The Covenant of Tugurium


The covenant derives its incomes from the village of Chastellion, mostly in the form of foodstuff and goods produced there, although the watermill and the village smith provide a bit of coin as well. At the very least, the covenant runs little risk of starving even with its booming population.

However, the maintenance of the buildings is quite uneven, due to a lack of both funds and workers. The covenant has a quarry and a resident stonemason (with her family), as well as a carpenter, but this is far from enough to take care of the multitude of structures which compose the main coumpound. To make things worse, the magical nature of the site makes improvements more difficult to coordinate, as the layout inside the buildings seem to change on its own. So a leaking roof that is repaired can end up in a different part of the covenant after a few seasons.

The lack of hard income is bound to become worse as the magi start using their labs, with all of the expensive ingredients that they use.