used as a library, probably as large as a room could get without having to add magnitudes to a spell for size with a room target, and bookshelves fill the place, even being built over the reading tables. A basket sits in the room, one that several magi now recall having seen one of the same design in their own labs.

The Ibis sighs mentally "Very well, but only because I don't know which way will lead to a river or somewhere else, and exploring with you might lead to such information."

Who all is headed to the library, who is going back to their labs?

The selection of books for each art is small, likely to save space, a quick inventory has a single summae for Creo at level 15, quality15, Intellego is level 18 and quality 12, Muto L:14 Q:16, Perdo: Level 20 Quality:11, Rego: Level 18 Q:13, 6 tractatus Q:13, 11,11,11, 10,10, Animal: L:19 Q:11, Aq: L:13 Q:10, Au: L:10 Q:12, Co: L:16 Q:14, He: L:10 Q:12, Ig: L:10 Q:12, Imaginem: L:12 Q:13 Tractatus Q:13, Mentem: L:13 Q:12 Tractatus Q:12, Ter: Level 19, Q:12, 5 tractatus Q:13, 11, 11, 10, 8, Vim: Level 20, Q:11 L:16 Q:15, 6 tractatus Q:14, 12, 11,11,11, 10
Parma Magica level:5 Q:20, Magic theory: Level 8 Q:11, a second summa at Level 6:Q:16, 3 q:11 tractatus, and lab texts for Room for preserving documents (lesser enchantment) CrAn:14, Aegis of the Hearth:level 50, Wizard’s Vigil: level 25, Avariciousness of the Ptolemies(ReAn:4), The viper’s register (MuAn:35), Attachment of the viper’s register (ReAn:2). You alos notice that every book has a silk ribbon running through it to be used as a placeholder that is sewn into the spine.