The awakening

“Thank you, Tastheus. Having a sturdy Tytalus on my side greatly eases my mind. Will you be traveling by foot or by air?”

Lares smiles wryly. It is difficult to say whether he is happy at the shared devotion, amused by Argentius’ high-minded ministrations, or both.

“You have my full commitment. If we manage to endure, this covenant is going to be more than a dream come true. That being said,”

He looks around the room,

"how full is your commitment? I will remind you that I will not be able to learn the Aegis without help in the lab. I understand this is much to ask, but in exchange you will have substantially stronger protection for the remainder of your years."

(OOC: By my calculations, Lares would need 10 points of lab assistance to learn level 50 ReVi. That's either one Aetherius or two others: Lares' ReVi lab total for inventing aegis: 3 int + 10 vim + 10 rego + 8 aura +4 mt + 2 labRe + 1 labVi + 2 overtime = 40; with two helpers, this could be done without overtime)