The awakening

"The year I last remember is 1175... I thought my gauntlet was yesterday." He shivers at the thought of losing at least 40 years of memory.

Also, since we apparently must state this, Parma Magica.

The Jerbiton looks briefly around, and lets out a soft harumph. "I apologize if my query interrupted you of your business, Magus Tastheus. I was just noticing how everyone here has lost years - and was seeking out a pattern. Myself, I have lost a lot of time, from what I have gathered. It seems almost as if everyone has been reverted to their moment of primacy- Oh! I have an idea."

"Please do go ahead, more information is better."

"The year I last remember is 1175... I thought my gauntlet was yesterday." He shivers at the thought of losing at least 40 years of memory.

"In the correspondence I searched," Tastheus's face grim, "I found letters dated up to the tribunal of 1285."

Zarkut's eyes grow wide at the mention of the year. "1285?! So it's been... almost a century. A bit different for each of us, it sounds, as we were gauntleted in different years. Unless it's a hoax... we should do divinations on ourselves, to determine our bodies' age. But really... I don't think it's right to say we lost time, if we've somehow become younger, we actually gained time. Though we did lose the memories, if it's really 1285 we were all quite old, weren't we?"


Zarkut's eyes grow wide at the mention of the year. "1285?! So it's been... almost a century. A bit different for each of us, it sounds, as we were gauntleted in different years. Unless it's a hoax... we should do divinations on ourselves, to determine our bodies' age. But really... I don't think it's right to say we lost time, if we've somehow become younger, we actually gained time. Though we did lose the memories, if it's really 1285 we were all quite old, weren't we?"

Tastheus sighs, then grins. "Oh wow, I have so much more time for all my plans!" Then realizes he said that out loud by accident. "Ah, The real is question is where are we?"

Plasmatoris' spell reveals the first painting to be about 82 years old, and the most recent one, the signed painting, was completed about 2 years ago.

The aura is at least 5, The woman from Lares bed looks at the rose, sniffs is and reaches out to touch it tentatively, watching Lares eyes as she does so.

Returning to the coutyard, the chaotic outside where all the covenfolk and magi and magical beasts are awakening, Plasmatoris gives a nod to Tastheus, even as he begins sketching again on his easel - this moment he wanted to capture of everyone suddenly becoming... aware of them.

"Knowledge is our sword, yes, Magus Tastheus? I have found two paintings, finished 80 years apart. One, eighty years ago, and I believe even more time has passed." He continues to sketch, even as he calls over to the Tytalus. His gaze swings to Zarkut, who is near the Tastheus, and he begins to add the other man to his charcoal sketch. "I think we should figure out what years everyone here remembers. Are either of you able to talk to people without getting rocks thrown at them? I am not."

Okeannetis looks at the monocerus, and tell it, mind to mind "I do not know how or when i've bound you, but I know for sure that I do not have the skills to undo it. Plus, undoing it, as far I hear, is very traumatic to both parties, and I have no wish to harm you."

She then turns back to the others, only to see more unfamiliar faces, so she walks back to them and greets the newcomers "Salve Sodales, my last memory is of my Gauntlet in 1174, and while this magnificent creature" she points at the Monocerus "has yet to tell me his name, it seems I have bound him as my Familiar, though neither of us seem to have such a recollection. I had thought this was some joke by my parens, but it would be too grand for her to do to all of us, and I am not sure what she'd get out of it." Despite the circumstances, her own nature was finally getting out of the daze, and she started checking out the male Magi, to see which of them might be worthy of flirting with.

Lares waits with the rose extended, seeing if she will take it.

”Barshako?”, he asks, gesturing at the woman with his other hand.

As Silas notice one of the magi performing their Parma ritual, he remembers that he can’t really on his parens protection any longer. His own reaction to the other suddenly make sense and he perform his own ritual. Silas clears his throats and speaks once his protection has been raised.

“Well it seems we are all in the same boat. The last year I remember is 1187, and I was told by someone who apparently knows me that the year should be some time after 1260. But judging by your discussion it seems that 1285 is closer to the mark.”

He hastily adds afterward.

“Oh, I almost forgot my, name is Silas of House Verditius.”

"It seems," Tastheus pauses, studying the various magi present, "we all were affected by the same spell. While this is perhaps obvious, it is troubling. An event powerful enough to de-age a group of middle aged hermetic wizard's is at least to my memory, unique, and likely non-hermetic."


Argentius pauses in his study to take a drink, sitting back to look at the map as a whole.

"Could this be true?" the Verditius asks himself. "I found evidence of the rings?" He pats the pouched pocket for a moment. "Covenant de Liberte? Libya? 1274. I've nearly a hundred years. But it's not all gone. It's here. IN this place. Those decades." He reaches up to scratch the back of his head.

"If this is real…"

Argentius takes a longer break and moves around the lab, seeking out casting tools.

Zarkut chimes in, "My memory of yesterday is from 1199. I was told those mountains," he points, "are in Libya, by the way. So I presume we are as well."

"Lybia? Where is that?" Okeannetis looks around, a non-hermetic spell capable of causing powerful Magi to de-age. "And we need to figure out how this happened, and how to prevent t from happening again."

"A pleasure to meet all of you," Plasmatoris states, almost offhandedly. The words are polite but his tone is quite distracted; He is not actually skilled at the plesantries of greeting. He makes a few notes on his easel, writing down names he heard next to the faces he's sketched. "Plasmatoris of Jerbiton, for those who didn't hear my earlier introduction." Even as he talks, his eyes flick around, going from easel to scene, to the gathering of magi near where he had talked to Tastheus.
"If anyone has found someone who trusts them, who seems loyal - or who knows this site we are gathered in - we may want them to begin gathering the names of everyone. The ages and years of everyone. Perhaps send them to look for records of finances or bills of sale that might have a most recent year on it.

Barshako nods then points at you, still not having taken the rose.

Argentius finds his casting tools laid out on the forge.

"If anyone has found someone who trusts them, who seems loyal - or who knows this site we are gathered in - we may want them to begin gathering the names of everyone. The ages and years of everyone. Perhaps send them to look for records of finances or bills of sale that might have a most recent year on it."

"Again, I am Tastheus ex Tytalus for newcomers. I agree. I can go back to 'my,'" he pauses, visibly thinking the word over a second, "quarters. There is much correspondence that I can go through, and focus on the records from the early years."

Lares points at himself with his other hand, still holding the rose with the other.


Okeannetis nods "We might all be better informed, if we go through our own quarters, and find out more info, and then gather back, and discuss our findings." If she was over a 100 years out of Gauntlet, she was eager to find whether she made any progress on her endeavors, and also to see what plots she might have hatched. And she might not want to reveal all of that to the others.

Silas nod at the introductions.

“I think splitting up would just lead to more confusion. I don’t see much benefit to it the truly interesting stuff is unlikely to be written down”

“It certainly seems like more information is what we need though. Getting our hands on financial reports would be useful indeed. So would potential council meeting records, covenfolk and whatever else that might help us understand what has taken place. If think we should ask to be taken to our library or council chamber. Staff there should probably be able to answer most of our questions.”