[This post assumes that I had miscalculated the combination of Aegis & Vigil as explained in this post: OOC chat - #121 by Seon , meaning that we will have to go for the lower level Aegis after all – sorry about the confusion, everybody!]
“It seems, then, that Okeannetis is left in the minority concerning the question of secrecy. I will take it as decided that we conceal our situation. Should you choose to stay, Okeannetis as I hope I would offer one more perspective for your consideration: the Bjornaer would be insane to assault a prosperous covenant of eight elder magi. If you stay here, and as long as your opponent does not know of our predicament, you are probably safe. We can simply deny him entry, and it is unlikely he would risk attacking all of us.”
“I agree with Argentius. We should keep our coordination tight for the time being.”
“This is probably the soundest starting point for investigation. We should all check our old selves’ research notes to see if there is any evidence of preparation for a ritual of some kind.”
“Thank you, Plasmatoris. I would gladly do this myself, as I previously seem to have, but for now it seems I must focus on other tasks.”
Lares seems taken aback by this question.
“…you are right. We would need many magi to cast Vigil for the stronger Aegis, and the risks would grow rather high. I stand corrected: we must make do with the weaker Aegis, at least for the time being. In that case, I will not be needing your kind assistance in the laboratory for learning the spell, after all. It would be best if those with at least some knowledge of Muto or Vim focused on learning the Vigil, instead.” (OOC: see this post: OOC chat - #121 by Seon )
“Unfortunately, no. Such was my confusion, initially, that I simply did not come to think of it, and I could not procure one despite carefully searching through my quarters. We will have to go get her in the flesh.”