The awakening

[This post assumes that I had miscalculated the combination of Aegis & Vigil as explained in this post: OOC chat - #121 by Seon , meaning that we will have to go for the lower level Aegis after all – sorry about the confusion, everybody!]

“It seems, then, that Okeannetis is left in the minority concerning the question of secrecy. I will take it as decided that we conceal our situation. Should you choose to stay, Okeannetis ­ as I hope ­ I would offer one more perspective for your consideration: the Bjornaer would be insane to assault a prosperous covenant of eight elder magi. If you stay here, and as long as your opponent does not know of our predicament, you are probably safe. We can simply deny him entry, and it is unlikely he would risk attacking all of us.”

“I agree with Argentius. We should keep our coordination tight for the time being.”

“This is probably the soundest starting point for investigation. We should all check our old selves’ research notes to see if there is any evidence of preparation for a ritual of some kind.”

“Thank you, Plasmatoris. I would gladly do this myself, as I previously seem to have, but for now it seems I must focus on other tasks.”

Lares seems taken aback by this question.

“…you are right. We would need many magi to cast Vigil for the stronger Aegis, and the risks would grow rather high. I stand corrected: we must make do with the weaker Aegis, at least for the time being. In that case, I will not be needing your kind assistance in the laboratory for learning the spell, after all. It would be best if those with at least some knowledge of Muto or Vim focused on learning the Vigil, instead.” (OOC: see this post: OOC chat - #121 by Seon )

“Unfortunately, no. Such was my confusion, initially, that I simply did not come to think of it, and I could not procure one despite carefully searching through my quarters. We will have to go get her in the flesh.”

Zarkut sighs. "Regrettably, my studies didn't prepare me to be the most helpful with an Aegis or a Wizard's Vigil, but of course I will devote the time we all do to getting our Aegis as strong as possible. As to the expedition that's forming, I do have some ability to stand in battle, and see things that are hard to see. I'm willing to help, though I can't fly.

Regarding our investigation, I may be able to learn something by examination, if the event that made us younger and took our memories has any lingering effects; but I understand that nobody may want me to examine them so closely, so I'm not offended by refusal. But not all of you were here when I made the offer before, so I repeat it."

Argentius follows the conversation back and forth. In a lull, he offers additional thoughts.

"Even young, we are not an unwise gathering of magi. It seems we have some initial steps to take and can share again when we gather for a meal. We'll hopefully know more about the season we're in and the timing we're working under. I'm also confident we'll find more information as we assay and inventory our labs. That should help inform our short term actions."

The handsome Verditius nods to Lares. "I am happy to learn the Vigil though I will need a season or two of study. We can work out assignment of our library holdings once we have a clearer picture." He rests a hand on the table.

"Any other concerns or thoughts before we adjourn to our tasks?"

Plasmatoris gives a smile, wide and cheerful, but somehow also maintaining a bit of a manic cast to his grin. "I believe we must work together for our covenant. You seven are among the strongest and closest friends I have - if only because we've all been thrown in the same pit together, and all desire to escape." He gives a short laugh, and Plasmatoris pushes back his chair a bit, getting more comfortable as he begins another half-focused sketch of another magus - Zarkut this time.
"What happened to us is secondary to what we are going to do now. Minimizing our vulnerability is likely important - we want to find out if that Wizards War has happened or is about to." Plasmatoris rubs at his forehead again, smearing another black charcoal streak across his face. "We want to find out if this accursed life-devouring ephemera is local to our covenant and aura, or if it extends to nearby towns, or - God forbid - to the whole of our society. I plan to gather a small number of scribes to ensure all the information we gather is spread to all of the Magi. We'll also want any maps of the local area. The young folk who have been born here are most likely our strongest sources of information."
The Jerbiton looks to Aetherius. "You were right that we can figure out our date by the constellations. We likely all want to calculate it and compare results."

Silas eyes Zarkut suspiciously across the table.

"I must refuse. Besides wouldn't investigating yourself be sufficient? One and all should have been affected the same way."

Silas looks at the black smears on the Jerbiton's forehead as he turns to him.

"Gathering the covenfolk is all good and well, but be careful to portray the situation in the right light. We dont need any deserters. Us magi are in control and full understanding. Make sure outsider would be noticed and that this matter isnt discussed with them.

Getting information from outside is very useful but dangerous as well. I wouldnt undertake it before we have a tighter grip of the covenant... let us work with the assumption only we are affected for now. Cautiousness is the greatest of virtues. Let stay isolated until we are ready."

Plasmatoris arches his eyebrows. "I will be the soul of intrigue and subtlety," he says, not particularly believably. "That said, I doubt it is much of a secret at this point with what happened to our covenfolk. But I definitely will ensure everyone knows we are in control and fixing any problems."
His attention swings to Zarkut, and he adds, "Examining the covenfolk should also be of assistance, if there is any information to be gained - they all have been afflicted as well, at least all of them over the age of majority."

"Well, if there's nothing else, gentlemen? I'd like to finish inspecting my correspondences, my lab, and try to figure out which date we're on. Unless you wish for some help on that field trip, in which case we'd better get going anyway."

Okeannetis listens carefully to her Sodales' words. "I would like to point out that by the time we find out who or what is responsible, it might be too late to alert authorities, but it seems you've all made up your minds. As for this War, we should have to see about it, and we need everyone to check their own labs, to see maybe we have other such issues standing that we need to address."

Tastheus grins and eyes Okeannetis. I see what angle and advantage you are going for. "Yes, what outstanding issue are you interested in?"

“This is probably the soundest starting point for investigation. We should all check our old selves’ research notes to see if there is any evidence of preparation for a ritual of some kind.”

"While I have some lab notes, I suspect they are not over focused on Aegis's." He glances around the room. "On that topic, I'm not terribly adept in Rego or Vim, nor do I know Wizard's Vigil. I could learn these as quick as I can, but would take a lot of time to become competent. As for lab assistance, I can help, but Magic Theory is not my forte."

"Well, if there's nothing else, gentlemen? I'd like to finish inspecting my correspondences, my lab, and try to figure out which date we're on. Unless you wish for some help on that field trip, in which case we'd better get going anyway."

"Yes, let me get my walking staff, some water, and I'm good to go."

She spreads her hands wide "Anything big that might impact our position and subterfuge. A Wizard's War, any info on fueds or our relations with other covenants, or some such. I have no interest, at this point," she adds with a sly smile "about any other secrets you might have. But if we are going to stick together, we might need to bring down some walls that our elder selves have built up. We're in a place that's completely foreign to us, both in it's customs, geography, and the relations inside the Tribunal, and with neighboring Tribunals. And we will need every advantage we can get to weather this."